Contents of ABEND dumps

You can specify the contents of an ABEND dump by specifying parameters on the ddname in the JCL for the program. This topic discusses the IBM-supplied default contents and contents available through customization.

All three ABEND dumps contain a summary dump, although the SYSMDUMP summary dump contains less information than the SYSABEND and SYSUDUMP summary dumps. The SYSUDUMP consists of only the summary dump. The SYSABEND dump also contains task data, while the SYSMDUMP also contains system data. The SYSMDUMP dump is a synchronous SVC dump and contains data similar to the data in an SVC dump.

  1. ABEND dumps do not include hiperspaces. To include hiperspace in an ABEND dump, read the data from the hiperspace into address space storage that is being dumped.
  2. If some needed areas are not included by default, see Customizing ABEND dump contents for ways to add the areas.