Interface WorkAreaPartitionManager

  • public interface WorkAreaPartitionManager
    The WorkAreaManager interface defines the methods that allow a user to create their own WorkArea Partition and to retreive their WorkArea Partition. A Partition allows for private access to a given WorkArea within a Partition. A WorkArea Partition can be thought of in the same way as the UserWorkArea Partition and is defined by the UserWorkArea interface and API. The UserWorkArea Partition (bound in java:comp/websphere/UserWorkArea) is nothing more than a Partition that is publicly available and conforms to the same configuration for all users. A WorkArea Partition differse from the UserWorkArea Partition in a number of ways. First, the UserWorkArea Partition is publicly available, through java:comp, thus allowing multiple users on the same thread to access the context in the WorkArea. A WorkArea Partition on the other hand is created by a certain user and is only known to that user, unless of course that user makes its Partition publicly known. Second, a WorkArea Partition can be configured with a few differenct configuration parameters; namely 'Bidirectional' propagation, 'DeferredAttributeSerialization', and 'EnableWebServicePropagation'. Bidirectional propagation allows a Partition to propigate its context in two directions. That is to say, changes made to a WorkArea's context by a downstream process will be propagated back upstream to the originator of that WorkArea. In contrast, the UserWorkArea Partition is configured such that changes made to a WorkArea's context by a downstream process are not propagated back upstream to the originator of that context. DeferredAttributeSerialization is an optimization configuration paramater to minimize the number of serialization and deserialization operations. Finally, EnableWebServicePropagation allows a partition's context to be propagated on a WebService call.
    See Also:
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      UserWorkArea createWorkAreaPartition(java.lang.String partitionName, java.util.Properties props)
      Returns a new instance of a WorkArea Partition or throws an exception if the Partition name already exists.
      UserWorkArea getWorkAreaPartition(java.lang.String partitionName)
      Returns an instance of a WorkArea Partition or throws an exception if the Partition name doesn't exists.
    • Method Detail

      • getWorkAreaPartition

        UserWorkArea getWorkAreaPartition(java.lang.String partitionName)
                                          throws NoSuchPartitionException
        Returns an instance of a WorkArea Partition or throws an exception if the Partition name doesn't exists. To get a reference to your WorkArea Partition do the following in your code:

         import javax.naming.InitialContext;
                      . . .
         //The name in java naming the WorkAreaPartitionManager instance is bound to
         String jndiName = "java:comp/websphere/WorkAreaPartitionManager";
         //Variable to hold our WorkAreaPartitionManager reference
         WorkAreaPartitionManager partitionManager = null;
         //Get an instance of the WorkAreaPartitionManager implementation
         try {
             InitialContext initialContext = new InitialContext();
             partitionManager = (WorkAreaPartitionManager) initialContext.lookup(jndiName);
         catch (Exception e) {  
                      . . .
         //Variable used to hold the retrieved WorkArea Partition
         UserWorkArea myPartition = null;
             myPartition = partitionManager.getWorkAreaPartition("myPartitionName");
         catch(NoSuchPartitionException e){  
                      . . .
                      . . .

        partitionName - The name of the partition to retrieve.
        A WorkArea Partition instance, should one exist, corresponding to the name passed in.
        NoSuchPartitionException - This exception will be thrown if a user requests a WorkArea Partition with the given name that doesn't exist.
      • createWorkAreaPartition

        UserWorkArea createWorkAreaPartition(java.lang.String partitionName,
                                           java.util.Properties props)
                                             throws PartitionAlreadyExistsException,
        Returns a new instance of a WorkArea Partition or throws an exception if the Partition name already exists. To create a WorkArea Partition on a J2EE client see the following example below. Please note that creating a Partition in the way listed below is only available on a J2EE client. To create a Partition on the server use the WebSphere Administrative Console. Retrieving a WorkArea Partition is performed in the same way on both client and server.

         import java.lang.IllegalAccessError;
         import java.util.Properties;
         import javax.naming.InitialContext;
                      . . .
         //The name in java naming the WorkAreaPartitionManager instance is bound to
         String jndiName = "java:comp/websphere/WorkAreaPartitionManager";
         //Variable to hold our WorkAreaPartitionManager reference
         WorkAreaPartitionManager partitionManager = null;
         //Get an instance of the WorkAreaPartitionManager implementation
         try {
             InitialContext initialContext = new InitialContext();
             partitionManager = (WorkAreaPartitionManager) initialContext.lookup(jndiName);
         catch (Exception e) {  
                      . . .
         Properties props = new Properties();
          //Set the maxSendSize property to a desired level.
          //Set the maxReceiveSize property to a desired level.
          //Set the Bidirectional property to a desired value.
         UserWorkArea myPartition = null;
             myPartition = manager.createWorkAreaPartition("myPartitionName",props);
         catch (PartitionAlreadyExistsException e){
                      . . .
         catch (IllegalAccessException e){
                      . . .
                      . . .
          //Use the UserWorkArea (WorkArea Partition) myPartition variable to 
          //call the set/get/etc. methods as defined in the UserWorkArea interface.  See the 
          //WorkArea API documentation on using the WorkArea service.
                      . . .

        partitionName - The name of the partition to create. Names must be non-null and unique.
        props - A Properties object with the following properties to set:
        • "maxSendSize" - Indicates the maximum size (bytes) of a WorkArea to be sent on a remote call.
          Acceptable values are:
          • "-1" = use the default size (which is 32767)
          • "0" = unlimited size, this value will not be policed which might help performance a bit depending on the number of WorkArea an application has.
          • "1"....Integer.MAX_VALUE
        • "maxReceiveSize" - Indicates the maximum size (bytes) of WorkArea to be received.
          Acceptable values are:
          • "-1" = use the default size (which is 32767)
          • "0" = unlimited size, this value will not be policed which might help performance a bit depending on the number of WorkArea an application has.
          • "1"....Integer.MAX_VALUE
        • "Bidirectional" - Indicates if WorkArea context that is changed by a downstream process should be propagated back upstream to the originator of that context.
          Acceptable values are:
          • "true" = Set to "true" and context changes will be returned from a remote call.
          • "false" = Set to "false" and context changes will not be returned from a remote call. Default is "false".
        • "DeferredAttributeSerialization" - Indicates if the serialization of attribute should be optimized to occur exactly once per process.
          Acceptable values are:
          • "false" =
            • when an attribute is set into the WorkArea, it will be immediately serialized and bytes are stored.
            • when an attribute is retrieved from the WorkArea, it will always be deserialized from stored bytes. Default is "false".
          • "true" =
            • when an attribute is set into the WorkArea, it will not be serialized until a remote request is made.
            • if the value is unchanged by response, the serialized form will be used for subsequent requests; the live object will be retrieved via getters.
            • when requests are made during a remote request, a value will be deserialized on demand exactly once. The serialized form will be used for subsequent requests from this remote process on this distributed thread; subsequent requests in process for the same attribute will return the already deserialized value. There are risks with concurrency with DeferredAttributeSerialization. After serialization in a client process, updates to the attribute will no longer be reflected in the WorkArea's copy until the value is explicitely reset via the UserWorkArea interface. Changes made to a retrieved reference in a downstream process will not be propagated to subsequent downstream requests (or returned on the reply as a changed value) unless explicitely reset via the UserWorkArea interface.
        • "EnableWebServicePropagation" - Indicates if WorkArea context should propagate on a WebService call.
          Acceptable values are:
          • "true" = Set to "true" and context will propagate on a WebService call.
          • "false" = Set to "false" and and context will not propagate on a WebService call. Default is "false".
        A non-null WorkArea instance.
        PartitionAlreadyExistsException - If the Partition name has already been used, this exception will be thrown.
        java.lang.IllegalAccessException - On the server side, once the server has started a user can no longer create a Partition. A Partition can only be created during server startup. This exception will be thrown if a user attempts to create a Partition after the server has started.
IBM WebSphere Application ServerTM
Release 8.5