Positions 9-11

You can use positions 9 through 11 of the calculation specifications to specify indicators that control the conditions under which an operation is processed. You can specify N is position 9 to indicate that the indicator should be tested for the value of off ('0') The valid entries for positions 10 through 11 are:

Any indicator that you use in positions 9 through 11 must be previously defined as one of the following types of indicators:

If the indicator must be off to condition the operation, place an N in positions 9. The indicators in grouped AND/OR lines, plus the control level indicators (if specified in positions 7 and 8), must all be exactly as specified before the operation is done as in Figure 22.

Figure 22. Conditioning Operations (Control Level Indicators)
C   25
CAN L1              SUB       TOTAL         TOTAL        A 
CL2 10
CANNL3TOTAL         MULT      05            SLSTAX       B 

Assume that indicator 25 represents a record type and that a control level 2 break occurred when record type 25 was read. L1 and L2 are both on. All operations conditioned by the control level indicators in positions 7 and 8 are done before operations conditioned by control level indicators in positions 9 through 11. Therefore, the operation in  B  occurs before the operation in  A . The operation in  A  is done on the first record of the new control group indicated by 25, whereas the operation in  B  is a total operation done for all records of the previous control group.

The operation in  B  can be done when the L2 indicator is on provided the other conditions are met: Indicator 10 must be on; the L3 indicator must not be on.

The operation conditioned by both L2 and NL3 is done only when a control level 2 break occurs. These two indicators are used together because this operation is not to be done when a control level 3 break occurs, even though L2 is also on.

Some special considerations you should know when using conditioning indicators in positions 9 through 11 are as follows:

Figure 23 and Figure 24 show examples of conditioning indicators.

Figure 23. Conditioning Operations (Field Indicators)
 *  Field indicators can be used to condition operations.  Assume the
 *  program is to find weekly earnings including overtime.  The over-
 *  time field is checked to determine if overtime was entered.
 *  If the employee has worked overtime, the field is positive and -
 *  indicator 10 is set on.  In all cases the weekly regular wage
 *  is calculated.  However, overtime pay is added only if
 *  indicator 10 is on.
ITIME      AB  01
I                                  1    7  EMPLNO
I                                  8   10 0OVERTM              10
I                                 15   20 2RATE
I                                 21   25 2RATEOT
 *  Field indicator 10 was assigned on the input specifications.
 *  It is used here to condition calculation operations.
C                   EVAL (H)  PAY = RATE * 40
C   10              EVAL (H)  PAY = PAY + (OVERTM * RATEOT)
Figure 24. Conditioning Operations (Record Identifying Indicators)
 *  A record identifying indicator is used to condition an operation.
 *  When a record is read with a T in position 1, the 01 indicator is
 *  set on.  If this indicator is on, the field named SAVE is added
 *  to SUM.  When a record without T in position 1 is read, the 02
 *  indicator is set on.  The subtract operation, conditioned by 02,
 *  then performed instead of the add operation.
IFILE      AA  01    1 CT
I         OR   02    1NCT
I                                 10   15 2SAVE
 *  Record identifying indicators 01 and 02 are assigned on the input
 *  specifications.  They are used here to condition calculation
 *  operations.
C   01              ADD       SAVE          SUM               8 2
C   02              SUB       SAVE          SUM               8 2

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