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Resource statistics data: DotNet GC

Learn about the data that is returned for the DotNet GC resource type when you activate resource statistics collection.

You can view these statistics in the IBM® Integration Explorer, or you can write a program that subscribes to a publication (single XML message) that returns this data. For an example of the publication message, see Example XML output.

Gives detailed statistics on garbage collection, for the entire DotNet CLR. For details on interpreting these values, see the Microsoft documentation for .NET.

Measurements Description
ExplicitGCCount Indicates the number of garbage collections that were forced by external request.
Gen0CollectionsTaken Indicates the number of garbage collections completed for generation 0.
Gen1CollectionsTaken Indicates the number of garbage collections completed for generation 1.
Gen2CollectionsTaken Indicates the number of garbage collections completed for generation 2.
CommittedInMB The total number of Megabytes committed in all heaps.
ReservedInMB The total number of Megabytes reserved in all heaps.
Gen0HeapSizeInMB The size, in Megabytes, of the generation-zero heap.
Gen1HeapSizeInMB The size, in Megabytes, of the generation-one heap.
Gen2HeapSizeInMB The size, in Megabytes, of the generation-two heap.
LargeObjectHeapSizeInMB The size, in Megabytes, of the large object heap.
PromotedFromGen0InMB The size, in Megabytes, of the objects promoted from generation 0 to generation 1.
PromotedFromGen1InMB The size, in Megabytes, of the objects promoted from generation 1 to generation 2.

bn43254_.htm | Last updated Friday, 21 July 2017