z/OS Communications Server: IP User's Guide and Commands
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FTP subcommands

z/OS Communications Server: IP User's Guide and Commands

The FTP subcommands are listed in Table 1. The minimum abbreviation, a description, and the link to each subcommand are also included. You must be in the FTP environment to use the FTP subcommands. See Using FTP for more information.

Table 1. FTP subcommands
Subcommand Description See
? Provides information to use FTP. HElp and ? subcommands—Display help information
! Passes a z/OS UNIX System Services command to the local z/OS shell. This command must be issued while using FTP in the z/OS shell. ! subcommand—Invoke a z/OS UNIX System Services function
ACCount Sends host-dependent account information. ACCt subcommand—Supply account information
APpend Appends a data set on your local host to a file on the foreign host. APpend subcommand—Append a local data set
AUth Requests a security mechanism for the session. AUth subcommand—Request security mechanism
AScii Sets the transfer type to ASCII. AScii subcommand—Change the data transfer type to ASCII
BIG5 Sets the transfer type to BIG5. BIG is the minimum abbreviation for BIG5. BIG5 subcommand—Change the data transfer type to BIG5
BINary Sets the transfer type to IMAGE. BINary subcommand—Change the data transfer type to Image
BLock Sets the data transfer mode to block mode. This is equivalent to specifying the MOde B subcommand. BLock subcommand—Set the block data transfer mode
CCc Turns off integrity protection on the command channel. CCc subcommand—Turn off integrity protection
CD Changes the working directory. CD subcommand—Change the directory on the remote host
CDUp Changes to the parent of the current working directory. CDUp subcommand—Change to the parent of the working directory
CLEar Sets the protection level for data transfers to CLEAR. CLEar subcommand—Set the protection level for data transfers to CLEAR
CLose Disconnects from the foreign host. CLose subcommand—Disconnect from a remote host
COMpress Sets the data transfer mode to compressed mode. This is equivalent to specifying the MOde C subcommand. COMpress subcommand—Set the compressed data transfer mode
CProtect Sets the protection level on commands. CProtect CLEar is equivalent to the CCc command. CProtect subcommand— Set the protection level on commands
CWd Changes the working directory (Synonymous with CD). CD subcommand—Change the directory on the remote host
DEBug Enables or disables general internal tracing. DEBug subcommand—Set general trace options
DELEte Deletes a single file on the foreign host. DELEte subcommand—Delete files
DELImit Displays the delimiter character between the file_name and file_type. DELImit subcommand—Display the file name delimiter
DIr Lists the directory entries for files on the foreign host. DIr subcommand—Obtain a list of directory entries
DUMP Enables or disables extended internal tracing. DUMP subcommand—Set extended trace options
EBcdic Sets the transfer type to EBCDIC. EBcdic subcommand—Change the data transfer type to EBCDIC
EUckanji Sets the transfer type to EUCKANJI. EUckanji subcommand—Change the data transfer type to EUCKANJI
FEature Queries FTP Server for features it supports. FEature subcommand—Query FTP server for features it supports
FIle Sets the file structure to file. This is equivalent to specifying the STRucture F subcommand. FIle subcommand—Set the file structure to File
Get Copies a file from the foreign host to your local host. Get subcommand—Copy files
GLob Toggles globbing (the expansion of metacharacters in file names) for the MDelete, MGet, and MPut subcommands. GLob subcommand—Toggle expansion of metacharacters
HAngeul Sets the transfer type to HANGEUL. HAngeul subcommand—Change the data transfer type to HANGEUL
HElp Displays help information for FTP. HElp and ? subcommands—Display help information
Ibmkanji Sets the transfer type to IBMKANJI. Ibmkanji subcommand—Change the data transfer type to IBMKANJI
JIS78kj Sets the transfer type to JIS78KJ. JIS78kj subcommand—Change the data transfer type to JIS78KJ
JIS83kj Sets the transfer type to JIS83KJ. JIS83kj subcommand—Change the data transfer type to JIS83KJ
Ksc5601 Sets the transfer type to KSC5601. Ksc5601 subcommand—Change the data transfer type to KSC-5601
LANGuage Sets the language used for FTP replies from the server. LANGuage subcommand—Set the language used for FTP replies from the server
LCd Changes the current directory on the local host. LCd subcommand—Change the local working directory
LOCSIte Specifies information that is used by the local host to provide service specific to that host system. LOCSIte subcommand—Specify site information to the local host
LOCSTat Displays FTP status information for the local host. LOCSTat subcommand—Display local status information
LMkdir Creates a directory on the local host. LMkdir subcommand—Create a directory on the local host
LPwd Displays the name of the active working directory on the local host. LPwd subcommand—Display the current working-level qualifier
LS Lists the names of files on the foreign host. LS subcommand—Obtain a list of file names
MDelete Deletes multiple files on the foreign host. MDelete subcommand—Delete multiple files
MGet Copies multiple files from the foreign host to your local host. MGet subcommand—Copy multiple files
MKdir Creates a directory on the foreign host. MKdir subcommand—Create a directory on the remote host
MKFifo Creates a UNIX named pipe on the remote host. MKFifo subcommand—Create a named pipe at the FTP server host
MOde Specifies the mode or data format of the transfer. MOde subcommand—Set the data transfer mode
MPut Copies multiple files on your local host to the foreign host. MPut subcommand—Copy multiple data sets to the remote host
MVSGet Copies a remote data set into a local data set with the remote data set attributes MVSGet subcommand – Copy a remote data set into a local data set with the remote data set attributes
MVSPut Copies a local data set into a remote data set with the local data set attributes MVSPut subcommand – Copy a local data set into a remote data set name with the local data set attributes
NOop Checks whether the foreign host is still responding. NOop subcommand—Test the connection
Open Opens a connection to a foreign host. Open subcommand—Connect to the FTP server
PAss Supplies a password or password phrase to the foreign host. PAss subcommand—Supply a password
PRIvate Sets the protection level for data transfers to PRIVATE. PRIvate subcommand—Set the protection level for data transfers to PRIVATE
PROMpt Toggles interactive prompting for MDelete, MGet, and MPut commands. This function is similar to specifying the FTP command with the -i option, which turns off interactive prompting. PROMpt subcommand—Toggle interactive prompting for M* commands
PROTect Sets the protection level for data transfers on the data connections. PROTect subcommand—Set the protection level for data transfers
PROXy Executes an FTP subcommand on a secondary control connection. PROXy subcommand—Execute FTP subcommand on secondary control connections
PUt Copies a file on your local host to the foreign host. PUt subcommand—Copy data sets to the remote host
PWd Displays the name of the active working directory on the foreign host. PWd subcommand—Display the current working directory
QUIt Leaves the FTP command environment. QUIt subcommand—Leave the FTP environment
QUOte Sends an uninterpreted string of data. QUOte subcommand—Send an uninterpreted string of data
RECord Sets the file structure to record. This is equivalent to specifying the STRucture R subcommand. RECord subcommand—Set the file structure to record
REName Renames a file on the foreign host. REName subcommand—Rename files
REStart Restarts a checkpointed data transfer. REStart subcommand—Restart a checkpointed data transfer
RMdir Removes a directory. RMdir subcommand—Remove a directory on the remote host
SAfe Sets the protection level on data transfers to safe. SAfe subcommand—Set the protection level to safe
SChinese Sets the transfer type to SCHINESE. SChinese subcommand—Change the data transfer type to SCHINESE
SENDPort Enables or disables automatic transmission of the FTP server PORT command. SENDPort subcommand—Toggle the sending of port information
SENDSite Enables or disables automatic transmission of the SIte subcommand. SENDSite subcommand—Toggle the sending of site information
SIte Sends information to the foreign host using site-specific commands. SIte subcommand—Send site-specific information to a host
SJiskanji Sets the transfer type to SJISKANJI. SJiskanji subcommand—Change the data transfer type to SJISKANJI
SRestart Restarts an interrupted stream mode data transfer. SRestart subcommand—Restart a stream data transfer
STAtus Displays status information for the foreign host. STAtus subcommand—Retrieve status information from a remote host
STREam Sets the data transfer mode to stream mode. This is equivalent to specifying the MOde S subcommand. STREam subcommand—Set the stream data transfer mode
STRucture Sets the file transfer structure. STRucture subcommand—Set the file structure
SUnique Toggles the storage methods. SUnique subcommand—Changes the storage method
SYstem Displays the name of the foreign host operating system. SYstem subcommand—Display the operating system name
TChinese Sets the transfer type to TCHINESE. TChinese subcommand—Change the data transfer type to TCHINESE
TSO Passes a TSO command to the local host TSO environment. TSO subcommand—Use TSO commands
TYpe Specifies the transfer type. TYpe subcommand—Set the data transfer type
UCs2 Changes the data transfer type to Unicode UCS-2. UC is the minimum abbreviation for UCs2. UCs2 subcommand—Change data transfer type to Unicode UCS-2
User Identifies you to a foreign host or changes your TSO user ID password or password phrase. User subcommand—Identify yourself to a host or change your TSO user ID password
Verbose Enables or disables verbose mode. Verbose subcommand—Toggle verbose mode

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