z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 2 (EZB, EZD)
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z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 2 (EZB, EZD)

TTLS Flow GRPID: gid ENVID: eid CONNID: cid RC: rcode action func_or_parm- add_data


Application Transparent Transport Layer Security (AT-TLS) called System SSL to perform the specified action on the specified function or parameter. The message creation time and owning TCP/IP job name of the process creating the message are included in the syslog trace prior to the message ID. This message has a syslog priority of DEBUG and is written to the syslog when AT-TLS trace option FLOW (16) is specified. Flow messages might follow the Start message and precede Event messages, depending on the trace options chosen.

gid is a hexadecimal value that uniquely identifies the AT-TLS group supporting the connection or SSL environment.

eid is a hexadecimal value that uniquely identifies the AT-TLS environment supporting the connection. Multiple AT-TLS environments might be represented by a single master System SSL secure environment. If the eid is 00000000, the event does not apply to a specific environment.

cid is a hexadecimal value that uniquely identifies this TCP connection for the life of the connection. A previously issued message EZD1281I provides additional information about the connection. If the cid is 00000000, the event does not apply to a specific connection.

rcode is a System SSL or AT-TLS return code. A value other than zero indicates why the event failed. rcode values under 5000 are generated by System SSL and are defined in z/OS Cryptographic Services System SSL Programming. rcode values over 5000 are generated by AT-TLS and are defined in Diagnosing AT-TLS problems in z/OS Communications Server: IP Diagnosis Guide.

action is the action that was taken. Possible values are:
Call a System SSL function.
Get a System SSL parameter value.
Set a System SSL parameter value.

func_or_parm is the name and enumeration value of the System SSL function that was called or the System SSL parameter whose value was set or retrieved. See z/OS Cryptographic Services System SSL Programming for more information about System SSL functions and parameters.

add_data is additional information traced with the following actions:
The System SSL handle for the Environment or Connection processed by the called function.
The value received for the parameter on the Get.
The value specified for the parameter on the Set.

System action


Operator response


System programmer response

If rcode has a value other than zero, use it to determine the cause of the error and correct if necessary. See z/OS Communications Server: IP Diagnosis Guide for more information.




Not applicable.

Procedure name



EZD1284I TTLS Flow  GRPID: 00000001 ENVID: 00000004 CONNID: 0000018C  RC:    0 
Set GSK_KEYRING_FILE(201) - ibmuser_ring

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