Interface ApiJmsConstants

  • public interface ApiJmsConstants
    This file contains constants which can be used by applications as parameters to provider specific JMS extension methods.

    It also contains some system constants which are required for trace and NLS support.

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      static java.lang.String CHARSET_PROPERTY
      Name of the character set property.
      static java.lang.String CONNECTION_PROXIMITY_BUS
      Default value for the connectionProximity property of a JmsConnectionFactory that indicates that the application wishes to connect to any messaging engine in the specified bus.
      static java.lang.String CONNECTION_PROXIMITY_CLUSTER
      Value for the connectionProximity property of a JmsConnectionFactory that indicates that the application wishes to connect to any messaging engine on the same cluster as the client application.
      static java.lang.String CONNECTION_PROXIMITY_HOST
      Value for the connectionProximity property of a JmsConnectionFactory that indicates that the application wishes to connect to any messaging engine on the same host as the client application.
      static java.lang.String CONNECTION_PROXIMITY_SERVER
      Value for the connectionProximity property of a JmsConnectionFactory that indicates that the application wishes to connect to any messaging engine in the same server process.
      static java.lang.String CONNFACTORY_FACTORY_CLASS
      This constant contains the name of the class which implements the JmsFactoryFactory interface.
      static java.lang.String DELIVERY_MODE_APP
      DeliveryMode constant for Destinations.
      static java.lang.String DELIVERY_MODE_NONPERSISTENT
      DeliveryMode constant for Destinations.
      static java.lang.String DELIVERY_MODE_PERSISTENT
      DeliveryMode constant for Destinations.
      static int ENC_FLOAT_IEEE_NORMAL
      NORMAL value of floating point encoding.
      static int ENC_FLOAT_IEEE_REVERSED
      REVERSED value of floating point encoding.
      static int ENC_FLOAT_MASK
      Mask for the float part of the JMS_IBM_Encoding field
      static int ENC_FLOAT_S390
      S390 value of floating point encoding.
      static int ENC_FLOAT_UNDEFINED
      UNDEFINED value of floating point encoding.
      static int ENC_INTEGER_MASK
      Mask for the integer part of the JMS_IBM_Encoding field
      static int ENC_INTEGER_NORMAL
      NORMAL value of integer encoding.
      static int ENC_INTEGER_REVERSED
      REVERSED value of integer encoding.
      static int ENC_INTEGER_UNDEFINED
      UNDEFINED value of integer encoding.
      static java.lang.String ENCODING_PROPERTY
      Name of the encoding property.
      static java.lang.String EXCEPTION_MAXTHREADS_DEFAULT_INT
      This constant defines the default number of threads which may be active concurrently, invoking JMS exception listeners.
      static java.lang.String EXCEPTION_MAXTHREADS_NAME_INT
      This constant defines name of a tuning parameter.
      static java.lang.String EXCEPTION_MESSAGE
      Name of the Exception Message property.
      static java.lang.String EXCEPTION_PROBLEM_DESTINATION
      Name of the exception problem destination property.
      static java.lang.String EXCEPTION_PROBLEM_SUBSCRIPTION
      Name of the exception problem subscription property.
      static java.lang.String EXCEPTION_REASON
      Name of the Exception Reason property.
      static java.lang.String EXCEPTION_THREADPOOL_NAME_INT
      This constant defines the name of the thread pool created to dispatch JMS Exceptions to applications.
      static java.lang.String EXCEPTION_TIMESTAMP
      Name of the Exception Timestamp property.
      static java.lang.String FEEDBACK_PROPERTY
      Name of the feedback property.
      static java.lang.String FORMAT_PROPERTY
      Name of the Format property.
      static java.lang.String GATHER_MESSAGES_OFF
      Constant used to indicate that only messages on the local queue point (hosted by the messaging engine to which the application is connected) of the SIB destination are visible to MessageConsumers and QueueBrowsers.
      static java.lang.String GATHER_MESSAGES_ON
      Constant used to indicate that messages on all queue points of the SIB destination referenced by the JMS Queue are visible to MessageConsumers and QueueBrowsers.
      static java.lang.String IBM_ARM_CORRELATOR
      Constant for accessing the IBM ARM correlator property.
      static java.lang.String JMS_IBM_MQMD_CORRELID
      A constant for the JMS_IBM_MQMD_CorrelId property name.
      static java.lang.String JMS_IBM_MQMD_MSGID
      A constant for the JMS_IBM_MQMD_MsgId property name.
      static java.lang.String JMS_IBM_MQMD_PERSISTENCE
      A constant for the JMS_IBM_MQMD_Persistence property name.
      static java.lang.String JMS_IBM_MQMD_REPLYTOQ
      A constant for the JMS_IBM_MQMD_ReplyToQ property name.
      static java.lang.String JMS_IBM_MQMD_REPLYTOQMGR
      A constant for the JMS_IBM_MQMD_ReplyToQMgr property name.
      static java.lang.String JMSX_APPID
      A constant for the JMSXAppID property name.
      static java.lang.String JMSX_DELIVERY_COUNT
      A constant for the JMSXDeliveryCount property name.
      static java.lang.String JMSX_GROUPID
      A constant for the JMSXGroupID property name.
      static java.lang.String JMSX_GROUPSEQ
      A constant for the JMSXGroupSeq property name.
      static java.lang.String JMSX_USERID
      A constant for the JMSXUserID property name.
      static java.lang.String LAST_MSG_IN_GROUP_PROPERTY
      Name of the Last_Msg_In_Group property.
      static java.lang.String MAPPING_AS_SIB_DESTINATION
      Used to indicate that JMS messages should be sent with the default reliability configured on the SIB destination.
      static java.lang.String MAPPING_ASSURED_PERSISTENT
      Used to indicate that JMS messages should be sent with Reliability.ASSURED_PERSISTENT.
      static java.lang.String MAPPING_BEST_EFFORT_NONPERSISTENT
      Used to indicate that JMS messages should be sent with Reliability.BEST_EFFORT_NONPERSISTENT.
      static java.lang.String MAPPING_EXPRESS_NONPERSISTENT
      Used to indicate that JMS messages should be sent with Reliability.EXPRESS_NONPERSISTENT.
      static java.lang.String MAPPING_NONE
      Used to indicate that JMS messages should be sent with the default reliability configured on the SIB destination.
      static java.lang.String MAPPING_RELIABLE_NONPERSISTENT
      Used to indicate that JMS messages should be sent with Reliability.RELIABLE_NONPERSISTENT.
      static java.lang.String MAPPING_RELIABLE_PERSISTENT
      Used to indicate that JMS messages should be sent with Reliability.RELIABLE_PERSISTENT.
      static long MAX_TIME_TO_LIVE
      The maximum permitted value for timeToLive.
      static java.lang.String MIGHT_MODIFY_PAYLOAD
      Constant - one of the possible values of the ConnectionFactory properties: producerDoesNotModifyPayloadAfterSet consumerDoesNotModifyPayloadAfterGet
      Value used with FEEDBACK_PROPERTY.
      static int MQFB_APPL_FIRST
      Value used with FEEDBACK_PROPERTY to indicate the first value in the range reserved for application use.
      static int MQFB_APPL_LAST
      Value used with FEEDBACK_PROPERTY to indicate the last value in the range reserved for application use.
      static int MQFB_APPL_TYPE_ERROR
      Value used with FEEDBACK_PROPERTY.
      Value used with FEEDBACK_PROPERTY.
      static int MQFB_CHANNEL_FAIL
      Value used with FEEDBACK_PROPERTY.
      static int MQFB_CHANNEL_FAIL_RETRY
      Value used with FEEDBACK_PROPERTY.
      static int MQFB_COA
      Value used with FEEDBACK_PROPERTY to indicate that a message arrived at its destination.
      static int MQFB_COD
      Value used with FEEDBACK_PROPERTY to indicate that a message was delivered to an application.
      static int MQFB_EXPIRATION
      Value used with FEEDBACK_PROPERTY to indicate that a message expired.
      static int MQFB_NAN
      Value used with FEEDBACK_PROPERTY to indicate an application specific negative acknowledge report.
      static int MQFB_NONE
      Value used with FEEDBACK_PROPERTY to indicate no feedback.
      static int MQFB_PAN
      Value used with FEEDBACK_PROPERTY to indicate an application specific positive acknowledge report.
      static int MQFB_QUIT
      Value used with FEEDBACK_PROPERTY to request the application to finish.
      static int MQFB_STOPPED_BY_MSG_EXIT
      Value used with FEEDBACK_PROPERTY.
      static int MQFB_SYSTEM_FIRST
      Value used with FEEDBACK_PROPERTY to indicate the first value in the range reserved for system use.
      static int MQFB_SYSTEM_LAST
      Value used with FEEDBACK_PROPERTY to indicate the last value in the range reserved for system use.
      static int MQFB_TM_ERROR
      Value used with FEEDBACK_PROPERTY.
      static int MQFB_XMIT_Q_MSG_ERROR
      Value used with FEEDBACK_PROPERTY.
      static int MQMT_APPL_FIRST
      Value used with MSG_TYPE_PROPERTY to indicate the first value in the range reserved for applications.
      static int MQMT_APPL_LAST
      Value used with MSG_TYPE_PROPERTY to indicate the last value in the range reserved for applications.
      static int MQMT_DATAGRAM
      Value used with MSG_TYPE_PROPERTY to indicate a datagram message.
      static int MQMT_REPORT
      Value used with MSG_TYPE_PROPERTY to indicate a report message.
      static int MQMT_REQUEST
      Value used with MSG_TYPE_PROPERTY to indicate a request message.
      static int MQRO_COA
      Value used with REPORT_COA_PROPERTY to indicate that a report message without data is required.
      static int MQRO_COA_WITH_DATA
      Value used with REPORT_COA_PROPERTY to indicate that a report message with partial data is required.
      static int MQRO_COA_WITH_FULL_DATA
      Value used with REPORT_COA_PROPERTY to indicate that a report message with full data is required.
      static int MQRO_COD
      Value used with REPORT_COD_PROPERTY to indicate that a report message without data is required.
      static int MQRO_COD_WITH_DATA
      Value used with REPORT_COD_PROPERTY to indicate that a report message with partial data is required.
      static int MQRO_COD_WITH_FULL_DATA
      Value used with REPORT_COD_PROPERTY to indicate that a report message with full data is required.
      static int MQRO_COPY_MSG_ID_TO_CORREL_ID
      Value used with REPORT_CORRELID_PROPERTY to indicate that the messageID of the request message should be copied to the correlationID of the report.
      static int MQRO_DEAD_LETTER_Q
      Value used with the REPORT_DISCARD_PROPERTY to indicate that the request message should be placed on an exception destination if it can not be delivered to its original destination.
      static int MQRO_DISCARD_MSG
      Value used with the REPORT_DISCARD_PROPERTY to indicate that the request message should be discarded if it can not be delivered to its original destination.
      static int MQRO_EXCEPTION
      Value used with REPORT_EXCEPTION_PROPERTY to indicate that a report message without data is required.
      Value used with REPORT_EXCEPTION_PROPERTY to indicate that a report message with partial data is required.
      Value used with REPORT_EXCEPTION_PROPERTY to indicate that a report message with full data is required.
      static int MQRO_EXPIRATION
      Value used with REPORT_EXPIRATION_PROPERTY to indicate that a report message without data is required.
      Value used with REPORT_EXPIRATION_PROPERTY to indicate that a report message with partial data is required.
      Value used with REPORT_EXPIRATION_PROPERTY to indicate that a report message with full data is required.
      static int MQRO_NAN
      Value used with the REPORT_NAN_PROPERTY to request an application specific negative acknowledge report.
      static int MQRO_NEW_MSG_ID
      Value used with the REPORT_MSGID_PROPERTY to indicate that a new messageID should be generated for the report message.
      static int MQRO_NONE
      Value used with the REPORT properties to indicate that no options are required.
      static int MQRO_PAN
      Value used with the REPORT_PAN_PROPERTY to request an application specific positive acknowledge report.
      static int MQRO_PASS_CORREL_ID
      Value used with REPORT_CORRELID_PROPERTY to indicate that the correlationID of the request message should be copied to the correlationID of the report.
      static int MQRO_PASS_MSG_ID
      Value used with the REPORT_MSGID_PROPERTY to indicate that the messageID of the request message should be passed as the messageID of the report message.
      static java.lang.String MSG_BUNDLE_EXT
      This constant defines the NLS message file used for messages which occur in response to the public JMS specification.
      static java.lang.String MSG_BUNDLE_INT
      This constant defines the NLS message file used for messages which occur in response to provider specific events.
      static java.lang.String MSG_GROUP_EXT
      This constant defines the message group used when tracing methods which form part of the public JMS specification.
      static java.lang.String MSG_GROUP_INT
      This constant defines the message group used when tracing methods which are implementation internal or defined on the provider specific extensions to the JMS objects.
      static java.lang.String MSG_TYPE_PROPERTY
      Name of the message type property.
      static java.lang.String MULTICAST_INTERFACE_NONE
      Value for multicastInterface None mode.
      static java.lang.String OFF
      Common constant to ensure consistency between multiple "On" value properties.
      static java.lang.String ON
      Common constant to ensure consistency between multiple "On" value properties.
      static java.lang.String PRODUCER_BIND_OFF
      Constant used to indicate that a MessageProducer using a JMS Queue with this property set should not bind to a single queue point, but instead allow different messages to be sent to different queue points.
      static java.lang.String PRODUCER_BIND_ON
      Constant used to indicate that a MessageProducer using a JMS Queue with this property set should bind to a single queue point and send all messages to it.
      static java.lang.String PRODUCER_PREFER_LOCAL_OFF
      Constant used to indicate that a MessageProducer using a JMS Queue with this property does not have a preference for local queue points of the destination.
      static java.lang.String PRODUCER_PREFER_LOCAL_ON
      Constant used to indicate that a MessageProducer using a JMS Queue with this property set should prefer a locally connected queue point of the queue destination over any other queue points.
      static java.lang.String PUT_APPL_TYPE_PROPERTY
      Name of the PutApplType property.
      static java.lang.String PUT_DATE_PROPERTY
      Name of the PutDate property.
      static java.lang.String PUT_TIME_PROPERTY
      Name of the PutTime property.
      static java.lang.String READ_AHEAD_AS_CONNECTION
      Default value for the ReadAhead property of a JmsDestination which defines that the consumers created using this Destination should inherit their readAhead behaviour from the value in effect on the ConnectionFactory at the time that the Connection was created.
      static java.lang.String READ_AHEAD_DEFAULT
      Default value for the ReadAhead property of a JmsConnectionFactory.
      static java.lang.String READ_AHEAD_OFF
      Value for the ReadAhead property of a JmsConnectionFactory and JmsDestination which defines that all consumers created using this object will have ReadAhead turned off.
      static java.lang.String READ_AHEAD_ON
      Value for the ReadAhead property of a JmsConnectionFactory and JmsDestination which defines that all consumers created using this object will have ReadAhead turned on.
      static java.lang.String REPORT_COA_PROPERTY
      Name of the Report_COA property.
      static java.lang.String REPORT_COD_PROPERTY
      Name of the Report_COD property.
      static java.lang.String REPORT_CORRELID_PROPERTY
      Name of the Report_Pass_Correl_ID property.
      static java.lang.String REPORT_DISCARD_PROPERTY
      Name of the Report_Discard_Msg property.
      static java.lang.String REPORT_EXCEPTION_PROPERTY
      Name of the Report_Exception property.
      static java.lang.String REPORT_EXPIRATION_PROPERTY
      Name of the Report_Expiration property.
      static java.lang.String REPORT_MSGID_PROPERTY
      Name of the Report_Pass_Msg_ID property.
      static java.lang.String REPORT_NAN_PROPERTY
      Name of the Report_NAN property.
      static java.lang.String REPORT_PAN_PROPERTY
      Name of the Report_PAN property.
      static java.lang.String SCOPE_TO_LOCAL_QP_OFF
      Constant used with a JMS queue to indicate that the SIB queue destination identified by the JMS Queue is not scoped to a single queue point - the system will choose which of the available queue points of the SIB destination to use, which may include work load balancing of requests across different queue points.
      static java.lang.String SCOPE_TO_LOCAL_QP_ON
      Constant used with a JMS queue to indicate that the SIB queue destination identified by the JMSQueue is dynamically scoped to a single queue point if one exists on the messaging engine that the application is connected to.
      static java.lang.String SHARED_DSUBS_ALWAYS
      Constant that can be used as a parameter for the shareDurableSubscriptions property of a JmsConnectionFactory object.
      static java.lang.String SHARED_DSUBS_IN_CLUSTER
      Constant that represents the default value for the shareDurableSubscriptions property of a JmsConnectionFactory object.
      static java.lang.String SHARED_DSUBS_NEVER
      Constant that can be used as a parameter for the shareDurableSubscriptions property of a JmsConnectionFactory object.
      static java.lang.String SUBSCRIPTION_PROTOCOL_MULTICAST
      Value for Multicast mode.
      static java.lang.String SUBSCRIPTION_PROTOCOL_UNICAST
      Value for Unicast mode.
      Value for UnicastAndMulticast mode.
      static java.lang.String SYSTEM_MESSAGEID_PROPERTY
      Name of the system messageID property.
      static java.lang.String TARGET_SIGNIFICANCE_PREFERRED
      Value for the targetSignificance property of a JmsConnectionFactory that indicates that it is preferred that the selected messaging engine be in the targetGroup.
      static java.lang.String TARGET_SIGNIFICANCE_REQUIRED
      Value for the targetSignificance property of a JmsConnectionFactory that indicates that selected messaging engine must be in the targetGroup.
      static java.lang.String TARGET_TYPE_BUSMEMBER
      Value for the targetType property of a JmsConnectionFactory that indicates that the information specified in the targetGroup is the name of a bus.
      static java.lang.String TARGET_TYPE_CUSTOM
      Value for the targetType property of a JmsConnectionFactory that indicates that the information specified in the targetGroup is a user specified group name.
      static java.lang.String TARGET_TYPE_ME
      Value for the targetType property of a JmsConnectionFactory that indicates that the information specified in the targetGroup is the name of a messaging engine.
      static java.lang.String TOG_ARM_CORRELATOR
      Constant for accessing the The Open Group (TOG) ARM correlator property.
      static java.lang.String WILL_NOT_MODIFY_PAYLOAD
      Constant - one of the possible values of the ConnectionFactory properties: producerDoesNotModifyPayloadAfterSet consumerDoesNotModifyPayloadAfterGet
IBM WebSphere Application ServerTM
Release 8.5