Permanently deleting a user account

After you delete an account, it remains inactive in the service, and you have 30 days to restore it. If you are sure that you will not need to restore the account, you can permanently delete it within 30 days of the initial account deletion. Permanently deleting an account frees its subscriptions for other users.

Before you begin

To permanently delete an account, you must first complete the task Deleting a user account.

About this task

A user account is permanently deleted automatically 30 days after the initial account deletion. However, if you have deleted a user account and you do not want to wait the 30 days, you can permanently delete the account yourself by performing these steps.

You cannot restore an account after you permanently delete it. If there is a chance you might need to restore the account, do not complete this procedure.

Do not use these steps to permanently delete the SmartCloud Notes® data for a user whose SmartCloud Notes subscription was removed, but who still has a user account. Instead, perform the task Removing the SmartCloud Notes data for a deleted user account or subscription.

For additional information on the deletion and account removal process, see Stages of account deletion.


  1. Log on to the service as an administrator.
  2. If your account also has the User role, click Admin > Manage Organization.
  3. In the navigation pane, click User Accounts.
  4. If your organization uses partitions, select the partition.
    Tip: If you do not know the user's partition, click User Accounts in the navigation pane to locate the user and view the partition assignment. Alternatively, if you have the Administrator role, select All to view the names of users in all partitions.
  5. Select Status in the drop-down box and then select Trash.
  6. Click the arrow next to the user name and then select Delete User.
  7. Optional: Enter the email address of a user in your organization to whom you want to transfer the deleted user's collaboration resources, such as files.
    Note: You cannot transfer ownership of the mail file.
  8. Click Delete.