7.2.4 Customizing the IBM-Managed First Party Opt-Out HTML Response and Status Windows

To replace the standard IBM®-managed first party opt-out response or status window with customized or localized content, follow these steps.

Customizing the Response Window

To replace the IBM Digital Analytics default window content, set the value for the destination parameter in the opt-out code to the URL that hosts the custom content to be displayed in your opt-out response and status windows. This content should be suitable for display in a resizable width=500/height=400 window unless you intend to change the initial window size.

if ( f.action[0].checked ) { ac = "anonymous"; destination =
 "http://www.mysite.com/customcontent_anonymous.html"; }
if ( f.action[1].checked )
 { ac = "opt_out"; destination = "http://www.mysite.com/customcontent_opt_out.html";   }
if ( f.action[2].checked )
 { ac = "optin"; destination = "http://www.mysite.com/customcontent_cancel.html"; }
 ( "http://DA_Sub-Domain.ClientDomain.com/privacy/privacy_handler.php"+ "?dest=" + destination +
 "&act=" + ac, "popup1", "resizeable,width=500,height=400")

Customizing the Status Window

The language presented in the standard IBM-managed first party opt-out getStatus window can be presented in a number of languages, controlled by the optional ?lang=xx parameter.

The default language is English. The following example illustrates changing the default status language to German.

newWindow=window.open ("http://DA_Sub-Domain.ClientDomain.com/privacy/getStatus.php"+
 "?lang=de" + "&bg=" + bg_color + "&im=" + bg_img, "popup1", "resizeable, width=500,height=400") }

Supported language codes are:

cn, da, de, en, es, fi, fr, ja, ko, it, nl, pt, sv