Rule Execution Server API


Provides classes that the Client Project for RuleApps wizard can display as a nested wizard after the generator and the RuleApp project had been selected.


Class Summary
IlrAbstractRESConfigurationSelectionDialog Create a dialog used to select a Rule Execution Server Configuration from the workspace.
IlrDefaultCompletionWizard Extends the IlrFileGeneratorWizard class.
IlrDefaultCreationWizard Extends the IlrFileGeneratorWizard class.
IlrFileGeneratorWizard Extends the Eclipse Wizard class and saves the selected RuleApp project and generator in the pages of the Client Project for RuleApps wizard.
IlrPOJOGeneratorWizard Extends the IlrFileGeneratorWizard class to create a wizard that will ask for properties for a Plain Old Java Object generation.
IlrWebServiceGeneratorWizard Extends the IlrFileGeneratorWizard class to create a wizard that will ask for the persistence properties and the Tomcat 5.5 home directory.

Package Description

Provides classes that the Client Project for RuleApps wizard can display as a nested wizard after the generator and the RuleApp project had been selected.

JRules 6.0

Rule Execution Server API

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