Building the Simplified Database Routing sample

All of the files that are required for you to run the Simplified Database Routing sample are supplied, but if you prefer to create the sample yourself, use the following instructions:

The Integration project

Before you can create a message flow, you must create a new integration project. If you have not imported the sample, name the integration project Simplified Database Routing Message Flows. If you have imported the sample, an Integration project called Simplified Database Routing Message Flows already exists, so you must choose an alternative name; the instructions in the following section assume that you have named the Integration project Simplified Database Routing Message Flows. For more information, see Creating an Integration project in the IBM Integration Bus documentation.

The message flow

For instructions on creating the message flow, see Creating the SimplifiedDBRouting message flow.

The database

To run the Simplified Database Routing sample you must create a database and create a user defined JDBCProvider definition. For more information, see Setting up the database.

The WebSphere MQ queues

To test the Simplified Database Routing message flow that you create, you must create the WebSphere MQ local queues. For more information, see Creating the WebSphere MQ queues.

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