IBM InfoSphere Streams Version 4.1.1

Query parameters for collection resources

You can add query parameters to the uniform resource identifiers (URI) for REST API collection resources to tailor and filter the response output. All query parameter names and values are case-sensitive.

IBM® InfoSphere® Streams ignores any unexpected query parameters or query parameter values.

Table 1. REST API query parameters for collection resources
Query parameter name Parameter value Description
count A positive integer

This parameter specifies the maximum number of items to return.

By default, all items are returned.

fields A comma-separated list of property names.

This parameter filters the properties that are returned. Property names are case-sensitive.

To include a subset of the members of an object property, include the member name (as object.member) instead of the object property name.

By default, all properties are returned.

page A positive integer or -1.

This parameter specifies the page index to return within a collection. The page size is determined by the value of the count parameter.

The default parameter value is 1, which identifies the first page. To specify the last page, use a value of -1.

propertyName A comma-separated list of property values.

This parameter filters the objects that are returned.

If multiple property names are specified, InfoSphere Streams performs a logical AND operation on the specified properties. If multiple property values are specified, InfoSphere Streams performs a logical OR operation on the property values.

Property names are case-sensitive.

You cannot sort on properties that are arrays.

To sort on members of object properties, specify the name as object.member.

By default, rows are not filtered.

sort A comma-separated list of property names, prefixed by either asc. or desc..

This parameter specifies the sort order for resource items, which can be either ascending or descending.

Property names are case-sensitive.

You cannot sort on properties that are arrays; if they are specified for the sort parameter, they are ignored.

To sort on members of object properties, specify the name as object.member.

By default, the sort order for the resource is used.

verbose Boolean

This parameter specifies to return more properties for the resource.

The properties for which you must specify the verbose parameter are noted in the documentation for the REST API resources.

By default, the parameter value is false.


  • Retrieve the information from the fifth page of the list of jobs for an instance, where the list page size is 10:
    GET https://server1:8443/streams/rest/instances/StreamsInstance/jobs?page=5&count=10
  • Retrieve the name, health, and status properties for the jobs that are running within the StreamsInstance instance:
    GET https://server1:8443/streams/rest/instances/StreamsInstance/jobs?fields=name,status,health
  • Retrieve the connection status and the source and target jobs for all processing element connections that are running within the StreamsInstance instance:
    GET https://server1:8443/streams/rest/instances/StreamsInstance/peconnections?fields=status,source.job,target.job
  • Retrieve information about the jobs that were started by the user ID bsmith and are either unhealthy or partially unhealthy in the StreamsInstance instance:
    GET https://server1:8443/streams/rest/instances/StreamsInstance/jobs?startedBy=bsmith&health=unhealthy,partiallyUnhealthy
  • Retrieve information about the jobs that are running in the StreamsInstance instance. Sort the response content by name (in ascending order) and by health (in descending order):
    GET https://server1:8443/streams/rest/instances/StreamsInstance/jobs?,