Duplicating assets

If you are creating an asset that is very similar to an existing asset in either content and descriptive metadata, consider duplicating the existing asset, which will create a new copy of the asset with the same description, categories, and asset relationships. For example, your team may regularly create assets to store meeting minutes; those assets will likely have very similar descriptions and types of content, and you can save time by duplicating an existing asset and editing the existing attributes and artifacts.

About this task

If you are reusing the same asset in a new context, or you have developed an asset so much that it solves a different business problem or solves the same business problem with distinguishing advancements, you may want to change the version of an asset.


To duplicate an asset:

  1. Access the Duplicate an Asset wizard using any of the following techniques:
    • In the My Dashboard, click the Duplicate icon Duplicate icon.
    • On the General Details page for an asset, in the toolbar, click the Duplicate icon Duplicate icon.
    • In the Submit an Asset or Modify an Asset page, in the Use as templates sidebar, click the Use as a template Use as a template icon icon for the asset duplicate.
    The Duplicate an Asset page opens. The following note will be added to the beginning of the description on the Description tab:
    Note: This asset was initially created with the same information as <AssetName>.
    The original asset <AssetName> is a link to the asset. You can edit or remove this text if you want.
  2. As necessary, modify any of the asset attributes, attached artifacts, categories, or relationships.
  3. After making any necessary changes, click Save.
