IBM InfoSphere Streams Version 4.1.1

Processing element output ports

This collection resource provides access to information about the output ports for the PE or operator output port that you specify.

Universal Resource Identifier (URI) pattern

Note: The following URI is deprecated and might become obsolete:


This collection resource has the following properties:
An array of PE output port objects.
A string that identifies the URI for the next page in the list. This property is not present if the list is not paged or if the current page is the last page.
A string that identifies the URI for the previous page in the list. This property is not present if the list is not paged or if the current page is the first page.
A string that identifies the REST resource type, which is peOutputPortList.
A number that identifies the total number of objects in the list. If the list is filtered, the total corresponds to the total number of items that match the filter parameters.

Resource retrieval

You can use the following HTTP methods and query parameters to retrieve this resource:

HTTP methods
Query parameters
This collection resource supports the standard query parameters for collection resources.