Searching for records

You can search by specifying information about a person, organization, or an ID number. When you search by a person or organization, you can also specify that the search use deterministic or probabilistic matching.


  1. In the Search dashboard, specify the type of search that you want to run by selecting the drop-down next to Search Options.
    Option Description
    Search Type The default search type is Person.
    Displays a field where you can specify the ID for the person or organization.
    Displays categories of information that you can search on, such as Name and Address. Each category contains a set of fields that are commonly used for searching.
    Displays categories of information that you can search on, such as Name and Address. Each category contains a set of fields that are commonly used for searching.
    Search Format The default search format is Deterministic. Specifying a search format is only available when you use the Organization or Person search type.
    Requires an exact match between your criteria and the person records. With deterministic, you can use wildcard characters, such as the percent symbol ( % ) and question mark symbol ( ? ), in the criteria. Use the question mark when you want to search for a single character. Use the percent symbol (%) when you want to search for multiple characters.

    Usage: Deterministic matching works best for simple, easily defined matches.

    Example: If your criteria specifies Sm?th for the surname, names such as Smith and Smyth are returned as matches. However names such as Smithson and Smythe are not returned. If your criteria specifies Smith%, names such as Smith, Smithson, Smithers, and Smithfield are returned as matches.

    Uses statistical analysis to determine the overall likelihood of a match.

    Usage: Probabilistic matching is the preferred method for matching large data sets or when many attributes are involved in the matching process.

    Example: Matching on surname Smith in North America should render a lower matching score than matching on the surname Barretto. That is, the likelihood that the surname Smith is a true match is lower than the likelihood that Barretto is a true match because Smith is a more common surname in North America.

    Note: The selections that you make for search type and search format are permanent. Any subsequent searches that you perform will use these settings. You can change the settings at any time.
  2. Specify your search criteria. You can use wildcard characters, such as the percent symbol ( % ), in your search criteria.
    Tip: You can hide entire categories of criteria or specific fields that you never intend to search on by selecting the options icon.
    The options icon shows a hammer and wrench crossed over one another.

    There is an options icon for the general categories of information. This icon is on the far-right side of the Criteria section of the window. Use this icon to hide categories of information, such as to hide the Contact category.

    There are also options icons next to some of the category names that contain a long list of fields. Use these options icons to hide specific fields in a category. For example you can hide the Address line 3 field in the Address category. If you have hidden a category or field, select the options icon for the window or specific category to mark the information to show on the screen.

  3. Click Submit. The search request is sent to InfoSphere® MDM to process. The Search Results are displayed in the Search window, below the Criteria section.
  4. To start a new search, click Clear. The criteria that you specified is removed from the fields.

Last updated: 27 Mar 2015