z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator's Guide
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Displaying PCIXCC, CEX2C, and CEX3C coprocessor roles

z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator's Guide

Use the ICSF panels to display the coprocessor role for the coprocessor. All the access control points enabled will be listed.

  1. Select option 1, COPROCESSOR MGMT, on the Primary Option panel, as shown in Figure 189.
    Figure 189. Selecting for Coprocessor Status on the Primary Menu Panel
     CSF@PRIM ----- Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility  ---------
     OPTION ===> 1
     Enter the number of the desired option.
       1  COPROCESSOR MGMT    -  Management of Cryptographic Coprocessors
       2  MASTER KEY MGMT     -  Master key set or change, CKDS/PKDS processing
       3  OPSTAT              -  Installation options
       4  ADMINCNTL           -  Administrative Control Functions
       5  UTILITY             -  ICSF Utilities
       6  PPINIT              -  Pass Phrase Master Key/KDS Initialization
       7  TKE                 -  TKE Master and Operational key processing
       8  KGUP                -  Key Generator Utility processes
       9  UDX MGMT            -  Management of User Defined Extensions
           Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
          5694-A01 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1990, 2011. All rights reserved.
          US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
          disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
     Press ENTER to go to the selected option.
     Press END   to exit to the previous menu.
  2. The Coprocessor Management panel appears. Refer to Figure 190.
    Figure 190. Coprocessor Management Panel
     CSFGCMP0 ---------------- ICSF Coprocessor Management -------------
     COMMAND ===> 
    Select the coprocessors to be processed and press ENTER.
    Action characters are: A, D, E, K, R, and S. See the help panel for details.
      CoProcessor    Number         Status   AES   DES   ECC   RSA 
      -----------   ---------       ------   ---   ---   ---   ---- 
     __ H00                         ACTIVE                         
     __ G01          00000001       ONLINE    U     U     U     U  
     __ G02          00000002       ACTIVE    C     U     U     C  
     __ G03          00000003       ACTIVE    C     U     A     C  
     R  G04          00000004       ACTIVE    C     C     A     C  
     __ G05          00000005       ONLINE    U     C     E     U  
     __ E06          00000006       ACTIVE    C     C     -     C  
     __ G07          00000007       OFFLINE    
  3. Select the PCIXCC, CEX2C, or CEX3C by entering an 'R' to the left of the coprocessor. Press enter and the Status Display panel appears (Figure 191).
    A TKE is required in order to change the coprocessor role. See z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF TKE Workstation User’s Guide.
    Figure 191. Coprocessor Role Status Displayed for a system without TKE connected
     CSFCMP30 ---------------- ICSF Status Display -------------
     COMMAND ===> 
    Enabled access control points from the default role for X02, domain 0.
    Access Control Manager - Read role 
    Authorize UDX
    Clear Key Import/Multiple Clear Key Import - DES
    Clear New AES Master Key
    Clear New DES Master Key Register
    Clear new ECC Master Key Register
    Clear new RSA Master Key Register 
    Clear PIN Encrypt 
    Clear PIN Generate - GBP
    Clear PIN Generate - Interbank 
    Clear PIN Generate - VISA PVV 
    Clear PIN Generate - 3624
    Clear PIN Generate Alternate - VISA PVV
    Clear PIN Generate Alternate - 3624 Offset 
    Combine AES Master Key Parts
    Combine DES Master Key Parts
    Combine RSA Master Key Parts
    Control Vector Translate 
    Cryptographic Variable Encipher
    Data Key Export
    Data Key Export - Unrestricted 
    Data Key Import 
    Data Key Import - Unrestricted 
    Decipher - DES
    Digital Signature Generate
    Digital Signature Verify
    Diversified Key Generate - single length or same halves
    Diversified Key Generate - CLR8-ENC
    Diversified Key Generate - SESS-XOR
    Diversified Key Generate - TDES-DEC
    Diversified Key Generate - TDES-ENC
    Diversified Key Generate - TDES-XOR
    Diversified Key Generate - TDESEMV2/TDESEMV4
    DATAM Key Management Control 
    DES Key Token Change
    Encipher - DES
    Encrypted PIN Generate - GBP 
    Encrypted PIN Generate - Interbank 
    Encrypted PIN Generate - 3624
    Encrypted PIN Translate - Reformat
    Encrypted PIN Translate - Translate
    Encrypted PIN Verify - GBP
    Encrypted PIN Verify - Interbank
    Encrypted PIN Verify - VISA PVV
    Encrypted PIN Verify - 3624
    Generate CVV
    Key Export
    Key Export - Unrestricted
    Key Generate - OP,IM,EX
    Key Generate - OPIM,OPEX,IMEX,etc.
    Key Generate - OPIM,OPEX,IMEX,etc. extended 
    Key Generate - SINGLE-R
    Figure 192. Coprocessor Role Status Displayed for a system without TKE connected - part 2
     CSFCMP30 ---------------- ICSF Status Display -------------
     COMMAND ===> 
    Key Import
    Key Import - Unrestricted
    Key Part Import - first key part
    Key Part Import - middle and last
    Key Part Import - ADD-PART
    Key Part Import - COMPLETE
    Key Part Import - RETRKPR
    Key Part Import - Unrestricted 
    Key Test 
    Key Translate 
    Load First AES Master Key Part 
    Load First DES Master Key Part
    Load First ECC Master Key Part
    Load First RSA Master Key Part
    Load Middle or Last ECC Master Key Part
    Multiple Clear Key Import/Multiple Secure Key Import - AES 
    MAC Generate
    MAC Verify
    NOCV KEK usage for export-related functions
    NOCV KEK usage for import-related functions
    Prohibit Export
    Prohibit Export Extended 
    PCF CKDS conversion utility
    PIN Change/Unblock - change EMV PIN with IPINENC
    PIN Change/Unblock - change EMV PIN with OPINENC
    PKA Decrypt
    PKA Encrypt
    PKA Key Generate
    PKA Key Generate - Clear 
    PKA Key Generate - Clone
    PKA Key Generate - Permit Regeneration Data 
    PKA Key Generate - Permit Regeneration Data Retain 
    PKA Key Import
    PKA Key Import - Import an External Trusted Block
    PKA Key Token Change RTCMK 
    PKA Key Translate - from source EXP KEK to target EXP KEK
    PKA Key Translate - from source IMP KEK to target EXP KEK
    PKA Key Translate - from source IMP KEK to target IMP KEK
    PKA Key Translate - from CCA RSA to SC CRT Format
    PKA Key Translate - from CCA RSA to SC ME Format
    PKA Key Translate - from CCA RSA to SC Visa Format
    Reencipher CKDS 
    Remote Key Export - Gen or export a non-CCA node Key
    Retained Key Delete
    Retained Key List
    Secure Key Import - DES,IM 
    Secure Key Import - DES,OP 
    Secure Messaging for Keys
    Secure Messaging for PINs 
    Figure 193. Coprocessor Role Status Displayed for a system without TKE connected – part 3
    Set AES Master Key
    Set DES Master Key
    Set ECC Master Key
    Set RSA Master Key
    Symmetric Algorithm Decipher - secure AES keys
    Symmetric Algorithm Encipher - secure AES keys
    Symmetric Key Export - AES, PKCSOAEP, PKCS-1.2
    Symmetric Key Export - AES, ZERO-PAD
    Symmetric Key Export - DES, PKCS-1.2 
    Symmetric Key Export - DES, ZERO-PAD
    Symmetric Key Generate - AES, PKCSOAEP, PKCS-1.2 
    Symmetric Key Generate - AES, ZERO-PAD
    Symmetric Key Generate - DES, PKA92
    Symmetric Key Generate - DES, PKCS-1.2 
    Symmetric Key Generate - DES, ZERO-PAD
    Symmetric Key Import - AES, PKCSOAEP, PKCS-1.2
    Symmetric Key Import - AES, ZERO-PAD
    Symmetric Key Import - DES, PKA92 KEK
    Symmetric Key Import - DES, PKCS-1.2 
    Symmetric Key Import - DES, ZERO-PAD 
    SET Block Compose
    SET Block Decompose 
    SET Block Decompose - PIN Extension IPINENC 
    SET Block Decompose - PIN Extension OPINENC 
    Transaction Validation - Generate 
    Transaction Validation - Verify CSC-3
    Transaction Validation - Verify CSC-4 
    Transaction Validation - Verify CSC-5 
    Trusted Block Create - Activate an Inactive Block
    Trusted Block Create - Create Block in Inactive form
    UKPT - PIN Verify, PIN Translate
    Verify CVV

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