Using the Common Base Event browser to view Common Base Events

To monitor Common Base Events in a production environment, you must manually install the Common Base Event browser binary files supplied with IBM® Business Monitor and enable the event data store.

About this task

Note: Enabling the event data store slows down event processing significantly. The order of events shown in the Common Base Event browser does not correspond to the order of events processed by IBM Business Monitor. To capture streams of events, it is better to use event recording and playback.

If you are installing the Common Base Event browser into a network deployment environment, you must install the files on the deployment manager node.

Important: The CEI database is not configured automatically.


Use the following steps to manually install the Common Base Event browser binary files and enable the event data store:

  1. Create the common event infrastructure (CEI) database before proceeding.
  2. From a command line prompt, enter the file path to access the profile_root\bin directory. For example,
    cd \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\WBMon01\bin
  3. At the command line prompt, run the following script:
    wsadmin -conntype none -lang jython 
    The following messages are displayed:
    • WASX7357I: By request, this scripting client is not connected to any server process. Certain configuration and application operations will be available in local mode.
    • WASX7031I: For help, enter: "print".
  4. At the command line prompt, enter the following command:
    AdminApp.install('monitor_root\systemApps\cbebrowser.ear', '[-appname cbebrowser -node node_name -server server_name]')
    For example:
     AdminApp.install('C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\systemApps\cbebrowser.ear', '[-appname cbebrowser -node j126test4Node01 -server server1]')
    The following messages are displayed:
    • ADMA5016I: Installation of cbebrowser started.
    • ADMA5005I: The application cbebrowser is configured in the WebSphere® Application Server repository.
    • ADMA5011I: The cleanup of the temp directory for application cbebrowser is complete.
    • ADMA5013I: Application cbebrowser installed successfully.
  5. To save the configuration, enter
  6. On the WebSphere Application Server administrative console, enable the event data store:
    1. From the navigation panel, click Service Integration > CEI > Event Service > Event Services.
    2. Select your event service.
    3. Make sure the Enable event data store check box is checked.
      Note: Sometimes the check box appears to be enabled when it is actually disabled. Make sure that you clear it and then click to check it again.
    4. Click Save.
  7. Restart WebSphere Application Server.
  8. Open the browser using the following URL:
    http://host_name:WC_adminhost port/ibm/console/cbebrowser/events/