Customizing ABEND dump contents

The ddname of the data set for the ABEND dump determines how the contents can be customized. The system determines the contents of a particular ABEND dump from the options list the system maintains for the type of dump. The dump options list can be customized, cumulatively, by all the ways shown in the following tables; thus, for example, a SYSMDUMP ABEND dump written for an ABEND macro can be completely different from the default SYSMDUMP ABEND dump described in this document.

For more information about the topics described in this section, see the following references:

Recommendations for customizing ABEND dumps: How an installation customizes dumps should depend on the usual use of each type of dump. The IBM-supplied dump options for ABEND dumps are designed for the following uses:

For SYSUDUMP dumps, the IBM-supplied IEADMP00 member specifies the default contents as only a summary dump. An installation should consider using the IEADMP00 member as supplied, because it offers a small dump for simple problems.

Program areas in dumps: To request a meaningful dump for a particular program, code an ABEND macro that points to a macro parameter list. Specify in the list the data areas that are needed to diagnose the abnormally ending program but that are not specified in the parmlib member for the dump. Two examples are:

Nucleus areas in dumps: Dump options control the parts of the nucleus that appear in a dump. A diagnostician seldom needs to analyze all of the nucleus. An installation can eliminate nucleus areas from dumps. If the IBM-supplied defaults are used, an SYSMDUMP ABEND dump contains the read/write DAT-on nucleus.

An installation can obtain one copy of the DAT-off nucleus to use in any problem by entering a DUMP operator command.

The ABEND dump options that control dumping of the nucleus areas are:
Nucleus aArea
Read/write DAT-on nucleus
All of the DAT-on nucleus: read/write and read-only