Decision Center API

Package ilog.rules.teamserver.auth

Defines the API used to connect to Decision Center.


Class Summary
AuthenticationCredentials Abstract class for credentials to pass to the AuthenticationHandler.connect(String, AuthenticationCredentials) method.
AuthenticationHandler<T extends AuthenticationCredentials> Abstract class that handles the connection to Decision Center.
AuthenticationResponse Defines an object to handle a response on the status of the connection.
LtpaTokenAuthenticationCredentials Represents credentials that store a Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA) token.
LtpaTokenAuthenticationHandler Connects to Decision Center using the LTPA technology.
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationCredentials Represents a simple user/password credential.
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationHandler Connects to Decision Center using form-based authentication.

Enum Summary
AuthenticationResponse.AuthenticateStatus The list of statuses that this response can handle.

Package ilog.rules.teamserver.auth Description

Defines the API used to connect to Decision Center.

Decision Center API

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