IBM Integration Bus, Version Operating Systems: AIX, HP-Itanium, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS

See information about the latest product version

Subscribing to statistics reports

You can subscribe to topics that return statistics about the operation of your message flows and resource managers.

Message flow performance

If you enable message flow accounting and statistics collection for a broker, you can subscribe to the messages that the broker publishes on the following topic:


where broker_name is the name of the broker, recordType is the type of record (SnapShot or Archive), integrationServerLabel is the name of the integration server that you created on that broker, and messageFlowLabel is the name of the message flow that you deployed to the integration server.

These messages contain statistics reports and are published at a regular interval, which you control by setting the statsInterval property of the broker. Each publication is a JMS TextMessage that contains the statistics report in XML format.

Note: If you need to revert to using a JMS BytesMessage format, this can be achieved by setting the environment variable MQSI_STATS_MQSTR=false.

Resource performance

If you enable resource statistics collection for one or more integration servers on a broker, you can subscribe to the messages that the broker publishes at 20-second intervals on the following topic:Start of change
End of change

For more information about how to interpret the resource statistics that are included in the publication, see Viewing resource statistics data in the IBM Integration Explorer.

Using wildcards in subscriptions

You can use wild cards when you subscribe to statistics reports. For example, to receive message flow statistics reports for all brokers and all integration servers, subscribe to the following topic:

To receive integration server resource statistics reports for all brokers and all integration servers, subscribe to the following topic:

For further details about how you can use wildcards, see Special characters in topics.

Subscribers receive statistics reports only from those brokers that are enabled to produce statistics.

aq20080_.htm | Last updated Friday, 21 July 2017