Running projects

When you run a project, you select and run a particular build process that is associated with the project.

  1. From the IBM® UrbanCode™ Build dashboard, click Projects.
  2. Click the expand icon that is associated with a project, and then select the build process to run.
  3. On the build process page, select Force if you want to force the build.
  4. Select Delay Build if you want to delay the build.
  5. Optional: Select a configuration from the Build Configuration list.
    For information about build configurations, see Defining build configurations. The default selection is None.
  6. Click Build.
    Information about the build is displayed on the My Activity page for the build life. Initially, the status is Running. A successful build has the status of Complete. An unsuccessful build has the status of Failed.
For information about build lives, see Managing build lives.