Information Management IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management, Version 11.3

Data issue tasks

The threshold levels of overlay, auto-link, and clerical review are set to manage task creation. Records comparing higher than the overlay threshold, or between the clerical review and auto-link threshold levels, have data issues that require manual review and resolution.

Task types are defined in MDM Workbench and stored in the mpi_tsktype table. Specific task member or entity task information is stored in the _xtsk tables.

Although a record can have numerous data issues, a record can be part of only one identification task at a time. Task assignment is based on a task type hierarchy; some data issues are more important than others and should be resolved first. This hierarchy, from least important to most important, is:

Occasionally, updates to member data can cause a new, more serious, data issue. When this scenario occurs, the record is promoted to the higher task type. Likewise, updates can cause the data issue to be removed, thus removing the task.

Attention: The “one task at a time” rule is applicable to the predefined identification and relationship tasks. Custom tasks can follow a different rule.

Last updated: 27 June 2014