Submitting a change request

Business users can submit requests to the data stewards to change the information for a person or organization. You submit these change requests in the Person Summary or Organization Summary window.

Before you begin

You must perform a search before you can access the detailed information for a person or organization.
Important: If you want to request changes to multiple sections, you must do changes to one section at a time. After making changes to one section, you must click Create Change Request before proceeding to another section to make changes.

For example, if you make changes on the Names section and switch to the Addresses section and make changes on that section without submitting the changes to the first section, when you click Create Change Request on the Addresses section, the changes you made on the Names section will be lost. You must click Create Change Request on the Names section before you switch to the Addresses section to make and submit changes there.


  1. In the Search Results section of the Search window, click the view details icon for the person or organization.
    There is a view details icon at the beginning of each row in the search results.

    The Summary window appears.

    To return to your search results, click the Search Results breadcrumb at the upper left side of the Summary window.

  2. Explore the Summary window. A series of sections contain information about the person or organization that you selected. The top of the Summary window displays the key attributes for the person or organization. This set of key attributes remains visible on the window, regardless of the section that you select.
    Tip: The Summary window contains hover help for many of the buttons, icons, and less intuitive parts of the window. For example, when you hover the mouse pointer over a button, the hover help appears in a pop-up window.
    • The Summary section of the Dashboard tab shows a subset of the attributes from each of the specific category sections. To see the complete set of attributes for a category, select the appropriate link in the Menu section.
    • By default, only information from active records is displayed. To display information from inactive records, click Inactive. This option is available only on some of the sections.
  3. To submit a request to update the information:
    1. Select the link corresponding with the type of information that you want to update.
    2. If there is more than one type in the list section, select the type from the list that you want to update. For example, to update a person's legal name, you must select Legal in the List of Names section.
    3. Change the information in the Details section.
    4. The changes that you want to make require the approval of someone else. At the bottom of the section, click Create Change Request.
    Important: If you want to request changes to multiple sections, you must do changes to one section at a time. After making changes to one section, you must click Create Change Request before proceeding to another section to make changes.

    For example, if you make changes on the Names section and switch to the Addresses section and make changes on that section without submitting the changes to the first section, when you click Create Change Request on the Addresses section, the changes you made on the Names section will be lost. You must click Create Change Request on the Names section before you switch to the Addresses section to make and submit changes there.

  4. A window appears to confirm the changes that you made to the information. Review the list of changes. You can add a justification to explain the reason for the changes. The justification is visible to the data steward assigned to review your change request.
    • Click Submit to send the changes to the data steward team.
    • Click Cancel to return to the Summary screen.

Last updated: 27 Mar 2015