IBM InfoSphere Streams Version 4.1.1

Processing element output port

This element resource provides access to information about an output port for a specific PE.

Universal Resource Identifier (URI) pattern



This element resource has the following properties:
A string that identifies the URI that you can use to access information about the PE connections for the output port.
A number that represents the index of the output port within the PE. By default, when you retrieve a collection of PE output port resources, they are sorted according to this property value.
A string that represents the InfoSphere® Streams unique identifier for the port.
A string that identifies the URI that you can use to access information about the job that contains the PE.
A string that identifies the URI that you can use to access information about the metrics for the output port.
A string that identifies the URI that you can use to access information about the PE that contains the output port.
A string that identifies the REST resource type, which is peOutputPort.
A string that identifies a value that is used in combination with the PE restid property value to uniquely identify the PE output port within a URI. The value of this property is the same as the value of the indexWithinPE property.
A string that identifies the URI for this resource.
A string that specifies the transport mechanism that is used to communicate across PEs. Some possible values for this property include tcp, llm-rum-tcp, and llm-rum-ib.

Resource retrieval

You can use the following HTTP methods and query parameters to retrieve this resource:

HTTP methods
Query parameters
This element resource supports the standard query parameters for element resources.