Using IBM Stewardship Center

Data stewards and managers use the tools and processes provided by IBM® Stewardship Center in combination with the capabilities provided by IBM Business Process Manager to perform data stewardship, and stewardship management, actions.

Important: Before you begin, make sure that you have the latest fix pack installed. To verify that you have the latest fix pack, see: Recommended fixes for InfoSphere Master Data Management by version.

The capabilities provided with IBM Stewardship Center are divided into two categories: data stewardship and performance metrics.

Data stewardship

The data stewardship capabilities with IBM Stewardship Center include:
  • Searching person and organization records. Business users can search records and submit requests to change the data. Data stewards can search records and manage the data.
  • Reviewing and updating the information in the records, including relationships and hierarchies
  • Resolving tasks, such as suspected duplicate tasks and change request tasks
  • Data steward managers can assign tasks to individual team members or groups

Performance metrics

The performance metrics capabilities with IBM Stewardship Center include:
  • Monitoring how many tasks are overdue, at risk, or on track. You can view this information by task type or by team.
  • Monitoring the task turnover rate
  • Monitoring the list of open tasks for the current week and the upcoming week.


A dashboard is a user interface that displays business process information. You must be authorized to view specific dashboards. IBM Stewardship Center enhances the capabilities of the IBM Process Portal dashboards to perform data stewardship actions. In addition, IBM Stewardship Center includes several MDM-specific dashboards for you to use.

The following table contains descriptions for both the IBM Process Portal dashboards and the IBM Stewardship Center dashboards:
Table 1. Dashboards used with IBM Stewardship Center
Dashboard Name Description
Work Similar to an inbox, the Work dashboard lists the tasks that are assigned to an individual or team. Data stewards use this dashboard as the starting point to resolve the tasks assigned to them and to collaborate with others.
Process Performance Displays the status of the tasks by task type. The categories of task status are overdue, at risk, or on track. This dashboard appears only for users who are listed on the Process Owner team.
Team Performance Displays the status of the tasks by team or group. The categories of team status are overdue, at risk, or on track. This dashboard appears only for users who are listed in the DataStewardManager group.
MDM Dashboard Provides metrics about the different types of tasks, the task turnover rate, and the list of open tasks. Data steward managers can assign tasks to individual data stewards or groups. This dashboard appears only for users who are listed in the DataStewardManager group.
Search Use this dashboard to search the InfoSphere® MDM database. You can search Party by person name, organization name, address, contact information, or identifier information. The search results are displayed below the search criteria. From this dashboard you can view detailed information about a specific person or organization.

Last updated: 27 Mar 2015