Interface JmsQueue

  • All Superinterfaces:
    javax.jms.Destination, JmsDestination, javax.jms.Queue, javax.naming.Referenceable,

    public interface JmsQueue
    extends javax.jms.Queue, JmsDestination
    Contains provider specific methods relating to the javax.jms.Queue interface.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      java.lang.String getGatherMessages()
      Get the current setting for the GatherMessages property for this JMSQueue.
      java.lang.String getProducerBind()
      Get the current setting for the ProducerBind property for this JMSQueue.
      java.lang.String getProducerPreferLocal()
      Get the current setting for the ProducerPreferLocal property for this JMSQueue.
      java.lang.String getQueueName()
      Get the QueueName for this queue.
      java.lang.String getScopeToLocalQP()
      Get the current setting for the ScopeToLocalQP property for this JMSQueue.
      void setGatherMessages(java.lang.String gatherMessages)
      Set whether messages on all queue points or only a single queue point are visible to MessageConsumers and QueueBrowsers using this JMSQueue.
      void setProducerBind(java.lang.String bind)
      Set whether messages sent by a single MessageProducer to this JMSQueue will go to the same queue point, or whether no such restriction will be applied, and different messages will be sent to different queue points.
      void setProducerPreferLocal(java.lang.String preferLocal)
      Set whether a MessageProducer for this JMSQueue should prefer a locally connected queue point of the queue destination over any other queue points.
      void setQueueName(java.lang.String queueName)
      Set the QueueName for this queue.
      void setScopeToLocalQP(java.lang.String scopeToLocalQP)
      Set whether the SIB queue destination identified by this JMSQueue is dynamically scoped to a single queue point if one exists on the messaging engine that the application is connected to.
      • Methods inherited from interface javax.jms.Queue

      • Methods inherited from interface javax.naming.Referenceable

    • Method Detail

      • getQueueName

        java.lang.String getQueueName()
                                      throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Get the QueueName for this queue.
        Specified by:
        getQueueName in interface javax.jms.Queue
        the QueueName
        javax.jms.JMSException - if there is a problem returning this property.
      • setQueueName

        void setQueueName(java.lang.String queueName)
                          throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Set the QueueName for this queue.
        queueName -
        javax.jms.JMSException - if there is a problem setting this property.
      • setScopeToLocalQP

        void setScopeToLocalQP(java.lang.String scopeToLocalQP)
                               throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Set whether the SIB queue destination identified by this JMSQueue is dynamically scoped to a single queue point if one exists on the messaging engine that the application is connected to.

        If the destination is scoped to the local queue point all operations performed on this JMSQueue object will be limited to the local queue point and behave as if the queue consists of this single queue point. This includes message production, message consumption and message browsing, both by this application and any JMS application that receives a message containing this JMSQueue as the JMSReplyTo property.

        If the connected messaging engine does not own a queue point of the destination this property is ignored.

        If the queue destination has a single queue point this property is ignored.

        If the queue destination resides in a different bus from the one that the application is connected to, this option has no effect on the choice of the destination?s queue points.

        Permitted values for the scopeToLocalQP property are as follows;

        This property was introduced in WebSphere Application Server V7

        scopeToLocalQP - Should scoping be performed.
        javax.jms.JMSException - If a validation failure occurs.
      • getScopeToLocalQP

        java.lang.String getScopeToLocalQP()
        Get the current setting for the ScopeToLocalQP property for this JMSQueue.

        String The current setting for ScopeToLocalQP
      • setProducerPreferLocal

        void setProducerPreferLocal(java.lang.String preferLocal)
                                    throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Set whether a MessageProducer for this JMSQueue should prefer a locally connected queue point of the queue destination over any other queue points.

        This property indicates whether a queue point on the connected messaging engine is preferred over any other queue points unless the local one is unable to accept messages at the time that they are sent. If the local queue point is unable to accept messages then workload balancing of messages will occur across all available queue points.

        If the connected messaging engine does not own a queue point of the destination this property is ignored.

        If the queue destination has a single queue point this property is ignored.

        If the queue destination resides in a different bus from the one that the application is connected to, this option has no effect on the choice of the destination?s queue points.

        Permitted values for the preferLocal property are as follows;

        • ApiJmsConstants.PRODUCER_PREFER_LOCAL_ON ? An available queue point on the connected messaging engine is preferred when sending messages (default)
        • PRODUCER_PREFER_LOCAL_OFF ? A queue point on the connected messaging engine is not preferred over any others

        This property was introduced in WebSphere Application Server V7

        preferLocal - Should a local queue point be preferred.
        javax.jms.JMSException - If a validation failure occurs.
      • getProducerPreferLocal

        java.lang.String getProducerPreferLocal()
        Get the current setting for the ProducerPreferLocal property for this JMSQueue.

        String The current setting for ProducerPreferLocal
      • setProducerBind

        void setProducerBind(java.lang.String bind)
                             throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Set whether messages sent by a single MessageProducer to this JMSQueue will go to the same queue point, or whether no such restriction will be applied, and different messages will be sent to different queue points.

        This option only applies to MessageProducers where the queue is identified at the time the MessageProducer is created, not at the time of sending messages.

        If the queue destination has a single queue point this property is ignored.

        If the queue destination resides in a different bus from the one that the application is connected to, this option has no effect on the choice of the destination?s queue points.

        Permitted values for the bind property are as follows;

        This property was introduced in WebSphere Application Server V7

        bind - Should all messages be sent to the same queue point.
        javax.jms.JMSException - If a validation failure occurs.
      • getProducerBind

        java.lang.String getProducerBind()
        Get the current setting for the ProducerBind property for this JMSQueue.

        String The current setting for ProducerBind
      • setGatherMessages

        void setGatherMessages(java.lang.String gatherMessages)
                               throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Set whether messages on all queue points or only a single queue point are visible to MessageConsumers and QueueBrowsers using this JMSQueue.

        Enabling this property indicates that MessageConsumers and QueueBrowsers should have messages from all queue points of this queue destination visible to them for consuming or browsing. Disabling this property indicates that only messages from a single queue point are visible to MessageConsumers and QueueBrowsers. If the latter, a queue point on the messaging engine that the application is connected to is preferred, if no such queue point exists the system will choose a queue point from those available.

        If the queue destination has a single queue point this property is ignored.

        Permitted values for the gatherMessages property are as follows;

        This property was introduced in WebSphere Application Server V7

        gatherMessages - Should messages be gathered from all queue points.
        javax.jms.JMSException - If an invalid value is specified.
      • getGatherMessages

        java.lang.String getGatherMessages()
        Get the current setting for the GatherMessages property for this JMSQueue.

        String The current setting for GatherMessages
IBM WebSphere Application ServerTM
Release 8.5