Decision Center API

Package ilog.rules.teamserver.brm

Contains a set of interfaces for the Decision Center objects.


Interface Summary
IlrAbstractQuery A representation of the model object 'Abstract Query'.
IlrAction A representation of the model object 'Action'.
IlrActionObject A representation of the model object 'Action Object'.
IlrActionRule A representation of the model object 'Action Rule'.
IlrActivity A representation of the model object 'Activity'.
IlrActivityComment A representation of the model object 'Activity Comment'.
IlrActivityCommentAccess A representation of the model object 'Activity Comment Access'.
IlrActivityCommentAttachment A representation of the model object 'Activity Comment Attachment'.
IlrActivityCommentEvent A representation of the model object 'Activity Comment Event'.
IlrActivityCommentLink A representation of the model object 'Activity Comment Link'.
IlrActivityLock A representation of the model object 'Activity Lock'.
IlrActivitySubscription A representation of the model object 'Activity Subscription'.
IlrActivityUserComment A representation of the model object 'Activity User Comment'.
IlrArgument A representation of the model object 'Argument'.
IlrBaseline A representation of the model object 'Baseline'.
IlrBasicLock A representation of the model object 'Basic Lock'.
IlrBasicModelElement A representation of the model object 'Basic Model Element'.
IlrBOM A representation of the model object 'BOM'.
IlrBOM2XOMMapping A representation of the model object 'BOM2XOM Mapping'.
IlrBOMEntry A representation of the model object 'BOM Entry'.
IlrBOMPathEntry A representation of the model object 'BOM Path Entry'.
IlrBranch A representation of the model object 'Branch'.
IlrBRLRule A representation of the model object 'BRL Rule'.
IlrBrmPackage The Package for the model.
IlrBusinessObject A representation of the model object 'Business Object'.
IlrBusinessRule A representation of the model object 'Business Rule'.
IlrChangeAct A representation of the model object 'Change Act'.
IlrChart A representation of the model object 'Chart'.
IlrConnectionEntry A representation of the model object 'Connection Entry'.
IlrDataConnection A representation of the model object 'Data Connection'.
IlrDecisionTable A representation of the model object 'Decision Table'.
IlrDecisionTree A representation of the model object 'Decision Tree'.
IlrDefinition A representation of the model object 'Definition'.
IlrDependency A representation of the model object 'Dependency'.
IlrEvent A representation of the model object 'Event'.
IlrEventArtifact A representation of the model object 'Event Artifact'.
IlrEventElement A representation of the model object 'Event Element'.
IlrEventFlow A representation of the model object 'Event Flow'.
IlrEventObject A representation of the model object 'Event Object'.
IlrEventObjectArtifact A representation of the model object 'Event Object Artifact'.
IlrEventRule A representation of the model object 'Event Rule'.
IlrEventRuleArtifact A representation of the model object 'Event Rule Artifact'.
IlrEventRuleGroup A representation of the model object 'Event Rule Group'.
IlrExtractor A representation of the model object 'Extractor'.
IlrFile A representation of the model object 'File'.
IlrFilter A representation of the model object 'Filter'.
IlrFunction A representation of the model object 'Function'.
IlrFunctionTask A representation of the model object 'Function Task'.
IlrHierarchy A representation of the model object 'Hierarchy'.
IlrInitialValue A representation of the model object 'Initial Value'.
IlrLock A representation of the model object 'Lock'.
IlrManagedBranch A representation of the model object 'Managed Branch'.
IlrMergeReport A representation of the model object 'Merge Report'.
IlrMessageMap A representation of the model object 'Message Map'.
IlrModelElement A representation of the model object 'Model Element'.
IlrNamedConstant A representation of the model object 'Named Constant'.
IlrOverriddenRule A representation of the model object 'Overridden Rule'.
IlrPackageElement A representation of the model object 'Package Element'.
IlrParameter A representation of the model object 'Parameter'.
IlrProfile A representation of the model object 'Profile'.
IlrProjectBOMEntry A representation of the model object 'Project BOM Entry'.
IlrProjectElement A representation of the model object 'Project Element'.
IlrProjectInfo A representation of the model object 'Project Info'.
IlrProxy A representation of the model object 'Proxy'.
IlrQuery A representation of the model object 'Query'.
IlrReferencingBsln A representation of the model object 'Referencing Bsln'.
IlrRelease A representation of the model object 'Release'.
IlrResource A representation of the model object 'Resource'.
IlrRule A representation of the model object 'Rule'.
IlrRuleApp A representation of the model object 'Rule App'.
IlrRuleAppProperty A representation of the model object 'Ruleapp Tag'.
IlrRuleArtifact A representation of the model object 'Rule Artifact'.
IlrRuleArtifactTag A representation of the model object 'Rule Artifact Tag'.
IlrRuleflow A representation of the model object 'Ruleflow'.
IlrRuleflowTag A representation of the model object 'Ruleflow Tag'.
IlrRulePackage A representation of the model object 'Rule Package'.
IlrRuleProject A representation of the model object 'Rule Project'.
IlrRuleProjectTag A representation of the model object 'Rule Project Tag'.
IlrRuleset A representation of the model object 'Ruleset'.
IlrRulesetProperty A representation of the model object 'Ruleset Property'.
IlrRuleTask A representation of the model object 'Rule Task'.
IlrScenarioSuite A representation of the model object 'Scenario Suite'.
IlrScenarioSuiteKPIReport A representation of the model object 'Scenario Suite KPI Report'.
IlrScenarioSuiteReport A representation of the model object 'Scenario Suite Report'.
IlrScenarioSuiteResource A representation of the model object 'Scenario Suite Resource'.
IlrScenarioTestReport A representation of the model object 'Scenario Test Report'.
IlrSchema A representation of the model object 'Schema'.
IlrScopeElement A representation of the model object 'Scope Element'.
IlrServer A representation of the model object 'Server'.
IlrSimulation A representation of the model object 'Simulation'.
IlrSmartView A representation of the model object 'Smart View'.
IlrSnapshot A representation of the model object 'Snapshot'.
IlrTag A representation of the model object 'Tag'.
IlrTask A representation of the model object 'Task'.
IlrTechnicalRule A representation of the model object 'Technical Rule'.
IlrTemplate A representation of the model object 'Template'.
IlrTestReport A representation of the model object 'Test Report'.
IlrTestSuite A representation of the model object 'Test Suite'.
IlrTimestampBsln A representation of the model object 'Timestamp Bsln'.
IlrTypedElement A representation of the model object 'Typed Element'.
IlrUserSetting A representation of the model object 'User Setting'.
IlrValidationAct A representation of the model object 'Validation Act'.
IlrVariable A representation of the model object 'Variable'.
IlrVariableSet A representation of the model object 'Variable Set'.
IlrVocabulary A representation of the model object 'Vocabulary'.

Class Summary
IlrAlgorithmKind A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Algorithm Kind', and utility methods for working with them.
IlrBaselineKind A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Baseline Kind', and utility methods for working with them.
IlrDirectionKind A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Direction Kind', and utility methods for working with them.
IlrExitCriteriaKind A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Exit Criteria Kind', and utility methods for working with them.
IlrNamedConstantType A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Named Constant Type', and utility methods for working with them.
IlrOrderingKind A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Ordering Kind', and utility methods for working with them.
IlrPackageKind A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Package Kind', and utility methods for working with them.
IlrServerKind A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Server Kind', and utility methods for working with them.
IlrUpdateTypeKind A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Update Type Kind', and utility methods for working with them.

Package ilog.rules.teamserver.brm Description

Contains a set of interfaces for the Decision Center objects. Each interface of this package extends ilog.rules.teamserver.model.IlrElementDetails and represents an EMF class of the Decision Center model. For instance, the interface IlrBusinessRule represents the EMF object brm.BusinessRule.

Decision Center API

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 2013