IBM TRIRIGA Version 10.5.0

Configuring IBM TRIRIGA

To integrate the IBM® TRIRIGA® Workplace Reservation Manager application with Microsoft Exchange, you must specify the values for the IBM TRIRIGA domain, subdomain, and simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) properties.

Before you begin

You must be an IBM TRIRIGA administrator.


  1. Verify that the incoming SMTP directory exists and the IBM TRIRIGA process has write access to the directory.
    Operating System Example Directory
    Windows C:\tririga\install\userfiles\smtp\in\
    UNIX /tririga/install/userfiles/smtp/in/
  2. Configure the following properties of the file:
    Property Description
    The subdomain for the Microsoft Exchange server, for example, reserve.tririga.
    EXCHANGE_DOMAIN The domain for the Microsoft Exchange server, for example, abc.tririga.
    The simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) root directory that is created when the reserve SMTP agent is started. For example, a Windows directory might be C:\tririga\install\userfiles\smtp\in\. A UNIX directory might be /tririga/install/userfiles/smtp/in/.
    The label that is displayed when a user connects the Microsoft Outlook client to the IBM TRIRIGA application server.
    SMTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT The timeout of the SMTP endpoint in minutes.
    SMTP_KEEP_EMAIL The flag that determines whether to keep the email after SMTP processing. A value of Y (yes) keeps the email. A value of N (no) discards the email.
    SMTP_PORT The port number that is used by the reserve SMTP agent for incoming SMTP traffic, for example, 25.
  3. From the IBM TRIRIGA administrator console, start the application server and start the reserve SMTP agent.

What to do next

After you configure the file, the Microsoft Exchange administrator creates the room resources with these properties. After the room resources are created, do not change the domain, subdomain, and SMTP values in the file. Changing these values after the room resources are created might yield unexpected behavior.
