Retrieve Line Description (QDCRLIND) API

  Required Parameter Group:

1 Receiver variable Output Char(*)
2 Length of receiver variable Input Binary(4)
3 Format name Input Char(8)
4 Line name Input Char(10)
5 Error code I/O Char(*)

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Yes

The Retrieve Line Description (QDCRLIND) API retrieves information about a line description.

Authorities and Locks

Controller Description Authority
Line Description Authority
Controller Description Lock
Start of change*SHRRDEnd of change
Line Description Lock
Start of change*SHRNUPEnd of change

Required Parameter Group

Receiver variable

The variable that is to receive the line information.

Length of receiver variable

The length of the area referenced by the receiver variable parameter. If the amount of information to be returned is greater than this value, the information will be truncated to this length.

Format name

The content and format of the information returned for each line description. The possible format names are:

LIND0100 Basic line information
LIND0200 Basic line information, plus list of attached nonswitched controllers
LIND0300 Detailed information for line category *ASC
LIND0400 Detailed information for line category *BSC
LIND0500 Detailed information for line category *ELAN
LIND0600 Detailed information for line category *IDLC
LIND0700 Detailed information for line category *NET
LIND0800 Detailed information for line category *SDLC
LIND0900 Detailed information for line category *TDLC
LIND1000 Detailed information for line category *TRN
LIND1100 Detailed information for line category *X25
LIND1200 Detailed information for line category *DDI
LIND1300 Detailed information for line category *FR
LIND1400 Detailed information for line category *FAX
LIND1500 Detailed information for line category *WLS
LIND1600 Detailed information for line category *PPP

Note: Formats LIND0600 and LIND0700 are no longer supported.

See Format of Line Information for a description of these formats.

Line name

The name of the line description to be retrieved.

Error code
I/O; CHAR(*)

The structure in which to return error information. For the format of the structure, see Error code parameter.

Format of Line Information

When the line category is unknown, specify LIND0100 or LIND0200, and the basic information (including line category) will be returned. When the line category is known, specify one of the other category-specific formats.

For detailed descriptions of the fields returned in these formats, see Field Descriptions.

LIND0100 Format

Use this format to find out the line category, plus some basic information about the line. Then you may use the returned line category to select one of the other (category-specific) formats to call the API again for detailed information about the line description. This format also returns the number of controllers currently attached to this line.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Bytes returned
4 4 BINARY(4) Bytes available
8 8 BINARY(4) Number of attached nonswitched controllers
12 C CHAR(7) Date information retrieved
19 13 CHAR(6) Time information retrieved
25 19 CHAR(10) Line name
35 23 CHAR(10) Line category
45 2D CHAR(10) Online at IPL
55 37 CHAR(50) Text description
105 69 CHAR(3) Reserved

LIND0200 Format

This format returns basic line information, plus a list of attached nonswitched controllers. Some basic information is also included for each attached nonswitched controller.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0   Returns everything from format LIND0100
108 6C BINARY(4) Offset to list of attached nonswitched controllers
112 70 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of attached nonswitched controllers
These fields repeat for each nonswitched controller CHAR(10) Attached nonswitched controller name
CHAR(10) Controller category
CHAR(10) Controller type
CHAR(50) Controller text description

LIND0300 Format

This format returns detailed information about a line of category *ASC.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0   Returns everything from format LIND0100
108 6C BINARY(4) Vary on wait
112 70 BINARY(4) Line speed
116 74 BINARY(4) Inactivity timer
120 78 BINARY(4) Maximum buffer size
124 7C BINARY(4) Idle timer
128 80 BINARY(4) Data Set Ready drop timer
132 84 BINARY(4) Clear to Send timer
136 88 BINARY(4) Remote answer timer
140 8C BINARY(4) Recovery limits: count limit
144 90 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: time interval
148 94 BINARY(4) Offset to list of attached nonswitched controllers
152 98 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of attached nonswitched controllers
156 9C BINARY(4) Offset to list of switched controllers
160 A0 BINARY(4) Number of switched controllers
164 A4 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of switched controllers
168 A8 BINARY(4) Offset to list of active switched controllers
172 AC BINARY(4) Number of active switched controllers
176 B0 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of active switched controllers
180 B4 BINARY(4) Offset to list of EOR characters
184 B8 BINARY(4) Number of EOR characters
188 BC BINARY(4) Entry length for list of EOR characters
192 C0 CHAR(10) Resource name
202 CA CHAR(10) Physical Interface
212 D4 CHAR(10) Connection type
222 DE CHAR(10) Switched network backup
232 E8 CHAR(10) Activate switched network backup
242 F2 CHAR(10) Autocall unit
252 FC CHAR(10) Data bits per character
262 106 CHAR(10) Type of parity
272 110 CHAR(10) Stop bits
282 11A CHAR(10) Duplex
292 124 CHAR(10) Echo support
302 12E CHAR(10) Modem type supported
312 138 CHAR(10) Modem data rate select
322 142 CHAR(10) Switched connection type
332 14C CHAR(10) Autoanswer
342 156 CHAR(10) Autodial
352 160 CHAR(10) Dial command type
362 16A CHAR(10) Autocall resource name
372 174 CHAR(32) Calling number
404 194 CHAR(10) Error threshold level
414 19E CHAR(10) Flow control
424 1A8 CHAR(10) XON character
434 1B2 CHAR(10) XOFF character
444 1BC CHAR(10) Autoanswer type
454 1C6 CHAR(10) Autoconfigured for AS/36
464 1D0 CHAR(2) Reserved
466 1D2 CHAR(40) Set modem to ASYNC command
506 1FA CHAR(60) Modem initialization command
566 236 CHAR(10) Current message queue: name
576 240 CHAR(10) Current message queue: library
586 24a CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each nonswitched controller CHAR(10) Attached nonswitched controller name
CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each switched controller CHAR(10) Switched controller name
CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each active switched controller CHAR(10) Active switched controller name
CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each EOR character BINARY(4) Number of trailing characters
CHAR(10) EOR character
CHAR(2) Reserved

LIND0400 Format

This format returns detailed information about a line of category *BSC.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0   Returns everything from format LIND0100
108 6C BINARY(4) Vary on wait
112 70 BINARY(4) Line speed
116 74 BINARY(4) Inactivity timer
120 78 BINARY(4) Maximum buffer size
124 7C BINARY(4) Receive timer
128 80 BINARY(4) Continue timer
132 84 BINARY(4) Contention state retry
136 88 BINARY(4) Data state retry
140 8C BINARY(4) Transmit TTD or WACK retry
144 90 BINARY(4) Receive TTD or WACK retry
148 94 BINARY(4) Data Set Ready drop timer
152 98 BINARY(4) Clear To Send timer
156 9C BINARY(4) Remote answer timer
160 A0 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: count limit
164 A4 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: time interval
168 A8 BINARY(4) Offset to list of attached nonswitched controllers
172 AC BINARY(4) Entry length for list of attached nonswitched controllers
176 B0 BINARY(4) Offset to list of switched controllers
180 B4 BINARY(4) Number of switched controllers
184 B8 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of switched controllers
188 BC BINARY(4) Offset to list of active switched controllers
192 C0 BINARY(4) Number of active switched controllers
196 C4 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of active switched controllers
200 C8 CHAR(10) Resource name
210 D2 CHAR(10) Application type
220 DC CHAR(10) Physical Interface
230 E6 CHAR(10) Connection type
240 F0 CHAR(10) Switched network backup
250 FA CHAR(10) Activate switched network backup
260 104 CHAR(10) Autocall unit
270 10E CHAR(10) Station address
280 118 CHAR(10) Clocking
290 122 CHAR(10) Duplex
300 12C CHAR(10) Modem type supported
310 136 CHAR(10) Modem data rate select
320 140 CHAR(10) Switched connection type
330 14A CHAR(10) Autoanswer
340 154 CHAR(10) Autodial
350 15E CHAR(10) Dial command type
360 168 CHAR(10) Autocall resource name
370 172 CHAR(32) Calling number
402 192 CHAR(10) Character code
412 19C CHAR(10) SYN characters
422 1A6 CHAR(10) Error threshold level
432 1B0 CHAR(10) Include STX character in the LRC
442 1BA CHAR(10) Autoanswer type
452 1C4 CHAR(10) Autoconfigured for AS/36
462 1CE CHAR(10) Current message queue: name
472 1D8 CHAR(10) Current message queue: library
482 1E2 CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each nonswitched controller CHAR(10) Attached nonswitched controller name
CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each switched controller CHAR(10) Switched controller name
CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each active switched controller CHAR(10) Active switched controller name
CHAR(2) Reserved

LIND0500 Format

This format returns detailed information about a line of category *ELAN.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0   Returns everything from format LIND0100
108 6C BINARY(4) Vary on wait
112 70 BINARY(4) Maximum controllers
116 74 BINARY(4) Link speed
120 78 BINARY(4) Cost per connect time
124 7C BINARY(4) Cost per byte
128 80 BINARY(4) User-defined 1
132 84 BINARY(4) User-defined 2
136 88 BINARY(4) User-defined 3
140 8C BINARY(4) Autodelete controller
144 90 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: count limit
148 94 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: time interval
152 98 BINARY(4) Offset to list of active switched controllers
156 9C BINARY(4) Number of active switched controllers
160 A0 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of active switched controllers
164 A4 BINARY(4) Offset to list of SSAPs
168 A8 BINARY(4) Number of SSAPs
172 AC BINARY(4) Entry length for list of SSAPs
176 B0 BINARY(4) Offset to list of group addresses
180 B4 BINARY(4) Number of group addresses
184 B8 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of group addresses
188 BC CHAR(10) Resource name
198 C6 CHAR(10) Network controller
208 D0 CHAR(12) Local adapter address
220 DC CHAR(10) Exchange identifier
230 E6 CHAR(10) Ethernet standard
240 F0 CHAR(10) Error threshold level
250 FA CHAR(10) Security for line
260 104 CHAR(10) Propagation delay
270 10E CHAR(10) Autocreate controller
280 118 BINARY(4) Port number
284 11C CHAR(10) Attached nonswitched NWI
294 128 CHAR(10) Network interface DLC identifier
304 130 CHAR(10) Network server description
314 13A CHAR(10) Duplex
324 144 BINARY(4) Line Speed
328 148 CHAR(10) Generate test frame
338 152 CHAR(2) Reserved
340 154 BINARY(4) LAN emulation client (LEC) cache aging time
344 158 BINARY(4) Address resolution protocol (ARP) retry count
348 15C BINARY(4) Address resolution protocol (ARP) retry timer
352 160 BINARY(4) Maximum address resolution protocol (ARP) entries
356 164 BINARY(4) LAN emulation client (LEC) disconnect time out
360 168 BINARY(4) Offset to list of PVC identifiers
364 16C BINARY(4) Number of PVC identifiers
368 170 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of PVC identifiers
372 174 CHAR(13) ATM access type
385 181 CHAR(32) Emulated LAN name
417 1A1 CHAR(26) Local ATM address: network prefix
443 1BB CHAR(12) Local ATM address: end-system-identifier
455 1C7 CHAR(2) Local ATM address: LAN emulation client (LEC) selector byte
457 1C9 CHAR(26) LAN emulation server (LES) ATM address: network prefix
483 1E3 CHAR(12) LAN emulation server (LES) ATM address: end system identifier
495 1EF CHAR(2) LAN emulation server (LES) ATM address: selector byte
497 1F1 CHAR(26) Last contacted LAN emulation server (LES) ATM address: network prefix
523 20B CHAR(12) Last contacted LAN emulation server (LES) ATM address: end system identifier
535 217 CHAR(2) Last contacted LAN emulation server (LES) ATM address: selector byte
537 219 CHAR(10) Use LAN emulation configuration server (LECS) address
547 223 CHAR(10) Network interface type
557 22D CHAR(32) Reported emulated LAN name
589 24D CHAR(3) Reserved
592 250 BINARY(4) LAN emulation client (LEC) frame size
596 254 BINARY(4) Link speed multiplier
600 258 CHAR(10) Message queue: name
610 262 CHAR(10) Message queue: library
620 26C CHAR(10) Current message queue: name
630 276 CHAR(10) Current message queue: library
640 280 CHAR(10) Enable for TCP/IP
650 28A CHAR(2) Reserved
652 28C BINARY(4) Maximum frame size
656 290 BINARY(4) Current line speed
660 294 CHAR(10) Current duplex
670 29E CHAR(10) Virtual hardware
680 2A8 CHAR(10) Associated port resource name
690 2B2 CHAR(1) IOP attach flag
691 2B3 CHAR(1) Reserved
692 2B4 BINARY(4) Offset to list of serviceability options
696 2B8 BINARY(4) Number of serviceability options
Start of change700 2BC CHAR(10) Aggregate standardEnd of change
Start of change710 2C6 CHAR(10) Aggregate policyEnd of change
Start of change720 2D0 BINARY(4) Offset to list of aggregated resource entriesEnd of change
Start of change724 2D4 BINARY(4) Number of aggregated resource entriesEnd of change
Start of change728 2D8 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of aggregated resource entriesEnd of change
Start of change732 2DC CHAR(10) Bridge identifierEnd of change
Start of change742 2E6 CHAR(2) ReservedEnd of change
These fields repeat for each active switched controller CHAR(10) Active switched controller name
CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each SSAP BINARY(4) SSAP maximum frame
CHAR(10) SSAP address
CHAR(10) SSAP type
This field repeats for each group address CHAR(12) Group address
This field repeats for each PVC identifier BINARY(4) PVC identifier
This field repeats for each serviceability option CHAR(10) Serviceability options
Start of changeCHAR(2) ReservedEnd of change
Start of changeThese fields repeat for each aggregated resource entry CHAR(10) Aggregated resource entry name
CHAR(2) Reserved
BINARY(4) Aggregated resource entry statusEnd of change

LIND0600 Format

This format returns detailed information about a line of category *IDLC.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0   Returns everything from format LIND0100
108 6C BINARY(4) Vary on wait
112 70 BINARY(4) Line speed
116 74 BINARY(4) CRC errors received
120 78 BINARY(4) Short frame
124 7C BINARY(4) Receive overrun
128 80 BINARY(4) Transmit underrun
132 84 BINARY(4) Frame aborts
136 88 BINARY(4) Retransmitted frames
140 8C BINARY(4) Frame sequence errors
144 90 BINARY(4) Maximum frame size
148 94 BINARY(4) Default window size
152 98 BINARY(4) Frame retry limit
156 9C BINARY(4) Response timer
160 A0 BINARY(4) Connect retry count
164 A4 BINARY(4) Link speed
168 A8 BINARY(4) Cost per connect time
172 AC BINARY(4) Cost per byte
176 B0 BINARY(4) User-defined 1
180 B4 BINARY(4) User-defined 2
184 B8 BINARY(4) User-defined 3
188 BC BINARY(4) Recovery limits: count limit
192 C0 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: time interval
196 C4 BINARY(4) Offset to list of attached nonswitched controllers
200 C8 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of attached nonswitched controllers
204 CC BINARY(4) Offset to list of active switched controllers
208 D0 BINARY(4) Number of active switched controllers
212 D4 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of active switched controllers
216 D8 BINARY(4) Offset to list of switched NWIs
220 DC BINARY(4) Number of switched NWIs
224 E0 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of switched NWIs
228 E4 CHAR(10) Connection type
238 EE CHAR(10) Attached nonswitched NWI
248 F8 CHAR(10) NWI channel type
258 102 CHAR(10) NWI channel number
268 10C CHAR(10) Switched connection type
278 116 CHAR(10) Connection list
288 120 CHAR(10) Exchange identifier
298 12A CHAR(10) Error threshold level
308 134 CHAR(13) Information transfer type
321 141 CHAR(10 Switched NWI selection
331 14B CHAR(10) Security for line
341 155 CHAR(10) Propagation delay
351 15F CHAR(10) Current message queue: name
361 169 CHAR(10) Current message queue: library
These fields repeat for each nonswitched controller CHAR(10) Attached nonswitched controller name
CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each active switched controller CHAR(10) Active switched controller name
CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each switched NWI CHAR(10) NWI name
CHAR(10) NWI channel type
CHAR(10) NWI channel number
CHAR(2) Reserved

LIND0700 Format

This format returns detailed information about a line of category *NET.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0   Returns everything from format LIND0100
108 6C BINARY(4) Offset to list of attached nonswitched controllers
112 70 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of attached nonswitched controllers
116 74 CHAR(10) Attached nonswitched NWI
126 7E CHAR(10) Current message queue: name
136 88 CHAR(10) Current message queue: library
These fields repeat for each nonswitched controller CHAR(10) Attached nonswitched controller name
CHAR(2) Reserved

LIND0800 Format

This format returns detailed information about a line of category *SDLC.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0   Returns everything from format LIND0100
108 6C BINARY(4) Vary on wait
112 70 BINARY(4) Maximum controllers
116 74 BINARY(4) Line speed
120 78 BINARY(4) SHM call timer
124 7C BINARY(4) SHM maximum connect timer
128 80 BINARY(4) SHM answer delay timer
132 84 BINARY(4) Connect poll retry
136 88 BINARY(4) Connect timer
140 8C BINARY(4) Short timer
144 90 BINARY(4) Long timer
148 94 BINARY(4) Short retry
152 98 BINARY(4) Long retry
156 9C BINARY(4) Maximum frame size
160 A0 BINARY(4) Maximum outstanding frames
164 A4 BINARY(4) Inactivity timer
168 A8 BINARY(4) Poll response delay
172 AC BINARY(4) Nonproductive receive timer
176 B0 BINARY(4) Idle timer
180 B4 BINARY(4) Connect poll timer
184 B8 BINARY(4) Poll cycle pause
188 BC BINARY(4) Frame retry
192 C0 BINARY(4) Fair polling timer
196 C4 BINARY(4) Data Set Ready drop timer
200 C8 BINARY(4) Clear To Send timer
204 CC BINARY(4) Remote answer timer
208 D0 BINARY(4) Link speed
212 D4 BINARY(4) Cost per connect time
216 D8 BINARY(4) Cost per byte
220 DC BINARY(4) User-defined 1
224 E0 BINARY(4) User-defined 2
228 E4 BINARY(4) User-defined 3
232 E8 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: count limit
236 EC BINARY(4) Recovery limits: time interval
240 F0 BINARY(4) Offset to list of attached nonswitched controllers
244 F4 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of attached nonswitched controllers
248 F8 BINARY(4) Offset to list of active switched controllers
252 FC BINARY(4) Number of active switched controllers
256 100 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of active switched controllers
260 104 BINARY(4) Offset to list of resource names
264 108 BINARY(4) Number of resource names
268 10C BINARY(4) Entry length for list of resource names
272 110 BINARY(4) Offset to list of call progress signal retry values
276 114 BINARY(4) Number of call progress signal retry values
280 118 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of call progress signal retry values
284 11C CHAR(10) Data link role
294 126 CHAR(10) Physical interface
304 130 CHAR(10) Connection type
314 13A CHAR(10) Switched network backup
324 144 CHAR(10) Activate switched network backup
334 14E CHAR(10) SHM node type
344 158 CHAR(10) Autocall unit
354 162 CHAR(10) Exchange identifier
364 16C CHAR(10) NRZI data encoding
374 176 CHAR(10) Clocking
384 180 CHAR(10) Modem type supported
394 18A CHAR(10) Modem data rate select
404 194 CHAR(10) Switched connection type
414 19E CHAR(10) Autoanswer
424 1A8 CHAR(10) Autodial
434 1B2 CHAR(10) Dial command type
444 1BC CHAR(10) Autocall resource name
454 1C6 CHAR(10) SHM call format
464 1D0 CHAR(10) SHM access code
474 1DA CHAR(32) Calling number
506 1FA CHAR(10) Station address
516 204 CHAR(10) Error threshold level
526 20E CHAR(10) Duplex
536 218 CHAR(10) Modulus
546 222 CHAR(10) Autoanswer type
556 22C CHAR(10) Security for line
566 236 CHAR(10) Propagation delay
576 240 CHAR(10) Autoconfigured for AS/36
586 24A CHAR(60) Modem initialization command
646 286 CHAR(10) Current message queue: name
656 290 CHAR(10) Current message queue: library
666 29A CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each nonswitched controller CHAR(10) Attached nonswitched controller name
CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each active switched controller CHAR(10) Active switched controller name
CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each resource name CHAR(10) Resource name
CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each call signal retry value CHAR(10) Call progress signal retry value
CHAR(2) Reserved

LIND0900 Format

This format returns detailed information about a line of category *TDLC.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0   Returns everything from format LIND0100
108 6C BINARY(4) Offset to list of attached nonswitched controllers
112 70 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of attached nonswitched controllers
116 74 CHAR(10) Attached work station controller
126 7E CHAR(10) Network controller
136 88 CHAR(10) Current message queue: name
146 92 CHAR(10) Current message queue: library
These fields repeat for each nonswitched controller CHAR(10) Attached nonswitched controller name
CHAR(2) Reserved

LIND1000 Format

This format returns detailed information about a line of category *TRN.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0   Returns everything from format LIND0100
108 6C BINARY(4) Vary on wait
112 70 BINARY(4) Maximum controllers
116 74 BINARY(4) Line speed
120 78 BINARY(4) Maximum frame size
124 7C BINARY(4) Link speed
128 80 BINARY(4) Cost per connect time
132 84 BINARY(4) Cost per byte
136 88 BINARY(4) User-defined 1
140 8C BINARY(4) User-defined 2
144 90 BINARY(4) User-defined 3
148 94 BINARY(4) Autodelete controller
152 98 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: count limit
156 9C BINARY(4) Recovery limits: time interval
160 A0 BINARY(4) Offset to list of active switched controllers
164 A4 BINARY(4) Number of active switched controllers
168 A8 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of active switched controllers
172 AC BINARY(4) Offset to list of SSAPs
176 B0 BINARY(4) Number of SSAPs
180 B4 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of SSAPs
184 B8 BINARY(4) Offset to list of function addresses
188 BC BINARY(4) Number of function addresses
192 C0 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of function addresses
196 C4 CHAR(10) Resource name
206 CE CHAR(10) Network controller
216 D8 CHAR(10) TRLAN manager logging level: configured
226 E2 CHAR(10) TRLAN manager logging level: current
236 EC CHAR(12) TRLAN manager mode
248 F8 CHAR(10) Log configuration changes
258 102 CHAR(10) Token-ring inform of beacon
268 10C CHAR(12) Local adapter address
280 118 CHAR(10) Exchange identifier
290 122 CHAR(10) Early token release
300 12C CHAR(10) Error threshold level
310 136 CHAR(10) Security for line
320 140 CHAR(10) Propagation delay
330 14A CHAR(10) Autocreate controller
340 154 BINARY(4) Port number
344 158 CHAR(10) Attached nonswitched NWI
354 162 CHAR(10) Network interface DLC identifier
364 16C CHAR(10) Network server description
374 176 CHAR(10) Autoconfigured for AS/36
384 180 CHAR(10) Duplex
394 18A CHAR(10) Activate LAN manager
404 194 BINARY(4) LAN emulation client (LEC) cache aging time
408 198 BINARY(4) Address resolution protocol (ARP) retry count
412 19C BINARY(4) Address resolution protocol (ARP) retry timer
416 1A0 BINARY(4) LAN emulation client (LEC) frame size
420 1A4 BINARY(4) Maximum address resolution protocol (ARP) entries
424 1A8 BINARY(4) LAN emulation client (LEC) disconnect time out
428 1AC BINARY(4) Offset to list of PVC identifiers
432 1B0 BINARY(4) Number of PVC identifiers
436 1B4 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of PVC identifiers
440 1B8 CHAR(13) ATM access type
453 1C5 CHAR(32) Emulated LAN name
485 1E5 CHAR(26) Local ATM address: network prefix
511 1FF CHAR(12) Local ATM address: end-system-identifier
523 20B CHAR(2) Local ATM address: LAN emulation client (LEC) selector byte
525 20D CHAR(26) LAN emulation server (LES) ATM address: network prefix
551 227 CHAR(12) LAN emulation server (LES) ATM address: end system identifier
563 233 CHAR(2) LAN emulation server (LES) ATM address: selector byte
565 235 CHAR(26) Last contacted LAN emulation server (LES) ATM address: network prefix
591 24F CHAR(12) Last contacted LAN emulation server (LES) ATM address: end system identifier
603 25B CHAR(2) Last contacted LAN emulation server (LES) ATM address: selector byte
605 25D CHAR(10) Use LAN emulation configuration server (LECS) address
615 267 CHAR(10) Network interface type
625 271 CHAR(32) Reported emulated LAN name
657 291 CHAR(3) Filler for alignment
660 294 BINARY(4) Link speed multiplier
664 298 CHAR(10) Message queue: name
674 2A2 CHAR(10) Message queue: library
684 2AC CHAR(10) Current message queue: name
694 2B6 CHAR(10) Current message queue: library
704 2C0 BINARY(4) Current line speed
708 2C4 CHAR(10) Current duplex
These fields repeat for each active switched controller CHAR(10) Active switched controller name
CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each SSAP BINARY(4) SSAP maximum frame
CHAR(10) SSAP address
CHAR(10) SSAP type
This field repeats for each function address CHAR(12) Function address
This field repeats for each PVC identifier BINARY(4) PVC identifier

LIND1100 Format

This format returns detailed information about a line of category *X25.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0   Returns everything from format LIND0100
108 6C BINARY(4) Vary on wait
112 70 BINARY(4) Line speed
116 74 BINARY(4) Maximum frame size
120 78 BINARY(4) Default packet size: transmit
124 7C BINARY(4) Default packet size: receive
128 80 BINARY(4) Maximum packet size: transmit
132 84 BINARY(4) Maximum packet size: receive
136 88 BINARY(4) Default window size: transmit
140 8C BINARY(4) Default window size: receive
144 90 BINARY(4) Idle timer
148 94 BINARY(4) Frame retry
152 98 BINARY(4) Predial delay
156 9C BINARY(4) Redial delay
160 A0 BINARY(4) Dial retries
164 A4 BINARY(4) Switched disconnect timers: minimum connection
168 A8 BINARY(4) Switched disconnect timers: disconnect delay
172 AC BINARY(4) Data Set Ready drop timer
176 B0 BINARY(4) Clear To Send timer
180 B4 BINARY(4) Remote answer timer
184 B8 BINARY(4) Link speed
188 BC BINARY(4) Cost per connect time
192 C0 BINARY(4) Cost per byte
196 C4 BINARY(4) User-defined 1
200 C8 BINARY(4) User-defined 2
204 CC BINARY(4) User-defined 3
208 D0 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: count limit
212 D4 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: time interval
216 D8 BINARY(4) Offset to list of switched controllers
220 DC BINARY(4) Number of switched controllers
224 E0 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of switched controllers
228 E4 BINARY(4) Offset to list of active switched controllers
232 E8 BINARY(4) Number of active switched controllers
236 EC BINARY(4) Entry length for list of active switched controllers
240 F0 BINARY(4) Offset to list of logical channel entries
244 F4 BINARY(4) Number of logical channel entries
248 F8 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of logical channel entries
252 FC BINARY(4) Offset to list of switched NWIs
256 100 BINARY(4) Number of switched NWIs
260 104 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of switched NWIs
264 108 CHAR(10) Resource name
274 112 CHAR(20) Local network address
294 126 CHAR(10) Connection initiation
304 130 CHAR(10) Physical interface
314 13A CHAR(10) Connection type
324 144 CHAR(10) Attached nonswitched NWI
334 14E CHAR(10) NWI channel type
344 158 CHAR(10) NWI channel number
354 162 CHAR(10) X.25 DCE support
364 16C CHAR(10) Network controller
374 176 CHAR(10) Exchange identifier
384 180 CHAR(10) Packet mode
394 18A CHAR(13) Information transfer type
407 197 CHAR(10) Extended network addressing
417 1A1 CHAR(10) Modulus
427 1AB CHAR(10) Insert network address in packets
437 1B5 CHAR(10) Error threshold level
447 1BF CHAR(32) Connection number
479 1DF CHAR(32) Calling number
511 1FF CHAR(10) Modem type supported
521 209 CHAR(10) Modem data rate select
531 213 CHAR(10) Switched connection type
541 21D CHAR(10) Outgoing connection list
551 227 CHAR(10) Outgoing connection list entry
561 231 CHAR(10) Incoming connection list
571 23B CHAR(10) Autoanswer
581 245 CHAR(10) Autodial
591 24F CHAR(10) Dial command type
601 259 CHAR(10) Call immediate
611 263 CHAR(10) Autocall unit
621 26D CHAR(10) Autocall resource name
631 277 CHAR(10) Switched disconnect
641 281 CHAR(10) Autoanswer type
651 28B CHAR(10) Switched NWI selection
661 295 CHAR(10) Security for line
671 29F CHAR(10) Propagation delay
681 2A9 CHAR(214) Network user identification facility
896 380 CHAR(10) Clocking
906 38A CHAR(10) Autoconfigured for AS/36
916 394 CHAR(10) Message queue: name
926 39E CHAR(10) Message queue: library
936 3A8 CHAR(10) Current message queue: name
946 3B2 CHAR(10) Current message queue: library
956 3BC CHAR(60) Modem initialization command
These fields repeat for each switched controller CHAR(10) Switched controller name
CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each active switched controller CHAR(10) Active switched controller name
CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each logical channel entry CHAR(10) Logical channel identifier
CHAR(10) Logical channel type
CHAR(10) Logical channel controller
CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each switched NWI CHAR(10) NWI name
CHAR(10) NWI channel number
CHAR(10) NWI channel type
CHAR(2) Reserved

LIND1200 Format

This format returns detailed information about a line of category *DDI.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0   Returns everything from format LIND0100
108 6C BINARY(4) Vary on wait
112 70 BINARY(4) Maximum controllers
116 74 BINARY(4) Maximum frame size
120 78 BINARY(4) Token rotation time
124 7C BINARY(4) Link speed
128 80 BINARY(4) Autodelete controller
132 84 BINARY(4) Cost per connect time
136 88 BINARY(4) Cost per byte
140 8C BINARY(4) User-defined 1
144 90 BINARY(4) User-defined 2
148 94 BINARY(4) User-defined 3
152 98 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: count limit
156 9C BINARY(4) Recovery limits: time interval
160 A0 BINARY(4) Offset to list of active switched controllers
164 A4 BINARY(4) Number of active switched controllers
168 A8 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of active switched controllers
172 AC BINARY(4) Offset to list of SSAPs
176 B0 BINARY(4) Number of SSAPs
180 B4 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of SSAPs
184 B8 BINARY(4) Offset to list of group addresses
188 BC BINARY(4) Number of group addresses
192 C0 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of group addresses
196 C4 CHAR(10) Resource name
206 CE CHAR(10) NWI name
216 D8 CHAR(10) Network interface DLC identifier
226 E2 CHAR(12) Local adapter address
238 EE CHAR(10) Exchange identifier
248 F8 CHAR(10) Attach mode
258 102 CHAR(10) Security for line
268 10C CHAR(10) Propagation delay
278 116 CHAR(10) Autocreate controller
288 120 CHAR(10) Logging level
298 12A CHAR(10) Local manager mode
308 134 CHAR(10) Network controller
318 13E CHAR(10) Message queue: name
328 148 CHAR(10) Message queue: library
338 152 CHAR(10) Current message queue: name
348 15C CHAR(10) Current message queue: library
358 166 CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each active switched controller CHAR(10) Active switched controller name
CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each SSAP BINARY(4) SSAP maximum frame
CHAR(10) SSAP address
CHAR(10) SSAP type
This field repeats for each group address CHAR(12) Group address

LIND1300 Format

This format returns detailed information about a line of category *FR.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0   Returns everything from format LIND0100
108 6C BINARY(4) Vary on wait
112 70 BINARY(4) Maximum controllers
116 74 BINARY(4) Maximum frame size
120 78 BINARY(4) Link speed
124 7C BINARY(4) Cost per connect time
128 80 BINARY(4) Cost per byte
132 84 BINARY(4) User-defined 1
136 88 BINARY(4) User-defined 2
140 8C BINARY(4) User-defined 3
144 90 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: count limit
148 94 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: time interval
152 98 BINARY(4) Offset to list of active switched controllers
156 9C BINARY(4) Number of active switched controllers
160 A0 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of active switched controllers
164 A4 BINARY(4) Offset to list of SSAPs
168 A8 BINARY(4) Number of SSAPs
172 AC BINARY(4) Entry length for list of SSAPs
176 B0 CHAR(10) Attached nonswitched NWI
186 BA CHAR(10) Network interface DLC identifier
196 C4 CHAR(10) Exchange identifier
206 CE CHAR(10) Security for line
216 D8 CHAR(10) Propagation delay
226 E2 CHAR(10) Network controller
236 EC CHAR(10) Message queue: name
246 F6 CHAR(10) Message queue: library
256 100 CHAR(10) Current message queue: name
266 10A CHAR(10) Current message queue: library
These fields repeat for each active switched controller CHAR(10) Active switched controller name
CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each SSAP BINARY(4) SSAP maximum frame
CHAR(10) SSAP address
CHAR(10) SSAP type

LIND1400 Format

This format returns detailed information about a line of category *FAX.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0   Returns everything from format LIND0100
108 6C BINARY(4) Vary on wait
112 70 BINARY(4) Offset to list of attached nonswitched controllers
116 74 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of attached nonswitched controllers
120 78 BINARY(4) Offset to list of resource names
124 7C BINARY(4) Number of resource names
128 80 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of resource names
132 84 CHAR(10) Current message queue: name
142 8E CHAR(10) Current message queue: library
These fields repeat for each nonswitched controller CHAR(10) Attached nonswitched controller name
CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each resource name CHAR(10) Resource name
CHAR(2) Reserved

LIND1500 Format

This format returns detailed information about a line of category *WLS.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0   Returns everything from format LIND0100
108 6C BINARY(4) Vary on wait
112 70 BINARY(4) Maximum controllers
116 74 BINARY(4) Link speed
120 78 BINARY(4) Cost per connect time
124 7C BINARY(4) Cost per byte
128 80 BINARY(4) User-defined 1
132 84 BINARY(4) User-defined 2
136 88 BINARY(4) User-defined 3
140 8C BINARY(4) Autodelete controller
144 90 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: count limit
148 94 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: time interval
152 98 BINARY(4) Offset to list of active switched controllers
156 9C BINARY(4) Number of active switched controllers
160 A0 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of active switched controllers
164 A4 BINARY(4) Offset to list of SSAPs
168 A8 BINARY(4) Number of SSAPs
172 AC BINARY(4) Entry length for list of SSAPs
176 B0 BINARY(4) Offset to list of group addresses
180 B4 BINARY(4) Number of group addresses
184 B8 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of group addresses
188 BC CHAR(10) Resource name
198 C6 CHAR(10) Network controller
208 D0 CHAR(12) Local adapter address
220 DC CHAR(10) Exchange identifier
230 E6 CHAR(10) Ethernet standard
240 F0 CHAR(10) Security for line
250 FA CHAR(10) Propagation delay
260 104 CHAR(10) Autocreate controller
270 10E CHAR(10) Initialization source file name
280 118 CHAR(10) Initialization source file library name
290 122 CHAR(10) Initialization source member name
300 12C CHAR(10) Initialization program name
310 136 CHAR(10) Initialization program library name
320 140 CHAR(10) Current message queue: name
330 14A CHAR(10) Current message queue: library
These fields repeat for each controller CHAR(10) Active switched controller name
CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each SSAP BINARY(4) SSAP maximum frame
CHAR(10) SSAP address
CHAR(10) SSAP type
This field repeats for each group address CHAR(12) Group address

LIND1600 Format

This format returns detailed information about a line of category *PPP.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0   Returns everything from format LIND0100
108 6C BINARY(4) Vary on wait
112 70 BINARY(4) Line speed
116 74 BINARY(4) Maximum frame size
120 78 BINARY(4) Inactivity Timer
124 7C BINARY(4) Remote answer timer
128 80 BINARY(4) Clear to send timer
132 84 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: count limit
136 88 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: time interval
140 8C BINARY(4) Link control protocol authentication values: remote peer challenge timer
144 90 BINARY(4) Link control protocol authentication values: maximum authentication attempts
148 94 BINARY(4) Link control protocol configuration values: configuration retry timer
152 98 BINARY(4) Link control protocol configuration values: maximum configuration failures
156 9C BINARY(4) Link control protocol configuration values: maximum configuration requests
160 A0 BINARY(4) Link control protocol configuration values: maximum termination requests
164 A4 CHAR(10) Link control protocol configuration values: configuration retry timer
174 AE CHAR(10) Async control character map
184 B8 CHAR(10) Resource name
194 C2 CHAR(10) Physical interface
204 CC CHAR(10) Framing type
214 D6 CHAR(10) Connection type
224 E0 CHAR(10) Network controller
234 EA CHAR(10) NRZI
244 F4 CHAR(10) Switched connection type
254 FE CHAR(10) Clocking
264 108 CHAR(10) Dial command type
274 112 CHAR(40) Set modem to ASYNC command
314 13A CHAR(32) Calling number
346 15A CHAR(10) Flow control
356 164 CHAR(10) Attached nonswitched NWI
366 16E CHAR(10) NWI channel number
376 178 CHAR(13) Information transfer type
389 185 CHAR(10) Outgoing connection list
399 18F CHAR(10) Outgoing connection list entry
409 199 CHAR(10) Incoming connection list
419 1A3 CHAR(10) Switched NWI selection
429 1AD CHAR(10) Compression
439 1B7 CHAR(10) Message queue: name
449 1C1 CHAR(10) Message queue: library
459 1CB CHAR(10) Current message queue: name
469 1D5 CHAR(10) Current message queue: library
479 1DF CHAR(60) Modem init command string
539 21B CHAR(1) Reserved
540 21C BINARY(4) Offset to list of switched NWIs
544 220 BINARY(4) Number of switched NWIs
548 224 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of switched NWIs
These fields repeat for each switched NWI CHAR(10) NWI name
CHAR(10) NWI channel type
CHAR(10) NWI channel number
CHAR(2) Reserved

Field Descriptions

Some of the fields in the various formats returned by this API are described in greater detail in the documentation for the particular CL command that was used to create the device description object. See CL command finder. They are also described in the online help for the particular command. For these fields, the CL parameter keyword is specified in parentheses following the field name. The CL command name is specified in the field description.

In certain cases, numeric values are assigned by this API to represent character values for some of the returned fields. Where a numeric value is assigned, the numeric value and the equivalent character value are listed as an Exception in the following field descriptions.

Activate LAN manager (ACTLANMGR). Whether the LAN manager support is activated. (See the ACTLANMGR parameter in the CRTLINTRN command.)

Activate switched network backup. Whether the switched network backup is activated.

Active switched controller name. The name of a controller associated with this line.

Start of changeAggregate policy. Specifies the algorithm used for load-balancing Outgoing Ethernet frames when configuring aggregate ports. (See the AGGPCY parameter in the CRTLINETH command.)End of change

Start of changeAggregated resource list entry name. The name of an aggregate line description resource list entry.End of change

Start of changeAggregated resource list entry status. Specifies the status of the aggregated resource list entry. This value will be one of the following:

End of change

Start of changeAggregate standard. The standard used to configure aggregated resource list entries. (See the AGGPCY parameter in the CRTLINETH command.)End of change

Application type (APPTYPE). The type of application that this BSC line is used for. (See the APPTYPE parameter in the CRTLINBSC command.)

ARP retry count. The number of times an address resolution protocol (ARP) request will be retried if no response is received.

ARP retry timer The amount of time to wait for a response to an address resolution protocol (ARP) request.

Associated port resource name (ASSOCPORT). Specifies the resource name that describes the port that is used to establish a connection between a Windows® network server and the network. (See the ASSOCPORT parameter in the CRTLINETH command.)

Async control character map. Control characters that either may not be successfully received over an asynchronous serial line or which may be spuriously introduced by other data communications equipment into a transmission on the line.

Attach mode. The attach mode specified when the line was created. The term attach mode means the same thing as station type.

Attached nonswitched controller name. The name of a controller associated with this line.

Attached nonswitched network interface (NWI). The name of the nonswitched network interface (NWI) description that contains the channel to which this line is to be attached. (See the NWI parameter in the CRTLINDDI, CRTLINETH, CRTLINFR, CRTLINPPP, CRTLINTRN, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Attached workstation controller (WSC). The name of the controller description for the 5394 work station controller or the work station controller to which the personal computer is attached. (See the WSC parameter in the CRTLINTDLC command.)

ATM access type (ACCTYPE). The type of access to the ATM network. (See the ACCTYPE parameter in the CRTLINETH or CRTLINTRN command.)

Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Autoanswer (AUTOANS). Whether you intend to use your modem's automatic answer function. (See the AUTOANS parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINBSC, CRTLINSDLC, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Autoanswer type (AUTOANSTYP). The method to be used by the system and modem to answer incoming calls. (See the AUTOANSTYP parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINBSC, CRTLINSDLC, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Autocall resource name (ACRSRCNAME). The name that is assigned by the system to a communications port from which a communications line attaches to an automatic call unit. (See the ACRSRCNAME parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINBSC, CRTLINSDLC, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Autocall unit (AUTOCALL). An associated automatic call unit. (See the AUTOCALL parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINBSC, CRTLINSDLC, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Autoconfigured for AS/36. The line was automatically configured for AS/36.

Autocreate controller (AUTOCRTCTL). Whether the system is to automatically create APPC controller descriptions when incoming calls are received from other systems on the local area network. (See the AUTOCRTCTL parameter in the CRTLINDDI, CRTLINETH, CRTLINTRN, or CRTLINWLS command.)

Autodelete controller (AUTODLTCTL). The number of minutes the system should wait before automatically varying off and deleting automatically created controller descriptions associated with this line. (See the AUTODLTCTL parameter in the CRTLINDDI, CRTLINETH, CRTLINTRN, or CRTLINWLS command.)


Autodial (AUTODIAL). Whether or not you intend to use the automatic call function to dial the remote system or network to establish a switched line connection. (See the AUTODIAL parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINBSC, CRTLINSDLC, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Start of changeBridge identifier (BRIDGE). The identifier of the bridge that is associated with this Ethernet line description. A value of *NONE indicates no bridge identifier is associated with this Ethernet line description. (See the BRIDGE parameter in the CRTLINETH command.)End of change

Call immediate (CALLIMMED). For switched X.25 lines, whether a call should be made immediately after varying on the line description. (See the CALLIMMED parameter in the CRTLINX25 command.)

Calling number (CALLNBR). The local connection number of a line. (See the CALLNBR parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINBSC, CRTLINPPP, CRTLINSDLC, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Call progress signal retry value (CPSRTY). Whether a call attempt should be retried if the specified call progress signal is received. (See the CPSRTY parameter in the CRTLINSDLC command.)

Character code (CODE). The type of character code used. (See the CODE parameter in the CRTLINBSC command.)

Clear to send timer (CTSTMR). The length of time that the system should wait for the modem (DCE) to raise or drop Clear to Send (CTS) before signaling an error. (See the CTSTMR parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINBSC, CRTLINPPP, CRTLINSDLC, or CRTLINX25 command.)


Clocking (CLOCK). The clocking function for the line is provided by the modem (*MODEM). (See the CLOCK parameter in the CRTLINBSC, CRTLINPPP, CRTLINSDLC, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Compression (COMPRESS). The compression function is provided. (See the COMPRESS parameter in the CRTLINPPP command.)

Connection initiation (CNNINIT). The values to initiate the X.25 data link connection. (See the CNNINIT parameter in the CRTLINX25 command.)

Connection list (CNNLSTIN). The name of the connection list used to retrieve ISDN call information when authorizing incoming calls. (See the CNNLSTIN parameter in the CRTLINPPP, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Connection number (CNNNBR). For switched X.25 lines, the number of the remote DCE (packet switched data network) that can be contacted using this line description. (See the CNNNBR parameter in the CRTLINX25 command.)

Connect poll retry (CNNPOLLRTY). The number of connect poll retries that will be attempted before the system indicates an error in contacting the remote system or controller. (See the CNNPOLLRTY parameter in the CRTLINSDLC command.)

Connect poll timer (CNNPOLLTMR). The length of time that the system waits for the response to a poll while in normal disconnect mode before polling the next station. (See the CNNPOLLTMR parameter in the CRTLINSDLC command.)

Connect retry count (IDLCCNNRTY). The number of times to retry a transmission at connection time. (See the IDLCCNNRTY parameter in the CRTLINIDLC command.)


Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Connect timer (CNNTMR). The amount of time that an automatic answer connect request waits for an incoming call on an X.21 circuit-switched line. (See the CNNTMR parameter in the CRTLINSDLC command.)


Connection type (CNN). The type of line connection. (See the CNN parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINBSC, CRTLINPPP, CRTLINSDLC, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Contention state retry (CTNRTY). The number of contention state retries that can be attempted before disconnecting the line. (See the CTNRTY parameter in the CRTLINBSC command.)

Continue timer (CONTTMR). The length of time that the system waits before sending a TTD or WACK control character. (See the CONTTMR parameter in the CRTLINBSC command.)

Controller category. This value will be one of the following:

The category value is derived from the command used to create the controller description.

Controller name (CTL). The names of one or more controller descriptions associated with this line. (See the CTL parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINBSC, CRTLINFAX, CRTLINSDLC, or CRTLINTDLC command.)

Controller text description. A brief description of a controller associated with this line.

Controller type. The type of controller being described. (See the TYPE parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLLWS, CRTCTLRTL, CRTCTLRWS, or CRTCTLTAP command.)

Cost per byte (COSTBYTE). The relative cost per byte of sending and receiving data on the line. (See the COSTBYTE parameter in the CRTLINDDI, CRTLINETH, CRTLINFR, CRTLINSDLC, CRTLINTRN, CRTLINWLS, or CRTLINX25 command.)


Cost per connect time (COSTCNN). The relative cost of being connected on the line. (See the COSTCNN parameter in the CRTLINDDI, CRTLINETH, CRTLINFR, CRTLINSDLC, CRTLINTRN, CRTLINWLS, or CRTLINX25 command.)


CRC errors received (CRCRCV). The level of error threshold monitoring done by the system for CRC errors received. (See the CRCRCV parameter in the CRTLINIDLC command.)


Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Current duplex (DUPLEX). The actual duplex mode being used by the hardware associated with the line description. The current duplex value with *AUTO is determined by the hardware. (See the DUPLEX parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINBSC, CRTLINETH, CRTLINSDLC, or CRTLINTRN command.)

Note: *AUTO is valid until the line is varied on. After the line is varied on, *AUTO is resolved to either *HALF or *FULL.

Current line speed (LINESPEED). The actual speed of the line description. This value is determined by the hardware. (See the LINESPEED parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINBSC, CRTLINETH, CRTLINPPP, CRTLINSDLC, CRTLINTRN, or CRTLINX25 command.)


Note: The values *CALC, *NWI, and *AUTO can be returned only when the line is varied off. If the line is varied on, these values will be resolved to a discrete line speed.

Current message queue (MSGQ). The message queue to which messages are currently being sent using this line description. This field is valid only for lines that are varied on. Note that the value of the current message queue may be different from the message queue field (MSGQ parameter) under certain error conditions. (See the MSGQ parameter in the CRTLINDDI, CRTLINETH, CRTLINFR, CRTLINPPP, CRTLINTRN, or CRTLINX25 command.) This information is returned in two separate fields:

Data bits per character (BITSCHAR). The data bits per character (either 7 or 8 bits excluding the parity bit). (See the BITSCHAR parameter in the CRTLINASC command.)

Data link role (ROLE). Whether this system is the primary station or secondary station, or if this station should dynamically negotiate its role with the remote station when the line is varied on. (See the ROLE parameter in the CRTLINSDLC command.)

Data set ready drop timer (DSRDRPTMR). The length of time that the system should wait for the modem (DCE) to drop Data Set Ready (DSR) after the system has dropped Data Terminal Ready (DTR) before signalling an error. (See the DSRDRPTMR parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINBSC, CRTLINSDLC, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Data state retry (DTASTTRTY). The time before retry when BSC is sending or receiving data on the communications line. (See the DTASTTRTY parameter in the CRTLINBSC command.)

Date information retrieved. The date that the information was provided by the API. This is returned as 7 characters in the form CYYMMDD, as follows:

C Century, where 0 indicates years 19xx and 1 indicates years 20xx.
YY Year
MM Month
DD Day

Default packet size (DFTPKTSIZE). The default packet size to use for controllers attached to this line description. This information is returned in two separate fields:

(See the DFTPKTSIZE parameter in the CRTLINX25 command.)


Default window size: transmit/receive (IDLCWDWSIZ, DFTWDWSIZE) The default window size used for this line description. (See the DFTWDWSIZE parameter in the CRTLINX25 command.)


Dial command type (DIALCMD). The dial command type used to establish a connection with a remote system. (See the DIALCMD parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINBSC, CRTLINPPP, CRTLINSDLC, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Dial retries (DIALRTY). The number of times to retry dialing the number before considering the dialing unsuccessful. (See the DIALRTY parameter in the CRTLINX25 command.)

Duplex (DUPLEX). This value will be one of the following:


Early token release (ELYTKNRLS). Allows greater throughput on 16MB token-ring network lines. (See the ELYTKNRLS parameter in the CRTLINTRN command.)

Echo support (ECHO). Whether the system is to send back (echo) to the remote station none of the characters that it receives, all of the characters it receives, or all data up to, but not including, the end-of-record character (*CNTL). (See the ECHO parameter in the CRTLINASC command.)

Emulated LAN name (EMLLANNAME). Specifies the emulated LAN name. (See the EMLLANNAME parameter in the CRTLINETH or CRTLINTRN command.)

Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Enable for TCP/IP (TCPONLY). Whether you want the line description to be used for TCP/IP only.

Note: TCPONLY is not used after release V4R5. The field will contain blanks.

Entry length for list of active switched controllers. The entry length in bytes of each element in the list of active switched controllers returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Start of changeEntry length for list of aggregated resource entries. The entry length in bytes of each element in the list of aggregated resource entries returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.End of change

Entry length for list of attached nonswitched controllers. The entry length in bytes of each element in the list of attached nonswitched controllers returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Entry length for list of call progress signal retry values. The entry length in bytes of each element in the list of call progress signal retry values returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Entry length for list of EOR characters. The entry length in bytes of each element in the list of end-of-record (EOR) characters returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Entry length for list of function addresses. The entry length in bytes of each element in the list of function addresses returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Entry length for list of group addresses. The entry length in bytes of each element in the list of group addresses returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Entry length for list of logical channel entries. The entry length in bytes of each element in the list of logical channel entries returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Entry length for list of PVC identifiers. The entry length in bytes of each element in the list of permanent virtual circuits (PVC) returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Entry length for list of resource names. The entry length in bytes of each element in the list of resource names returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Entry length for list of SSAPs. The entry length in bytes of each element in the list of SSAPs returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Entry length for list of switched controllers. The entry length in bytes of each element in the list of switched controllers returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Entry length for list of switched NWIs. The entry length in bytes of each element in the list of switched network interface (NWI) descriptions returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

EOR character. The end-of-record character.

Error threshold level (THRESHOLD). The level of the error threshold that is monitored by the system. (See the THRESHOLD parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINBSC, CRTLINETH, CRTLINSDLC, CRTLINTRN, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Ethernet standard (ETHSTD). The standard used by the Ethernet local area network. (See the ETHSTD parameter in the CRTLINETH or CRTLINWLS command.)

Exchange identifier (EXCHID). The exchange identifier that the local system can send to the remote controller or system. (See the EXCHID parameter in the CRTLINDDI, CRTLINETH, CRTLINFR, CRTLINSDLC, CRTLINTRN, CRTLINWLS, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Extended network addressing (EXNNETADR). Whether extended network addressing is used by this line description and attached controller descriptions. (See the EXNNETADR parameter in the CRTLINX25 command.)

Fair polling timer (FAIRPLLTMR). The maximum length of time (in seconds) that the system will send data to one or more stations on the line before polling stations without pending output requests. (See the FAIRPLLTMR parameter in the CRTLINSDLC command.)

Flow control (FLOWCNTL). Whether you will use the XON and XOFF flow control characters to control the flow of data to your system. (See the FLOWCNTL parameter in the CRTLINASC or CRTLINPPP command.)

Frame aborts (ABORTS). The level of error threshold monitoring done by the system for frame aborts. (See the ABORTS parameter in the CRTLINIDLC command.)


Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Frame retry (FRAMERTY). The number of retries for an unanswered or unacknowledged frame. (See the FRAMERTY parameter in the CRTLINSDLC or CRTLINX25 command.)

Frame retry limit (IDLCFRMRTY). The maximum number of frame retransmissions to attempt before initiating recovery. (See the IDLCFRMRTY parameter in the CRTLINIDLC command.)


Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Frame sequence errors (FRMSEQERR). The level of error threshold monitoring done by the system for frame sequence errors. (See the FRMSEQERR parameter in the CRTLINIDLC command.)


Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Framing type (FRAMING). Specifies whether the line uses asynchronous or synchronous framing. (See the FRAMING parameter in the CRTLINPPP command.)

Function address. Functional address used by token-ring network lines.

Generate test frame (GENTSTFRM). Whether the system will have test frames automatically generated. Test frames are used to detect whether the Ethernet network has become inoperational during idle periods. (See the GENTSTFRM parameter in the CRTLINETH command.)

Group address. The group of addresses to which a subset of nodes on the network respond to, in addition to their local adapter addresses.

Idle timer (IDLTMR). The maximum allowable time between characters before the adapter forwards the receive buffer to the system. (See the IDLTMR parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINSDLC, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Inactivity timer (INACTTMR). The time that the system waits for activity on a line before disconnecting. (See the INACTTMR parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINBSC, CRTLINPPP, or CRTLINSDLC command.)


Include STX character in the LRC (STXLRC). Whether to exclude the start-of-text (STX) character in the longitudinal redundancy check (LRC) calculation. (See the STXLRC parameter in the CRTLINBSC command.)

Incoming connection list (CNNLSTIN). The name of the connection list used to retrieve ISDN call information when authorizing incoming calls. (See the CNNLSTIN parameter in the CRTLINPPP, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Information transfer type (INFTRFTYPE). How data is to be encoded for the ISDN B-channel associated with this line description. (See the INFTRFTYPE parameter in the CRTLINPPP, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Initialization program library name. The name of the library in which the initialization program resides.

Initialization program name. The name of a program that is called to manage configuration initialization data.

Initialization source file library name. The name of the library in which the initialization source file resides.

Initialization source file name. The name of a source file containing configuration initialization data.

Initialization source member name. The name of a source member containing configuration initialization data.

Insert network address in packets (ADRINSERT). Whether the system inserts the local network address (NETADR) in call-request and call-accept packets. (See the ADRINSERT parameter in the CRTLINX25 command.)

IOP attach flag. Specifies what type of Ethernet IOP is attached.

LAN emulation client frame size (LECFRAME). The LAN emulation client (LEC) frame size. (See the LECFRAME parameter in the CRTLINTRN command.)


Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Last contacted LES ATM address. Specifies the most recently used LAN emulation server (LES) ATM network address associated with this line.

Note: These fields are no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

LEC cache aging time. Specifies the time-out period for which an address resolution protocol (ARP) entry will be cached without verification of that entry.

Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

LEC disconnect time out (LECDSCTIMO). The amount of time in minutes that a LAN emulation client will wait before disconnecting an idle virtual circuit connection to another client. (See the LECDSCTIMO parameter in the CRTLINETH or CRTLINTRN command.)

Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.


Line category. This value will be one of the following:

The category value is derived from the command used to create the line description.

Line name. The name of the line description.

Line speed (LINESPEED). The line speed in bits per second (bps). (See the LINESPEED parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINBSC, CRTLINETH, CRTLINPPP, CRTLINSDLC, CRTLINTRN, or CRTLINX25 command.)


Link control protocol authentication values (LCPAUT). Specifies values controlling how the Link Control Protocol layer of IBM® i Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) authenticates a remote peer. (See the LCPAUT parameter in the CRTLINPPP command.) These values are returned in two separate fields:


Link control protocol configuration values (LCPCFG). Specifies values controlling how the Link Control Protocol layer of IBM i PPP negotiates mutually acceptable link configuration values with a remote peer. (See the LCPCFG parameter in the CRTLINPPP command.) These values are returned in four separate fields:

Link speed (LINKSPEED). The link speed in bits per second (bps). (See the LINKSPEED parameter in the CRTLINDDI, CRTLINETH, CRTLINFR, CRTLINSDLC, CRTLINTRN, CRTLINWLS, or CRTLINX25 command.)


Note: For Ethernet (LIND0500) and Token-Ring (LIND1000), link speeds over one gigabit per second must be retrieved from two parameters as follows: LINKSPEED = (link_speed_multiplier x (10**9)) + link_speed. For link speeds less than one gigabit per second, the link speed multiplier will contain zero.

Link speed multiplier. For Ethernet (LIND0500) and Token-Ring (LIND1000), link speeds over one gigabit per second must use this multiplier to calculate the actual link speed as follows: LINKSPEED = (link_speed_multiplier x (10**9)) + link_speed. For link speeds less than one gigabit per second, the link speed multiplier will contain zero.

Local ATM address. Specifies the local ATM network address associated with this line.

Note: These fields are no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Local adapter address (ADPTADR). The address used by the adapter for this line to transmit from and answer to on the token-ring or LAN. (See the ADPTADR parameter in the CRTLINDDI, CRTLINETH, CRTLINTRN, or CRTLINWLS command.)

Local manager mode (LCLMGRMODE). The local manager mode used with a distributed data interface (DDI) line. (See the LCLMGRMODE parameter in the CRTLINDDI command.)

Local network address (NETADR). The network address of the system. (See the NETADR parameter in the CRTLINX25 command.)

Log configuration changes (LOGCFGCHG). Whether the token-ring network manager for this line is to log configuration changes on the ring. (See the LOGCFGCHG parameter in the CRTLINTRN command.)

Logging level (LOGLVL). The error logging level used with a distributed data interface (DDI) line. (See the LOGLVL parameter in the CRTLINDDI command.)

Logical channel controller. Either an SVC or an attached PVC controller.

For a switched virtual circuit (SVC) logical channel, this is the controller description currently active on this logical channel.

For a permanent virtual circuit (PVC) logical channel, this is the controller description permanently attached to this logical channel.

Logical channel identifier. An identifier consisting of 3 hexadecimal characters that can range from hex 001 to hex FFF. The first character represents the logical channel group, as assigned by the network subscription. The last 2 characters are the network-assigned logical channel number.

Logical channel type. The type of logical channel.

Long retry (LONGRTY). The number of bursts of call retry attempts that the system makes when processing a connection request. (See the LONGRTY parameter in the CRTLINSDLC command.)

Long timer (LONGTMR). The length of time that the system waits between connection retry attempts. (See the LONGTMR parameter in the CRTLINSDLC command.)

Maximum ARP entries. Specifies the maximum number of address resolution protocol (ARP) table entries. This represents the maximum number of LAN emulation MAC addresses that can be resolved at any point in time.

Maximum buffer size (MAXBUFFER). The maximum size of the incoming and outgoing buffers. (See the MAXBUFFER parameter in the CRTLINASC or CRTLINBSC command.)

Maximum controllers (MAXCTL). The maximum number of controllers this line can support. (See the MAXCTL parameter in the CRTLINDDI, CRTLINETH, CRTLINFR, CRTLINSDLC, CRTLINTRN, or CRTLINWLS command.)

Maximum frame size (MAXFRAME). The maximum frame size or logical link control data unit that can be transmitted and received on this line. (See the MAXFRAME parameter in the CRTLINDDI, CRTLINETH, CRTLINFR, CRTLINPPP, CRTLINSDLC, CRTLINTRN, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Maximum outstanding frames (MAXOUT). The maximum number of information frames that can be sent to a remote system and received from a remote system before allowing the receiving system to respond. (See the MAXOUT parameter in the CRTLINSDLC command.)

Maximum packet size (MAXPKTSIZE). The maximum packet size that can be used by any controller associated with this line description. This information is returned in two separate fields:

(See the MAXPKTSIZE parameter in the CRTLINX25 command.)


Message queue (MSGQ). The message queue to which operational messages for this line should normally be sent. Note that this is the value entered on the MSGQ parameter of the CL command, but under certain error conditions it may not be the message queue currently in use. See the current message queue field to determine what message queue is actually being used at a given time. (See the MSGQ parameter in the CRTLINDDI, CRTLINETH, CRTLINFR, CRTLINPPP, CRTLINTRN, or CRTLINX25 command.) This information is returned in two separate fields:

Modem data rate select (MODEMRATE). Whether this modem is being operated at its full rated speed, or at an alternate or half speed. (See the MODEMRATE parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINBSC, CRTLINSDLC, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Modem initialization command string (MDMINZCMD). The command string to send to set the modem. (See the MDMINZCMD parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINPPP, CRTLINSDLC, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Modem type supported (MODEM). The type of modem diagnostic tests to be used on the line. (See the MODEM parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINBSC, CRTLINSDLC, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Modulus (MODULUS). Whether extended sequence numbers are used (modulus 128) or not (modulus 8). (See the MODULUS parameter in the CRTLINSDLC or CRTLINX25 command.)

Network controller (NETCTL). The name of an existing network controller description. (See the NETCTL parameter in the CRTLINDDI, CRTLINETH, CRTLINFR, CRTLINPPP, CRTLINTDLC, CRTLINTRN, CRTLINWLS, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Network interface DLC identifier. The data link control (DLC) identifier used to connect to the network.

Network server description (NWS). The name of the network server to which the nonswitched line is attached. (See the NWS parameter in the CRTLINETH or CRTLINTRN command.)

Network user identification facility (NETUSRID). Allows X.25 network subscribers to specify the network user identification (NUI) selection facility that is encoded in the facility field of all call request packets sent on this line. (See the NETUSRID parameter in the CRTLINX25 command.)

Nonproductive receive timer (NPRDRCVTMR). The time that the system waits for either a final frame or an idle signal while the secondary station is continuously transmitting. (See the NPRDRCVTMR parameter in the CRTLINSDLC command.)

NRZI data encoding (NRZI). Whether the system uses the non-return-to-zero inverted (NRZI) transmission coding method. (See the NRZI parameter in the CRTLINPPP or CRTLINSDLC command.)

Number of active switched controllers. The number of elements in the list of active switched controllers returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Start of changeNumber of aggregated resource list entries. The number of elements in the list of aggregated resource entry list returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.End of change

Number of attached nonswitched controllers. The number of elements in the list of attached nonswitched controllers returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Number of call progress signal retry values. The number of elements in the list of call progress signal retry values returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Number of EOR characters. The number of elements in the list of end-of-record (EOR) characters returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Number of function addresses. The number of elements in the list of function addresses returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Number of group addresses. The number of elements in the list of group addresses returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Number of logical channel entries. The number of elements in the list of logical channel entries returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Number of PVC identifiers. The number of elements in the list of permanent virtual circuits returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Number of resource names. The number of elements in the list of resource names returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Number of serviceability options. The number of elements in the list of serviceability options returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Number of SSAPs. The number of elements in the list of source service access points (SSAPs) returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Number of switched controllers. The number of elements in the list of switched controllers returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Number of switched NWIs. The number of elements in the list of switched network interface (NWI) descriptions returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Number of trailing characters. The value returned with each element in the list of EOR characters.

NWI channel number (NWICHLNBR). The network interface (NWI) channel to be used by this line description. (See the NWICHLNBR parameter in the CRTLINPPP, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

NWI channel type (NWICHLTYPE). The type of network interface channels to be used by this line description. (See the NWICHLTYPE parameter in the CRTLINX25 command.)

Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

NWI name. The name of the existing network interface description.

Start of changeOffset to list of aggregated resource entries. The offset in bytes to the first element in the list of aggregated resource entries returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.End of change

Offset to list of active switched controllers. The offset in bytes to the first element in the list of active switched controllers returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Offset to list of attached nonswitched controllers. The offset in bytes to the first element in the list of attached nonswitched controllers returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Offset to list of call progress signal retry values. The offset in bytes to the first element in the list of call progress signal retry values returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Offset to list of EOR characters. The offset in bytes to the first element in the list of EOR characters returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Offset to list of function addresses. The offset in bytes to the first element in the list of function addresses returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Offset to list of group addresses. The offset in bytes to the first element in the list of group addresses returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Offset to list of logical channel entries. The offset in bytes to the first element in the list of logical channel entries returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Offset to list of PVC identifiers. The offset in bytes to the first element in the list of permanent virtual circuits returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Offset to list of resource names. The offset in bytes to the first element in the list of resource names returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Offset to list of serviceability options. The offset in bytes to the first element in the list of serviceability options returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Offset to list of SSAPs. The offset in bytes to the first element in the list of source service access points (SSAPs) returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Offset to list of switched controllers. The offset in bytes to the first element in the list of switched controllers returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Offset to list of switched NWIs. The offset in bytes to the first element in the list of switched network interface (NWI) descriptions returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Online at IPL (ONLINE). Whether or not the line is varied on automatically when the system is turned on. (See the ONLINE parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINBSC, CRTLINDDI, CRTLINETH, CRTLINFAX, CRTLINFR, CRTLINPPP, CRTLINSDLC, CRTLINTDLC, CRTLINTRN, CRTLINWLS, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Outgoing connection list (CNNLSTOUT). For switched ISDN connections, the name of a connection list containing the network-assigned numbers used for outgoing calls on this controller. (See the CNNLSTOUT parameter in the CRTLINPPP or CRTLINX25 command.)

Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Outgoing connection list entry (CNNLSTOUTE). For switched ISDN connections, the name of the connection list entry containing the network-assigned numbers used for outgoing calls on this line. (See the CNNLSTOUTE parameter in the CRTLINPPP or CRTLINX25 command.)

Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Packet mode (PKTMODE). Allows the system to communicate directly with another system by using the B-channel X.25 virtual circuit service integrated within an ISDN. (See the PKTMODE parameter in the CRTLINX25 command.)

Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

PVC identifiers (PVCID). Specifies the virtual path identifier and virtual circuit ID. (See the PVCID parameter in the CRTLINETH or CRTLINTRN command.)

Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Physical interface (INTERFACE). The type of physical communications line interface that this communications adapter port and cable will be attached to. (See the INTERFACE parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINBSC, CRTLINPPP, CRTLINSDLC, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Poll cycle pause (POLLPAUSE). The length of time that the system waits after the last remote system in the poll list is polled before beginning another pass through the poll list. (See the POLLPAUSE parameter in the CRTLINSDLC command.)

Poll response delay (POLLRSPDLY). The minimum duration of time that the system waits before it responds to a data poll if there is no information frame to transmit. (See the POLLRSPDLY parameter in the CRTLINSDLC command.)

Port number. The port number on the network server to which this line is physically attached.


Predial delay (PREDIALDLY). The length of time to wait before dialing the number to establish a connection to the remote system or network. (See the PREDIALDLY parameter in the CRTLINX25 command.)

Propagation delay (PRPDLY). The time required for a signal to travel from one end of a link to the other end. (See the PRPDLY parameter in the CRTLINDDI, CRTLINETH, CRTLINFR, CRTLINSDLC, CRTLINTRN, CRTLINWLS, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Receive overrun (OVERRUN). The level of error threshold monitoring done by the system for receive overrun errors. (See the OVERRUN parameter in the CRTLINIDLC command.)


Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Receive timer (RCVTMR). The maximum amount of time the system waits for a response from the remote system before a time-out occurs. (See the RCVTMR parameter in the CRTLINBSC command.)

Receive TTD or WACK retry (RCVRTY). The number of times that a temporary text delay (TTD) or wait-before-transmit-positive acknowledgement (WACK) is received before the session fails. (See the RCVRTY parameter in the CRTLINBSC command.)


Recovery limits (CMNRCYLMT). The second-level communications recovery limit for each line description. These limits are returned in two separate fields:



Redial delay (REDIALDLY). The length of time to wait before redialing the number to establish a connection to the remote system or network if the previous attempt was unsuccessful. (See the REDIALDLY parameter in the CRTLINX25 command.)

LES ATM address (LESATMADR). Specifies the ATM network address of the remote LAN emulation server. (See the LESATMADR parameter in the CRTLINETH or CRTLINTRN command.) This address is returned in three separate fields:

Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Remote answer timer (RMTANSTMR). The length of time that the system should wait for the modem (DCE) to raise Data Set Ready (DSR) after dialing before signaling an error. (See the RMTANSTMR parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINBSC, CRTLINPPP, CRTLINSDLC, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Reported emulated LAN name. The reported emulated LAN name.

Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Reserved. Space included for alignment.

Response timer (IDLCRSPTMR). The length of time to wait before retransmitting a frame when an acknowledgement is not received. (See the IDLCRSPTMR parameter in the CRTLINIDLC command.)


Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Resource name (RSRCNAME). The unique name that is assigned by the system to the physical equipment (in this case, a communications port) attached to the system. (See the RSRCNAME parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINBSC, CRTLINDDI, CRTLINETH, CRTLINFAX, CRTLINPPP, CRTLINSDLC, CRTLINTRN, CRTLINWLS, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Retransmitted frames (RETRANSMIT). The level of error threshold monitoring done by the system for retransmitted frames. (See the RETRANSMIT parameter in the CRTLINIDLC command.)


Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Security for line (SECURITY). The types of security protection available on the line. (See the SECURITY parameter in the CRTLINDDI, CRTLINETH, CRTLINFR, CRTLINSDLC, CRTLINTRN, CRTLINWLS, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Segment number. The unique number that identifies the LAN to which the network server is attached.

Serviceability options (SRVOPT). A value that is specified for serviceability options. The value must be provided by a service provider. (See the SRVOPT parameter in the CRTLINETH command.)

Set modem to ASYNC command (SETMDMASC). The V25BIS command that is used to set the modem to ASYNC mode. (See the SETMDMASC parameter in the CRTLINASC or CRTLINPPP command.)

Short frame (SHORTFRAME). The level of error threshold monitoring done by the system for short frame errors. (See the SHORTFRAME parameter in the CRTLINIDLC command.)


Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

SHM access code (SHMACC). The access code used by an X.21 short-hold mode (SHM) line when calling a system on another network. (See the SHMACC parameter in the CRTLINSDLC command.)

SHM answer delay timer (SHMANSDLY). The length of time the system waits for controllers to call in before attempting to call out. (See the SHMANSDLY parameter in the CRTLINSDLC command.)


SHM call format (SHMCALLFMT). The format of the network identifier used in the local system's connection number. (See the SHMCALLFMT parameter in the CRTLINSDLC command.)

SHM call timer (SHMCALLTMR). The interval at which a connection is reestablished on an X.21 short-hold mode line to verify the state of the remote system if no normal data traffic occurs in the specified interval. (See the SHMCALLTMR parameter in the CRTLINSDLC command.)


SHM maximum connect timer (SHMMAXCNN). The length of time the system allows connection to any one controller when there are more controllers than there are available ports. (See the SHMMAXCNN parameter in the CRTLINSDLC command.)


SHM node type (SHMNODE). The physical unit type of the controllers using the X.21 short-hold mode line. (See the SHMNODE parameter in the CRTLINSDLC command.)

Short retry (SHORTRTY). The number of retry attempts that the system makes during a burst of call retries. (See the SHORTRTY parameter in the CRTLINSDLC command.)

Short timer (SHORTTMR). The length of time that the system waits between retry attempts when processing a connection request. (See the SHORTTMR parameter in the CRTLINSDLC command.)

SSAP address. The hexadecimal logical channel address that is used to route data off the line to the proper user.

SSAP maximum frame. The largest frame size allowed on this source service access point (SSAP).


SSAP type. The type of communications used by the system on this SSAP.

Station address (STNADR). The address used by the remote control station to poll the system. (See the STNADR parameter in the CRTLINBSC or CRTLINSDLC command.)

Stop bits (STOPBITS). The number of bits to be added to the end of each character to keep the local and remote ends of the line synchronized. (See the STOPBITS parameter in the CRTLINASC command.)

Switched connection type (SWTCNN). Whether the line can be used for incoming and outgoing calls, incoming calls only, or outgoing calls only. (See the SWTCNN parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINBSC, CRTLINPPP, CRTLINSDLC, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Switched controller name. The name of a controller associated with this line.

Switched disconnect (SWTDSC). For switched lines (CNN(*SWTPP)), whether the line is to be dropped when no virtual circuits are active and the disconnection timers specified on the SWTDSCTMR parameter have expired. (See the SWTDSC parameter in the CRTLINX25 command.)

Switched disconnect timers (SWTDSCTMR). The timers used for disconnecting switched lines from a network or remote system. The timer values are returned in two separate fields:

(See the SWTDSCTMR parameter in the CRTLINX25 command.)

Switched network backup (SNBU). Whether or not you want the switched network backup capability. (See the SNBU parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINBSC or CRTLINSDLC command.)

Switched NWI selection (SWTNWISLCT). The method used to select network interface (NWI) descriptions from the switched NWI list. (See the SWTNWISLCT parameter in the CRTLINPPP, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

SYN characters (SYNCCHARS). The number of SYN characters used to establish and maintain synchronization and as time-fill characters in the absence of any data or other control character. (See the SYNCCHARS parameter in the CRTLINBSC command.)

Text description (TEXT). A brief description of the line and its location. (See the TEXT parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINBSC, CRTLINDDI, CRTLINETH, CRTLINFAX, CRTLINFR, CRTLINPPP, CRTLINSDLC, CRTLINTDLC, CRTLINTRN, CRTLINWLS, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Time information retrieved. The time that the information was provided by the API. It is returned as 6 characters in the form HHMMSS, where:

HH Hour
MM Minute
SS Second

Token-ring inform of beacon (TRNINFBCN). Whether the token-ring network manager for this line is to provide notification of beaconing on the ring to the system operator. (See the TRNINFBCN parameter in the CRTLINTRN command.)

Token rotation time. The token rotation time requested when the line was created. (See the TKNRTTTIME parameter in the CRTLINDDI command.)


Transmit TTD or WACK retry (TMTRTY). The number of times that a temporary-text-delay (TTD) or wait-before-transmit-positive acknowledgement (WACK) control character is sent to hold up the line when the system is not ready to respond to the remote end. (See the TMTRTY parameter in the CRTLINBSC command.)


Transmit underrun (UNDERRUN). The level of error threshold monitoring done by the system for transmit underrun errors. (See the UNDERRUN parameter in the CRTLINIDLC command.)


Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

TRLAN manager logging level (TRNLOGLVL). The logging level to be used by the token-ring network manager. This information is returned in two separate fields:

(See the TRNLOGLVL parameter in the CRTLINTRN command.)

TRLAN manager mode (TRNMGRMODE). Whether the token-ring network manager for this line is operating in observing or controlling mode. (See the TRNMGRMODE parameter in the CRTLINTRN command.)

Use LECS address (USELECSADR). Specifies whether the local system contacts the LAN emulation server (LES) address. (See the USELECSADR parameter in the CRTLINETH or CRTLINTRN command.)

Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Type of parity (PARITY). The type of parity for error checking. (See the PARITY parameter in the CRTLINASC command.)

User-defined 1, 2, and 3 (USRDFN1, USRDFN2, USRDFN3). Used to describe any unique characteristics of the line that you want to control. (See the USRDFN1, USRDFN2, or USRDFN3 parameter in the CRTLINDDI, CRTLINETH, CRTLINFR, CRTLINSDLC, CRTLINTRN, CRTLINWLS, or CRTLINX25 command.)

Vary on wait (VRYWAIT). Whether the line is varied on synchronously or asynchronously. (See the VRYWAIT parameter in the CRTLINASC, CRTLINBSC, CRTLINDDI, CRTLINETH, CRTLINFAX, CRTLINFR, CRTLINPPP, CRTLINSDLC, CRTLINTRN, CRTLINWLS, or CRTLINX25 command.)


Virtual hardware. Specifies whether a real Ethernet line or a virtual Ethernet LAN adapter is associated with the line description.

X.25 DCE support (X25DCE). Allows the system to communicate directly with another system without going through an X.25 network. (See the X25DCE parameter in the CRTLINX25 command.)

XOFF character (XOFFCHAR). The hexadecimal value used to tell your line to stop sending data. (See the XOFFCHAR parameter in the CRTLINASC command.)

XON character (XONCHAR). The hexadecimal value used to tell your line to start sending data. (See the XONCHAR parameter in the CRTLINASC command.)

Error Messages

Message ID Error Message Text
CPF24B4 E Severe error while addressing parameter list.
CPF2625 E Not able to allocate object &1.
CPF2634 E Not authorized to object &1.
CPF26A7 E Category of object not compatible with API format.
CPF26B2 E NetBIOS description &1 previously deleted.
CPF2703 E Controller description &1 not found.
CPF2704 E Line description &1 not found.
CPF3C19 E Error occurred with receiver variable specified.
CPF3C21 E Format name &1 is not valid.
CPF3C24 E Length of the receiver variable is not valid.
CPF3CF1 E Error code parameter not valid.
CPF3C90 E Literal value cannot be changed.
CPF8104 E Controller description &4 damaged.
CPF811D E Network interface description &4 damaged.
CPF8125 E Line description &4 damaged.
CPF9872 E Program or service program &1 in library &2 ended. Reason code &3.

API introduced: V2R3
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