z/OS Communications Server: IP Programmer's Guide and Reference
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Common real-time trace record attributes

z/OS Communications Server: IP Programmer's Guide and Reference

This section describes the common attributes of trace records that are obtained from the following functions:
  • TCP/IP stack traces
  • Real-time application-controlled TCP/IP trace NMI
  • Real-time TCP/IP network monitoring NMI

Common real-time trace record header

The packet trace header is provided as a common trace header in trace records for the following types of traces:
Data trace
Provided in trace records that are obtained from the following functions:
  • TCP/IP stack data trace
  • Real-time TCP/IP network monitoring NMI
  • Real-time application-controlled TCP/IP trace NMI
Provided in trace records that are obtained from the following functions:
  • TCP/IP stack OSAENTA trace
  • Real-time TCP/IP network monitoring NMI
Packet trace
Provided in trace records obtained from the following functions:
  • TCP/IP stack packet trace
  • Real-time TCP/IP network monitoring NMI
  • Real-time application-controlled TCP/IP trace NMI
The packet trace header is defined in the following programming interface files:
Structure File name Language and type Installed location
pthdr_t or pthdr_base_T EZBYPTHH C/C++ header SEZANMAC
The packet trace header provides the following information:
PTH_Len            Length of the packet trace header (PTH) structure. This is also the offset to
                   the IP header for packet trace.
PTH_Seqnum         Sequence number of this packet trace record. This field applies only to
                   segmented records. See Segmented trace records for more
                   information about these kind of trace records.
PTH_Flag           Flag indicators
       PTH_Local     0x80       PTH_Src and PTH_Dest are local IP addresses on the same TCP/IP
       PTH_CfTxt     0x40       The trace record represents AT-TLS confidential data, so none of
                                the data is included in the trace record. The PTH fields that 
                                provide information about the traced data length are set as 
                                - Data trace
                                  The PTH_Tlen field is set to 0 and the PTH_Plen and the
                                  PTH_DtPlen fields are set to the original data length.
                                - Packet trace
                                  The PTH_Tlen field is set to the length of the packet headers
                                  and the PTH_Plen field is set to the original packet length.
       PTH_ClearTxt  0x20       IPSec cleartext data was recorded in the packet trace record,
                                or AT-TLS cleartext data was recorded in the data trace
                                record. This flag is set only in trace records created by the
                                real-time application-controlled TCP/IP trace NMI.
       PTH_Seg_Offload 0x10     TCP Segmentation Offload 
       PTH_Pdu       0x08       Data from multiple PDUs. This flag is set only in outbound packet
                                trace records that represent TCP segments or fragmented packets.
       PTH_Adj       0x04       Record size was adjusted by +1 (reflected in the
                                ctelene and ctelenp). The data length was odd and 
                                a single pad byte was added.
       PTH_Abbr      0x02       For records created by the TCP/IP stack packet trace, data trace,
                                or OSAENTA trace, this flag indicates that the ABBREV parameter
                                was used on the trace command. For records created by the real-time
                                application-controlled TCP/IP trace NMI packet trace or data trace,
                                this flag indicates that the payload option was specified on the
                                filter control block.  The length of the data in the trace record
                                has been truncated by the payload value.
       PTH_Out       0x01       IP packet was sent = 1 rcvd = 0
PTH_Devty          The type of device represented by the interface being traced.
       PTHLCSE          1       - Ethernet
       PTHLCS8          2       - 802.3 Ethernet
       PTHLCSE8         3       - Ether|802.3
       PTHLCSTR         4       - Token Ring
       PTHLCSFD         5       - FDDI
       PTHLU62          6       - SNA LU6.2
       PTHHCH           10      - HyperChannel
       PTHCLWRS         21      - CLAW
       PTHCTC           29      - CTC
       PTHCDLC          30      - CDLC IP
       PTHATM           32      - ATM
       PTHVIPA          33      - VIRTUAL
       PTHLOOPB         34      - LoopBack
       PTHMpc           35      - MPC
       PTHX25C          36      - X.25
       PTHSNALN         37      - SNA LINK
       PTHMPCIG         38      - MPC giga
       PTHMPCIE         39      - MPC IPAQENET
       PTHMPCOD         40      - MPC OSAFDDI
       PTHMPCON         41      - MPC OSAFNET
       PTHMPCIH         42      - MPC IPAQTR
       PTHQIDIO         43      - iQdio
       PTHIQDX          44      - IQDX
       PTH6loopb        51      - IPv6 loopback
       PTH6vipa         52      - IPv6 VIPA (VIRTUAL)
       PTH6ipaqenet     53      - IPv6 MPC IPAQENET6
       PTH6mpc          55      - IPv6 MPC
       PTH6ipaqidio     56      - IPv6 iQdio6
       PTH6IQDX         57      - IPv6 IQDX
PTH_Tlen           Portion of the payload that is actually traced. For records created by the
                   TCP/IP stack packet trace, data trace, or OSAENTA trace, if ABBREV was not
                   specified on the trace command then this will be the same as the value in the
                   PTH_Plen field. If ABBREV was specified, then this is the value specified for
                   the parameter.
                   For records created by the real-time application-controlled TCP/IP
                   trace NMI packet trace or data trace, if the payload option was not specified,
                   this will be the same as the value in the PTH_Plen field (or, for data trace,
                   the PTH_DtPlen field). If the payload option was specified then, for packet
                   trace, this is the length of the packet headers plus the truncated data length.
                   For data trace, this is the value specified for the payload option.
PTH_Infname        For packet trace, the name of the interface the packet was traced on in EBCDIC
                   character format
PTH_Jobname        For data trace, the jobname for the socket request
PTH_DtDomain       For data trace, the socket domain (AF_INET or AF_INET6)
PTH_DtType         For data trace, the socket type (Sock#_Stream, Sock#_Dgram, Sock#_Raw)
PTH_DtProto        For data trace, the socket protocol number
PTH_DtState        For data trace, the Start/End of data flow
PTH_DtStartInb  EQU   6       Data Flow starts for Inbound
PTH_DtStartOutb EQU   7       Data Flow starts for Outbound
PTH_DtTerm      EQU   8       Data Flow ends
PTH_DtPLen         For data trace, the original total data length. This field should be used
                   instead of the PTH_Plen field because the PTH_Plen field is not large enough
                   to support the larger data sizes for data trace.
PTH_Time           Stored time of day clock when packet trace header was created by the trace
PTH_Src            For packet and data trace, the hexadecimal source IP address of this packet
                   (IPv6 or IPv4)
PTH_Dst            For packet and data trace, the hexadecimal destination IP address of this packet
                   (IPv6 or IPv4)
PTH_Sport          For packet and data trace, the hexadecimal source IP port number
PTH_Dport          For packet and data trace, the hexadecimal destination IP port
PTH_Trcnt          Total count of records traced. This field is supported only in trace records
                   created by the TCP/IP stack and obtained by using the real-time TCP/IP network
                   monitoring NMI.
PTH_IQDX           For packet trace, the packet was associated with an IQDX interface.
PTH_Tcb            Task control block address of the sender of the outbound packet or data trace
                   data. On inbound, this will usually be task associated with the TCP/IP stack.
PTH_Asid           Ascbasid of the sender of the outbound packet or data trace data. On inbound,
                   this will usually be the asid of the TCP/IP stack.
PTH_SeqNr          OSAENTA trace sequence number  
PTH_Vlan           OSAENTA Vlan id field
      PTH_VlanPri  Vlan priority (0-7)   
      PTH_VlanId   Vlan Id (0-4095)      
PTH_NtaFlag        OSAENTA Flags         
      PTH_OutB     1-Outbound, 0-Inbound 
      PTH_Lpar     1=Lpar_to_Lpar        
      PTH_DD       Data Device is valid  
      PTH_GVlan    VLAN frame            
      PTH_LS       Large Send            
      PTH_QHdr     Qdio header present   
      PTH_Exhdr    1=Extension header    
      PTH_Layer2   1=Layer2 0=Layer3
PTH_SmProto        For SMC packet trace, the protocol field. This field indicates if the packet
                   trace contains Shared Memory Communications – RDMA (SMC-R) TCP data 
                   (IPPROTO_TCP = 6) or SMC-R Logical Link Control data (PTH_PROTO_LLC = 252).
PTH_SmVlanid       For SMC packet trace, the Vlan id field. This field is optional.
PTH_Lost           Total lost record count. This field is supported only in trace records
                   created by the TCP/IP stack and obtained by using the real-time TCP/IP network
                   monitoring NMI.
PTH_LinkLen        For data trace, this is the length of any ancillary data specified on the
                   socket request. The length is included in the PTH_Len field of the packet trace
                   header in which the ancillary data is provided, and the ancillary data
                   immediately follows the PTH in the trace record. If more than one trace record
                   is needed to trace all the data, the ancillary data is only provided in the
                   first record. The maximum length that will be traced is 1024 minus the actual
                   length of the PTH. For OSAENTA trace, this is the length of the MAC header.
PTH_Plen           Original payload length. For packet trace, if TCP segmentation is offloaded,
                   then this is the total data length of all segments being offloaded plus the
                   length of one set of headers. For data trace, if the payload length is greater
                   than 65535, this field will be set to 0. Use PTH_DtPLen instead to obtain the
                   original payload length.
PTH_InfIx          For packet trace, the interface index of the interface for the packet
PTH_Cid            For data trace, the communication Id
PTH_DevId          For OSAENTA trace, the device Id
PTH_DropRsn        For packet trace, the packet discard reason code. PTH_DropRsn can be compared
                   with the discard reason code that is provided by EZBYCODE in sys1.sezanmac.
                   A packet can be traced twice, once at the lower level IP layer, and again as
                   a discarded packet in an upper level protocol layer of TCPIP. This value is
                   0 if the packet was not discarded.
PTH_OffSegLen      For packet and OSAENTA trace, the length of each of the first N-1 segments
                   being offloaded, not including headers, that is, the MSS (meaningful only when
                   the PTH_Seg_Offload flag is on).
PTH_NxtHopAddr     For packet trace, the hexadecimal next hop IP address for outbound packets
                   (IPv6 or IPv4)
PTH_NxtHopLen      For packet trace, the length of next hop address field
PTH_NxtHopKey      For packet trace, the key of next hop address field
PTH_Ext3Len        For packet and OSAENTA trace, the length of the OSA-Express input queue
                   extension header
PTH_Ext3Key        For packet and OSAENTA trace, the OSA-Express input queue Extension header key
PTH_Ext3QID        For packet and OSAENTA trace, the OSA Express QID - The identifier of the
                   input queue on which this packet was received. The QID value is 1 when this
                   packet was received on the primary input queue.  The QID value is greater
                   than 1 when this packet was received on an ancillary input queue using QDIO
                   inbound workload queueing. For an ancillary input queue the queue type is 
                   indicated in the PTH_Ext3QueueType field.
PTH_Ext3QueueType  For packet and OSAENTA trace, the QDIO Inbound Workload Queueing Ancillary
                   Queue Type - The queue type when the QID is an ancillary input queue. Queue
                   types are represented by the following values:          
      PTHMIQBULKDATA   2    Bulk Data                
      PTHMIQSYSDIST    3    Sysplex Distributor      
      PTHMIQEE         4    Enterprise Extender      
PTH_Ext4Len        For SMC packet trace, the length of the SMC-R extension header
PTH_Ext4Key        For SMC packet trace, the SMC-R extension header key
PTH_RMBProSeq      For SMC packet trace, the remote memory buffer's (RMB) producer 
                   sequence number. This value is incremented every time data
                   written into the RMB causes a wrap condition - data is written
                   to the end of the RMB and wraps back to the beginning. 
PTH_RMBProCur      For SMC packet trace, the remote memory buffer's (RMB) producer
                   cursor. This is the offset into the RMB where the next data
                   to be written into this RMB begins. 
PTH_RMBConSeq      For SMC packet trace, the peer's remote memory buffer's (RMB) consumer
                   sequence number. This value is incremented every time data
                   read from the RMB causes the read to wrap back to the beginning
                   of the RMB.    
PTH_RMBConCur      For SMC packet trace, the peer's remote memory buffer's (RMB) consumer
                   cursor. This is the offset into the RMB where the next data
                   to be read from this RMB begins. 
PTH_RMBProFlg      For SMC packet trace, the remote memory buffer's (RMB) producer
                   Producer flags:
  rmbe_wrt_blocked  1 Writer is blocked, 0 Writer is not blocked
  rmbe_urg_pending  1 Writer has urgent data to send, 0 No urgent data to send
  rmbe_urg_present  1 RMB contains urgent data, 0 RMB contains no urgent data
PTH_RMBConnSt      For SMC packet trace, the connection state flags.
                   Connection state flags:
  rmbe_peer_done    1 Writer is done sending data, 0 Writer is not done sending data
  rmbe_closed       1 Peer has closed connection, 0 Peer has not closed connection
  rmbe_abn_close    1 Peer indicates abnormal close, 0 Peer does not indicate abnormal close    
PTH_RemCnidx       For SMC packet trace, the peer RMB connection index    
PTH_LclCnidx       For SMC packet trace, the local RMB connection index     
PTH_RemRkey        For SMC packet trace, the peer RMB key      
PTH_LclRkey        For SMC packet trace, the local RMB key
PTH_LclConnId      For SMC packet trace, the local SMC-R link's connection id
PTH_RemConnId      For SMC packet trace, the peer SMC-R link's connection id
PTH_RemGID         For SMC packet trace, the peer 10GbE RoCE Express global id
PTH_LclGID         For SMC packet trace, the local 10GbE RoCE Express global id
PTH_RemQPnum       For SMC packet trace, the peer queue pair number 
PTH_LclQPnum       For SMC packet trace, the local queue pair number

IPv4 address formats in the packet trace header

All of the IP address fields in the packet trace header are large enough to accommodate a 16-byte IPv6 address. IPv4 addresses that are provided in these fields are placed in the last 4 bytes of the field and bytes 1 - 12 of the field contain one of the following prefix values:
Set in data trace records for AF_INET socket requests and in packet trace records for IPv4 packets.
Set in data trace records for AF_INET6 socket requests for IPv4 addresses. This value is an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address.

Segmented trace records

The cte header field, ctelenp, provides the length of each trace record. Because ctelenp is only a 16-bit field, the maximum size of each trace record is 65535 bytes. For packet or data trace, if the trace record length exceeds this value, the traced data must be segmented into multiple trace records. For packet trace, a maximum of 2 segmented trace records can be created for a large packet. For data trace, several segmented trace records can be created for a large socket request. Segmented trace records have the following attributes:
  • For segmented trace records that are obtained from the real-time TCP/IP network monitoring NMI, the trace records that are subsequent to the first segmented record do not necessarily follow the first trace record in the buffer. Other normal trace records can be interleaved with the segmented trace records.
  • The PTH_Time field contains the same value in all the segmented records. Use this value to determine which segmented trace records belong to the same set of trace records.
  • The PTH_SeqNum field in the first segmented record is set to 0. The sequence number is incremented by 1 for each subsequent segmented record to a maximum value of 255. Then the sequence number is reset to 1 for additional segmented records.
  • For packet trace
    • Only the first trace record in the set of segmented records contains the packet headers.
    • The Pth_Plen field contains the total length of the original packet and this value is the same in all the segmented records.
    • The Pth_Tlen field contains the length of the packet data that was traced, adjusted for the ABBREV parameter (for the TCP/IP stack packet trace), or the payload option for the real-time application-controlled TCP/IP trace NMI. This value is the same in all the segmented records.
  • For data trace
    • Only the first trace record in the set of segmented records contains any ancillary data.
    • The Pth_DtPlen field contains the total length of the original socket request and this value is the same in all the segmented records.
    • The Pth_Tlen field contains the length of the socket request data that was traced, adjusted for the ABBREV parameter (for the TCP/IP stack data trace) or the payload option for the real-time application-controlled TCP/IP trace NMI. This value is the same in all the segmented records.
    • To determine the amount of traced data in each of the segmented trace records, use the following formula:
      traced data len = ctelenp - size(cte) - size(cteleplg) - PTH_Len – (1 byte if PTH_Adj flag set) - PTH_LinkLen

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