Deleting a user account

When you delete a user's account, the user no longer has access to any cloud services.

Before you begin

After you complete this procedure, the account remains inactive in the service for a period of time, which gives you a chance to restore it. For information about the stages that occur before an account is permanently deleted, read Stages of account deletion.


  1. Log on to the service as an administrator.
  2. If your account also has the User role, click Admin > Manage Organization.
  3. In the navigation pane, click User Accounts.
  4. If your organization uses partitions, select the partition.
    Tip: If you do not know the user's partition, click User Accounts in the navigation pane to locate the user and view the partition assignment. Alternatively, if you have the Administrator role, select All to view the names of users in all partitions.
  5. Click the arrow next to a user name and then select Delete User.
  6. Optional: Enter the email address of a user in your organization to whom you want to transfer the deleted user's collaboration resources, such as files.
    Note: You cannot transfer ownership of the mail file.
  7. Click Trash.