Step 9: Define a directly connected host route for the NCST session

If you are not using OMPROUTE, you need to configure a directly connected static host route using the BEGINROUTES or GATEWAY statement in hlq.PROFILE.TCPIP. For example, if you are using SNALINK as the host route and have the IP addresses shown in Figure 1, the GATEWAY statement might look like this:
   ; net_number first_hop link_name packet_size     subnet_mask  subnet_value     =    SNALINK     32758           HOST

See z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference and the GATEWAY syntax information in Step 8: Configure the NCPROUTE gateways data set (Optional) for more information about configuring GATEWAYS statements.

Note: The host routes on the MVS™ host are managed by TCP/IP, as defined on the BEGINROUTES or GATEWAY statement or as added dynamically by OMPROUTE. NCPROUTE does not manage the host routes on the MVS host. It manages only the routes on the NCP clients.