Creating the client truststore and importing the server certificate

Create the Java™ truststore for the client and import the SOAP Gateway server certificate into the client truststore so that the client can authenticate the server.

To create the Java truststore for the client and import the SOAP Gateway server certificate:
  1. Create the Java truststore for the SOAP Gateway client (client.truststore.ks).
    keytool -genkey -alias client.truststore 
    -dname "CN=IMS Client Truststore, OU=IBM SWG, O=IBM, C=US" 
    -keyalg RSA -keypass password -storepass password 
    -keystore "/path/to/client.truststore.ks"
  2. Import the SOAP Gateway server certificate (server.keystore.cer) into the client truststore (client.truststore.ks). Provide an alias by which the certificate is to be identified.
    Important: When you import a new trusted certificate, the alias must not yet exist in the keystore.
    keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias server 
    -file "path/to/server.keystore.cer" -keystore "path/to/client.truststore.ks" 
    -keypass password -storepass password
    The keytool utility prompts you about whether to import the certificate to your keystore:
    Owner: CN=" OU=IBM SWG", O=IBM, C=US                  
    Issuer: CN=" OU=IBM SWG", O=IBM, C=US                 
    Serial number: 49f91548                                                        
    Valid from: 4/29/09 8:04 PM until: 7/28/09 8:04 PM                             
    Certificate fingerprints:                                                      
             MD5:  72:B3:26:F8:34:94:14:F3:30:4F:AD:6B:8C:D9:EE:FF                 
             SHA1: E5:AD:B0:D5:EB:B8:E9:57:DB:FA:D2:CD:4D:C5:43:52:58:B2:85:77     
    Trust this certificate? [no]:                                               
  3. Enter yes.
    The following result displays:
    Certificate was added to keystore                                              
    [Saving path/to/client.truststore.ks ]