IBM Integration Bus, Version Operating Systems: AIX, HP-Itanium, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS

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Resource statistics data: ODBC

Learn about the data that is returned for the ODBC resource type when you activate resource statistics collection.

You can view these statistics in the IBM® Integration Explorer, or you can write a program that subscribes to a publication (single XML message) that returns this data. For an example of the publication message, see Example XML output.

Statistics are reported for each ODBC DSN that was accessed since the integration server started. XA connections are distinguished from non-XA connections from the same DSN. Each resource is named either DSN or DSN (XA). This information is published on topic $SYS/Broker/brokerName/ResourceStatistics/executionGroupLabel.
Measurements Description
ExecuteSuccess The total number of times any statement was run against this DSN.
ExecuteFailure The total number of times any statement failed against this DSN.
ActiveConnections The number of connections currently open to this DSN.
ClosedConnections The number of connections to this DSN that were ever open, but are now closed. This figure includes connections closed due to an error, forced closed by the DBMS or closed by broker because it was no longer required (for example, thread idle for 60 seconds).
ConnectionErrors The number of times a connection to this DSN was detected to have a connection error (which would have caused the error to be closed and therefore also contributed to the closed connections measurement).

bn43264_.htm | Last updated Friday, 21 July 2017