IBM Integration Bus, Version Operating Systems: AIX, HP-Itanium, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS

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AggregateControl node

Use the AggregateControl node to mark the beginning of a fan-out of requests that are part of an aggregation.

This topic contains the following sections:


Aggregation is an extension of the request/reply application model. It combines the generation and fan-out of a number of related requests with the fan-in of the corresponding replies, and compiles those replies into a single aggregated reply message.

The aggregation function is provided by the following three nodes:
  • The AggregateControl node marks the beginning of a fan-out of requests that are part of an aggregation. It sends a control message that is used by the AggregateReply node to match the different requests that have been made. The information that is propagated from the Control terminal includes the broker identifier, the aggregate name property, and the timeout property. You must not change the aggregation information that is added to the message Environment by the AggregateControl node.
  • The AggregateRequest node records the fact that the request messages have been sent. It also collects information that helps the AggregateReply node to construct the aggregated reply message. You must preserve the information that is added to the message Environment by the AggregateControl node, otherwise the aggregation fails.
  • The AggregateReply node marks the end of an aggregation fan-in. It collects replies and combines them into a single aggregated reply message.

This node creates the LocalEnvironment.ComIbmAggregateControlNode folder. This folder and the fields in it are for internal use by IBM® Integration Bus and you should not rely on their existence or values when developing your message flows.

The AggregateControl node is contained in the Routing drawer of the palette, and is represented in the IBM Integration Toolkit by the following icon:

AggregateControl node icon

Using this node in a message flow

Look at the following samples to see how to use this node:

You can view information about samples only when you use the product documentation that is integrated with the IBM Integration Toolkit or the online product documentation. You can run samples only when you use the product documentation that is integrated with the IBM Integration Toolkit.

Terminals and properties

When you have put an instance of the AggregateControl node into a message flow, you can configure it; see Configuring a message flow node. The properties of the node are displayed in the Properties view. All mandatory properties for which you must enter a value (those that do not have a default value defined) are marked with an asterisk.

The AggregateControl node terminals are described in the following table.

Terminal Description
In The input terminal that accepts a message for processing by the node.
Out The output terminal to which the original message is routed when processing completes successfully.
Control The output terminal to which a control message is routed. The control message is sent to a corresponding AggregateReply node.

The Control terminal is deprecated in Version 6.0; to use connections from the Control terminal, see Using control messages in aggregation flows.

The following tables describe the node properties. The column headed M indicates whether the property is mandatory (marked with an asterisk if you must enter a value when no default is defined); the column headed C indicates whether the property is configurable (you can change the value when you add the message flow to the BAR file to deploy it).

The AggregateControl node Description properties are described in the following table:

Property M C Default Description
Node name No No The node type (AggregateControl) The name of the node.
Short Description No No   A brief description of the node.
Long Description No No   Text that describes the purpose of the node in the message flow.

The AggregateControl node Basic properties are described in the following table:

Property M C Default Description mqsiapplybaroverride command property
Aggregate Name Yes Yes   A name that is used to associate the fan-out message flow with the fan-in message flow. This value must be contextually unique in a broker.

This name is also used to identify an Aggregation configurable service (if one exists) to be used by the node.

Timeout (sec) Yes No 0 The amount of time, in seconds, that it waits for replies to arrive at the fan-in.

The default value is zero; if you accept this default value, the timeout is disabled for fan-outs from this node (that is, it waits for replies indefinitely). If not all responses are received, the message flow continues to wait, and does not complete. Set a value greater than zero to ensure that the message flow can complete, even if not all responses are received. For further information about timeouts, see AggregateReply node.

z/OS platformOn z/OS®, if the Timeout property is not set to zero, set the queue manager parameter EXPRYINT to 5.

The value specified by the Timeout (sec) property is overridden by the value set in the timeoutSeconds property of the Aggregation configurable service, if it is set. Timeout values specified by the node and the configurable service are overridden by a timeout value defined in the message, at the location specified by the Timeout location property of the AggregateControl node.


The AggregateControl node Advanced properties are described in the following table:

Property M C Default Description
Timeout location No No '$LocalEnvironment/Aggregation/Timeout' The location in the message tree where the aggregation timeout value is defined. The value specified in the message tree overrides the Timeout (sec) property of the AggregateControl node and the timeoutSeconds property of the Aggregation configurable service.
The Monitoring properties of the node are described in the following table.
Property M C Default Description
Events No No None Events that you have defined for the node are displayed on this tab. By default, no monitoring events are defined on any node in a message flow. Use Add, Edit, and Delete to create, change or delete monitoring events for the node; see Configuring monitoring event sources using monitoring properties for details.

You can enable and disable events that are shown here by selecting or clearing the Enabled check box.

ac04740_.htm | Last updated Friday, 21 July 2017