Monitoring projects

You can review activities that are related to projects and project build processes, and create and import projects.

The Projects tab displays information about projects, recent build lives that are generated from the projects. Graphs of related information, such as the daily success rate, can be displayed. Controls are available to create and import projects.
  1. From the IBM® UrbanCode™ Build dashboard, click Projects.
    The Projects tab lists all projects and their status.
  2. To filter the list of projects, enter search criteria in the Project field and click Filter.
  3. To see the build processes that are associated with a project, click the expand icon that is associated with the project.
  4. Optional: To see information about a build, click the View Build icon that is associated with the build.
    For information about build lives, see Managing build lives.
  5. To create a project, click Create.
    For information about creating projects, see Creating projects.
  6. To import a project, click Import, and complete these steps:
    • To import a project file, click Browse and select the file; then, click Import.
    • Paste the project definition in the text box, and then click Import. The pasted file must be an XML file that was previously exported from IBM UrbanCode Build.
  7. To view inactive projects, click View Inactive.
    Inactive projects are displayed.
  8. To see information about the build lives that were created from the listed projects, click My Activity.
    Buildsthat were generated by your user ID are displayed. For information about build lives, see Managing build lives.
For information about running builds, see Running projects. For information about particular build lives, see Managing build lives.