Enabling licenses

You enable license usage for IBM® UrbanCode Release by using IBM Installation Manager to connect to the license server. Before you install IBM UrbanCode Release, obtain the license server connection information from your administrator.

About this task

In most cases, you specify a license server during the installation process; see Installing the server. You can also change the licensing information later by editing the configuration files directly.

To change the licensing information by editing configuration files, open the file ucrelease/conf/server.properties and find the line of code that begins with the code license.server.url=. Then, add your licensing information to the end of that code. For example, if your license server is at 27000@RCLServer.example.com, the line of code looks like this:
You can specify the port and host name or IP address for the license server, such as 27000@RCLServer.example.com. To avoid problems when a license server is not available, you can specify multiple license servers. In this case, separate each address with colons on Linux and UNIX or semicolons on Windows, as in the following example: 27000@RCLServer.example.com;27000@backupRCLServer.example.com . For more complicated license server scenarios, see this document: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/rational/v0r0m0/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.rational.license.doc/topics/r_specify_lic_servers.html

What to do next

For information on license types, see License types. For details on license servers, see http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/rational/v0r0m0/topic/com.ibm.rational.license.doc/topics/t_setup_rcl.html.

Note: Non-licensed users can log on to IBM UrbanCode Release but several actions are blocked. A system message explains the restrictions.
