What's new in IMS Library Integrity Utilities

This topic summarizes the technical changes for this edition.

New and changed information is denoted either by a character in the left margin or by blue carets (Symbol that indicates the start of new or changed content) and (Symbol that indicates the end of new or changed content) at the beginning and end of the new or changed information. Editorial changes that have no technical significance are not noted.

Start of change

SC19-3979-05 (August 2019)

Catalog Manager utility
  • The utility has been enhanced to support BMP regions (APAR PH04670). For more information, see DD statements.
  • The function to validate IMS™ control blocks in the IMS catalog and the IMS directory has been enhanced to support the IMS directory staging data set (APAR PH09134). By this enhancement, the algorithm for validating the time stamps of ACBs in the ACB libraries and in the IMS directory and instances in the IMS catalog database has changed. Also, the format of the IMS Catalog Validation report has been changed.
    For more information, see the following topics:

End of change

SC19-3979-04 (October 2018)

MDA Reversal utility
A new utility, MDA Reversal, is added. The utility converts DFSMDA members to DFSMDA macros (APAR PI98748). The utility can also generate a report that lists information about all the DFSMDA members found in libraries that you specify. For more information, see MDA Reversal utility.
Catalog Manager utility
The utility supports the following new functions (APAR PI95272).
  • Compare IMS control blocks in the IMS directory with those in ACB libraries, DBD libraries, or PSB libraries.
  • Convert ACBs in the IMS directory into IMS DBDGEN control statements or into IMS PSBGEN control statements.

The utility has also been enhanced to compare IMS control blocks in the IMS directory (APAR PH00141).

For more information, see Catalog Manager utility.

SC19-3979-03 (September 2017)

DBD/PSB/ACB Compare utility
  • The utility supports a new parameter, METADATA, for the NOCOMP statement (APAR PI67745). This parameter indicates that the metadata fields in DBD, PSB, or ACB are not compared. The behavior of this parameter is the same as NOCOMP=CATALOG. For more information, see NOCOMP control statement.
  • The utility supports new parameters for the NOCOMP statement (APAR PI71280). The new parameters are LANG, LIST, PROCOPT, PROCSEQ, PROCSEQD, PSB_ACCESS, and PSB_PSELOPT. For more information, see NOCOMP control statement.
IMS Administration Tool support
IMS Library Integrity Utilities extends the functions of IBM® IMS Administration Tool for z/OS® (APAR PI67745). If IMS Library Integrity Utilities is configured for IMS Administration Tool, IMS Library Integrity Utilities enables the following functions of IMS Administration Tool:
  • View IMS databases (DBDs) and program views (PSBs) of Database and Application administration
  • IMS Catalog Management
  • Program View of IMS SPUFI

For more information, see the IMS Administration Tool User's Guide and Reference.

Explanations of return codes and messages that you might receive using IMS Library Integrity Utilities under IMS Administration Tool are provided in Troubleshooting.

SC19-3979-02 (March 2016)

DBD/PSB/ACB Compare utility
The utility supports a new control statement, CTLSTMT. Use this control statement to echo the SYSIN control statements and selected runtime options to the SYSPRINT data set (APAR PI35148). For more information, see Control statements for the DBD/PSB/ACB Compare utility.
DBD/PSB/ACB Mapper utility
The utility prints the version of IMS that was used to generate the control block in the SYSPRINT data set (APAR PI33159). For more information, see the reports in SYSPRINT data set.
DBD/PSB/ACB Reversal utility
  • The following new control statements are supported (APAR PI47105):
    • ACB_REFENRECED option to decode DBD-type ACBs that are not referenced by any PSB-type ACBs.
    • PGM_COBOL option to set LANG=COBOL instead of LANG=ASSEM in the decoded PSB source.
    • DECOPT PCB_LABEL option to print the PCBNAME in the label instead of printing the PCBNAME parameter in the decoded PSB source.
    • DECOPT SENSEG_PROCOPT option to always print the SENSEG PROCOPT value in the decoded PSB source.

    This APAR also adds a new function control statement, UNREF ACB. Use this control statement to generate the Unreferenced ACB(DBD) report in the SYSPRINT data set.

  • LISTLIB DBD and LISTLIB PSB control statements generate DBD and PSB library member list reports in the SYSPRINT data set (APAR PI53117). The report contains information about the members in the data sets that are concatenated to DBDLIB DD or PSBLIB DD. For more information, see the following topics:
Catalog Manager utility
The utility provides the function to check the time stamp of DBD-type ACB and PSB-type ACB members in the IMS catalog directory (APAR PI36550). For more information, see Catalog Manager utility overview.
DBD/PSB Map Viewer
The following capabilities have been added to the DBD/PSB Map Viewer for Management Console (APAR PI50732):
  • Viewing program specifications, PSB source, and PSB XML document
  • Listing logical DBDs and PSBs that refer to a specific DBD


Integrity Checker utility
Instructions to maintain RDEs for HALDBs and DEDBs during an online database change were added. For more information, see the following topics:
Multiple Resource Checker utility
The utility supports a new option that you can use when you compare multiple sets of RECON data sets. When you use this option, you can compare only the database definitions in RECON data sets or both database definitions and recovery environment definitions in RECON data sets (APAR PI12851). The following topics were added or updated to support this enhancement:
DBD/PSB/ACB Compare utility
DBD/PSB/ACB Reversal utility
Catalog Manager utility
The new Catalog Manager utility can help you ensure that DBDs and PSBs in the IMS catalog match the DBD and PSB members in the ACB libraries (APAR PI21200). For more information, see Catalog Manager utility.
ACBLIB Analyzer utility
The utility supports a new operand, GENDATE, for the LISTLIB command. This operand specifies to print the date and time when the ACB members were generated in the Library Contents report (APAR PI09309). The following topics were added or updated to support this enhancement:

Also see Functional enhancements in Version 2 Release 2 for more information about these enhancements.


Integrity Checker utility
Instructions to activate Integrity Checker are revised. To activate Integrity Checker, follow the instructions from Planning for Integrity Checker configuration.
Multiple Resource Checker utility
A new utility, Multiple Resource Checker, is added. You can use this utility to check the consistency of DBD and PSB definitions in the RECON data sets, DBD, PSB, and ACB libraries and to report differences between RECON data sets. See Multiple Resource Checker utility.
DBD/PSB/ACB Compare utility
DBD/PSB/ACB Compare can generate a source-level compare report for ACBLIB members that are generated by different IMS releases. For more information, see DBD/PSB/ACB Compare utility.
Supports the DBD Map Viewer, which is the IMS Library Integrity Utilities extension for Management Console and Tools Base Administration Console, to view the graphical visualization of a database structure map, the DBD macro source, and the DBD XML document. For more information, see Functional enhancements in Version 2 Release 2.