Creating a client keystore and exporting the public key as a certificate

Create a keystore for the client and export the public key as a client certificate that SOAP Gateway can use to verify that the client is trusted.

To create a Java keystore on the client and export the public key:

  1. Create a keystore by using a Key management tool such as Ikeyman or Keytool. In a command console, enter the following command:
    keytool -genkey -alias client.keystore -dname 
    "CN=SOAP Gateway Client Keystore OU=IBM SWG, O=IBM, C=US" 
    -keyalg RSA -keypass password -storepass password 
    -keystore "/path/to/cient.keystore.ks"
  2. Export the public key from the client keystore (client.keystore.ks) as a certificate.
    keytool -export -alias client.keystore -storepass password 
    -file "/path/to/client.keystore.cer" 
    -keystore "/path/to/client.keystore.ks"
    Tip: You can have the certificate signed by a Certificate Authority (CA), such as VeriSign, or create your own CA by using software such as OpenSSL to sign your own (self-signed) certificate.