Creating projects

You create projects by combining process and source definitions into complete build processes.

Before you create a project:
  1. From the IBM UrbanCode Build dashboard, click Projects, and then click Create.
  2. In the New Project dialog box, type a name for the project in Name field.
  3. Enter a description in the Description field.
  4. Select a template from the Template list.
  5. To add tags to the project, complete one of these actions:
    • Select an tag from the Tags list.
    • Create a tag: type a name for the tag in the Tags field, and click Add.
    The tag is displayed in the New Project dialog box. Any number of tags can be assigned to the project.
  6. From the Team list, select a team to manage the project
  7. Click Save.
To further define the project, see these topics for more information: