[Java programming language only]

Configuring a data grid application to use client authentication

If the data grid that you are configuring for the application uses security, you must configure a client.properties file that includes settings to pass to the data grid application.

Before you begin

You must have a data grid application that uses WebSphere® DataPower® XC10 Appliance.


  1. Secure the data grid that the application is using. For more information, see Enabling security for data grids.
  2. Configure the data grid application to provide user credentials. To configure the user credentials, you must use a client.properties file. You can use the sampleClient.properties file that is in the wxs_home/properties directory of a WebSphere eXtreme Scale Client installation to create your properties file. Make the following changes to the client.properties file:
    • securityEnabled: Set the securityEnabled property to true, the default value, to enable client security, which includes authentication.
    • credentialAuthentication: Set the credentialAuthentication property to Supported, the default value, which indicates that the client supports credential authentication.
    • transportType: Set the transportType property to TCP/IP, which means that no Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is used.
    • singleSignOnEnabled: Set the singleSignOnEnabled property to false, the default value. Single sign-on is not available.
    • Credentials for a user who is authorized to access the data grid:
      credentialGeneratorProps=<username> <password>  
      credentialGeneratorProps=xcadmin xcadmin
    • If you want to use an encoded password, you can use the FilePasswordEncoder utility. This utility is in the wxs_home/ObjectGrid/bin directory.