Creating the server keystore for SOAP Gateway and exporting the public key as a certificate

Create a server keystore for SOAP Gateway and export the public key as a server certificate that the SOAP Gateway client can use to verify that the server is trusted.

To create a JKS keystore on the server and export the public key:

  1. Create a keystore by using a Key management tool such as Ikeyman or Keytool. In a command console, enter the following command:
    keytool -genkey -alias server.keystore -dname 
    " OU=IBM SWG, O=IBM, C=US" 
    -keyalg RSA -keypass password -storepass password 
    -keystore "/path/to/server.keystore.ks"

    The CN value must include the hostname. The same hostname must be in the URL that is used by the client to request for the service. For example,

    For NIST SP800-131a, specify SHA256withRSA for the signature algorithm and 2048 for the key size.
    keytool -genkey -alias server.keystore -dname 
    " OU=IBM SWG, O=IBM, C=US" 
    -keyalg RSA -sigalg SHA256withRSA  -keysize 2048 
    -keypass password -storepass password 
    -keystore "/path/to/server.keystore.ks"
  2. Export the public key from the server keystore (server.keystore.ks in the following example) as a certificate.
    keytool -export -alias server.keystore -storepass password 
    -file "/path/to/server.keystore.cer" 
    -keystore "/path/to/server.keystore.ks"
    Tip: You can have the certificate signed by a Certificate Authority (CA), such as VeriSign, or create your own CA by using software such as OpenSSL to sign your own (self-signed) certificate.
Create a client truststore, and import the SOAP Gateway server certificate.