Rule Execution Server API


Provides classes that the Client Project for RuleApps wizard can display.


Class Summary
IlrCompleteRuleAppReference Extends the IlrRuleAppReference class to request the RuleApp project to work with during the code generation.
IlrCompleteRulesetReference Extends the IlrRulesetReference class to request the rulesets inside the RuleApp project to manage.
IlrFileGeneratorWizardPage Extends WizardPage to set the Client Project for RuleApps contextual help on the pages of the nested wizard.
IlrFileGeneratorWizardSelectionPage Extends WizardSelectionPage to set the Client Project for RuleApps contextual help on the pages of the nested wizard.
IlrProjectName Extends the WizardNewProjectCreationPage class to request the name of the new project.
IlrProjectReference Extends the IlrFileGeneratorWizardPage class to request the destination project.
IlrRuleAppReference Extends the IlrFileGeneratorWizardPage class to request the RuleApp project to work with during the code generation.
IlrRulesetParameterWizardPage Extends the IlrFileGeneratorWizardPage class to request the ruleset parameter values for each ruleset of the RuleApp.
IlrRulesetReference Extends the IlrFileGeneratorWizardSelectionPage class.
IlrTraceFilterWizardPage Extends the IlrFileGeneratorWizardPage class to request the values of the trace filters.

Package Description

Provides classes that the Client Project for RuleApps wizard can display. These pages are displayed as a nested wizard after the generator and the RuleApp project had been selected.

JRules 6.0

Rule Execution Server API

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