Default contents of summary dumps in ABEND dumps

If only a summary dump is requested, as in a SYSUDUMP dump that is not customized, the summary information is together, because it forms the entire dump. When a summary dump is combined with other dump options, the summary dump information is scattered throughout the dump. In Table 1, an S indicates that a summary dump is available with the dump type.

Table 1. Default contents of summary dumps in ABEND dumps
Summary Dump Contents ABEND Dump to SYSUDUMP ABEND Dump to SYSABEND ABEND Dump to SYSMDUMP
Completion code: The system or user completion code if an ABEND macro requested the dump and, if it exists, the accompanying reason code S S S
Control blocks for the failing task, including:
  • ASCB (address space control block)
  • CDE (contents directory entry)
  • LLE (load list element)
  • RB (request block)
  • TCB (task control block)
  • TIOT (task input/output table)
  • XL (extent list)
S S  
Control blocks for the recovery termination manager (RTM):
  • EED (extended error descriptor) for RTM
  • Registers from the system diagnostic work area (SDWA)
  • RTM2WA (RTM2 work area)
  • SCB (set task asynchronous exit (STAE) control block)
Dump header, mapped by the AMDDATA macro     S
Dump index S S  
Dump title: The job and step being dumped, the time and date of the dump, the dump identifier, and the processor S S S
Load module, if the PSW points to an active load module:
  • Name
  • Module Contents
  • Offset into the load module of the failing instruction
  • Module pointed to in the last PRB (program request block)




PSW (program status word) at entry to ABEND, that is, when the dump was requested. The PSW includes the instruction length code and the interrupt code for the failing instruction. S S S
Registers at entry to ABEND, that is, when the dump was requested S S S
Save areas of register contents S S  
Storage: 4 kilobytes before and 4 kilobytes after the addresses in the PSW and the registers.

The dump shows, by ascending address, only the storage that the user is authorized to access. Duplicate addresses are removed.

System trace table entries for the dumped address space S S  
TCB summary: Information from the task control blocks (TCB) in the address space being dumped S S  
Virtual storage map: The subpools in the address space being dumped:
  • Subpool number
  • Subpool key
  • The owning or sharing task control block (TCB)
  • The beginning address and length of each allocated area
  • The beginning address and length of each free area