Create CTncccxx parmlib members for some components

Table 1 shows if a component has a parmlib member, if the member is a default member needed at system or component initialization, and if the component has default tracing. Some components run default tracing at all times when the component is running; default tracing is usually minimal and covers only unexpected events. Other components run traces only when requested.

When preparing your production SYS1.PARMLIB system library, do the following:
  1. Make sure the parmlib contains all default members identified in the table. If parmlib does not contain the default members at initialization, the system issues messages.

    Make sure that the IBM-supplied CTIITT00 member is in the parmlib. PARM=CTIITT00 can be specified on a TRACE CT command for a component trace that does not have a parmlib member; CTIITT00 prevents the system from prompting for a REPLY after the TRACE CT command. In a sysplex, CTIITT00 is useful to prevent each system from requesting a reply.

  2. Decide if each default member meets the needs of your installation. If it does not, customize it.
  3. Decide if the buffer size specified in the default members meets the needs of your installation. Some component traces do not allow buffer size change after initialization. Change the buffer size, if needed.

Most components can run only one component trace at a time; some components can run concurrent traces, called sublevel traces. Each sublevel trace is identified by its sublevel trace name. For some components, you need to identify the component's CTncccxx member in another parmlib member; the components with this requirement have the other parmlib member listed in the default member column in Table 1.

For example, for XCF specify CTIXCF00 on the CTRACE parameter in the COUPLExx parmlib member.
Table 1. Determining if a component has a parmlib member
Trace Parmlib member Default member Default tracing beginning at initialization Sublevel traces
SYSAPPC CTnAPPxx (see CTnAPPxx parmlib member) No No; cannot turn trace ON or OFF in CTnAPPxx No
SYSAXR CTIAXRnn (see CTIAXRnn parmlib member). CTIAXR00 Yes No
SYSBCPII CTIHWI00 CTIHWI00 Start of changeYes; minimal diagnostic tracing is always in effect. The presence of a valid CTIHW100 parmlib at BCPii startup can modify these default trace options.End of change No
Start of changeSYSBHIEnd of change CTIBHIxx CTIBHI00 Yes; minimal; unexpected events No
SYSCEA CTICEAnn (see CTICEAnn parmlib member) CTICEA00 Yes No
SYSDLF None N/A Yes; always on when DLF is running No
SYSGRS CTnGRSxx (see CTnGRSxx parmlib member). CTIGRS00, which is specified in GRSCNF00 member Yes, if global resource serialization is active; CONTROL and MONITOR options No
SYSIEFAL CTIIEFxx (see CTIIEFxx parmlib member) CTIIEFAL Yes No
SYSIOS CTnIOSxx (see CTnIOSxx parmlib member) No Yes; minimal; unexpected events No
SYSJES CTnJESxx (see CTnJESxx parmlib member) CTIJES01, CTIJES02, CTIJES03, CTIJES04

You should also receive and rename members IXZCTION and IXZCTIOF supplied in SYS1.SAMPLIB to CTIJESON and CTIJESOF.

Yes; full tracing for sublevels XCFEVT and FLOW; minimal tracing of unexpected events for sublevels USRXIT and MSGTRC Yes
SYSjes2 None N/A Yes; always on when JES2 is running Yes
SYSLLA None N/A Yes; always on when LLA is running No
SYSLOGR CTnLOGxx (see CTnLOGxx parmlib member). CTILOG00, which can be specified in IXGCNFxx member. Yes; Start of changeactivated during system logger (IXGLOGR) address space initializationEnd of change No
SYSOMVS CTnBPXxx (see CTnBPXxx parmlib member) CTIBPX00, which must be specified in BPXPRM00 member Yes; minimal; unexpected events No
SYSOPS CTnOPSxx (see CTnOPSxx parmlib member) CTIOPS00, which must be specified in CONSOLxx member Yes; minimal; unexpected events No
SYSRRS CTnRRSxx (see CTnRRSxx parmlib member) None, but member ATRCTRRS supplied in SYS1.SAMPLIB can be used. See SET-UP and ACTIVATION instructions in the ATRCTRRS sample. Yes; minimal; unexpected events No
SYSRSM CTnRSMxx (see CTnRSMxx parmlib member) No No No
SYSVLF None N/A Yes; minimal; unexpected events No
SYSWLM None N/A Yes; minimal; unexpected events No
SYSXCF CTnXCFxx (see CTnXCFxx parmlib member) CTIXCF00, which can be specified in COUPLE00 member Yes; minimal; unexpected events No
SYSXES CTnXESxx (see CTnXESxx parmlib member) CTIXES00, which can be specified in COUPLE00 member Yes; minimal; unexpected events Yes