Tools available from the palette for client-side human services

Learn about the tools that are available when you are building client-side human services.

When you are building a client-side human service, the following tools are available from the palette.

Table 1. Tools available from the palette for client-side human services
Icon Tool name Description
This icon indicates the Coach tool on the palette for client-side human services.
Coach Use a coach to implement the user interfaces that are displayed when you run the client-side human service. For more information, see Building coaches.
This icon indicates the Client-side script tool on the palette for client-side human services. Client-side script Use a client-side script when you want to add JavaScript code to run on the web browser in the client-side human service context, for parsing variables, and running programmatic commands.
This icon indicates the Service tool on the palette for client-side human services. Service Use a service to call another service from within a client-side human service. The called service adds an activity to the service flow, which calls another service that you can specify. The called service cannot be another client-side human service or a heritage human service. For more information, see Calling another service from a client-side human service.
This icon indicates the Exclusive gateway tool on the palette for client-side human services. Exclusive gateway Use an exclusive gateway to model a point in the flow execution where only one of several paths can be followed, depending on a condition. For more information, see Implementing exclusive gateways in client-side human services.
This icon indicates the End event tool on the palette for client-side human services. End event Use an end event to end the service execution. Each path in a service requires its own end event.

An end event is automatically included each time you create a service. For more information about modeling end events in client-side human services, see Navigation options for after service completion.

This icon indicates the Intermediate event tool on the palette for client-side human services. Intermediate event Use an intermediate event to add either a stay-on-page event, a postpone event, or an error boundary event to the service flow. You can specify the event type in the Implementation tab of the intermediate event. The default implementation uses the stay-on-page event.
This icon indicates the Stay on page event tool on the palette for client-side human services. Stay on page
Use a stay-on-page event to loop the service flow back to the previous running coach without drawing a connection to it. The stay-on-page event returns the control back to the coach, so that any variable updates made since the boundary event for the coach are refreshed on the same user interface page. For an example, see Validating client-side coaches using client-side validation.
This icon indicates the Postpone event tool on the palette for client-side human services. Postpone
Use a postpone event to postpone work on a specified task for later completion. The postpone event halts the execution of the task and keeps the task in a suspended state until it can be resumed at a later moment. This event can be used only with client-side human services that implement tasks within a BPD or case type. For more information, see Enabling work to be postponed and resumed at run time.
This icon indicates the Error boundary event tool on the palette for client-side human services. Error intermediate event
Use an error boundary event to catch errors and receive error data from the service to which it is attached. In a client-side human service, you can attach an error boundary event only to a service in the human service flow. For more information, see Handling errors in client-side human services.