z/OS Common Information Model User's Guide
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CIM server configuration

z/OS Common Information Model User's Guide

CIM server configuration

Configuration properties are used to control the behavior of the CIM server. The default configuration setting for the CIM server works for the majority of environments. Table 5 describes the configuration properties.

You can display or change the configuration settings using

  • the cimconfig UNIX System Services command
  • or the MODIFY console command

Column "dynamic Y/N" indicates if a configuration property is dynamic or not.

  • Dynamic configuration properties can be changed while the CIM server is running.
  • For those properties which you cannot dynamically change, use
    • either the -p parameter of the cimconfig command,
    • or the PLANNED option of the MODIFY command.
    to indicate your change. Then stop and restart the CIM server.

More information:

Table 5. CIM server configuration properties
Property nameDescriptionDefault valuedynamic Y/N
daemonThe foreground/background process property. Set daemon to 'false' to run the CIM server as foreground process or as a started task.true

For running the CIM server as a started task, this option is set to 'false'.

enableAuditLogWhen this option is set to true, the CIM server is writing SMF records 86. For details see Audit logging with SMF record 86.falseY
enableHttpConnectionThe HTTP connection to the CIM server. Enables and disables connections to the CIM server over HTTP. When turned off only local connections are accepted.trueN
enableHttpsConnectionThe HTTPS connection to the CIM server. Enables and disables secure connections to the CIM server via HTTPS. Note that it is not sufficient to turn on this option, but you must also enable an SSL connection through the AT-TLS feature at the z/OS Communications Server as described in Configuring the CIM server HTTPS connection using AT-TLS.
When set to true, ensure that the configured httpsPort can be used by the CIM server.
enableIndicationService'true' means the indication service is enabled. 'false' will disable the indication service.trueY
The remote privilege for users. Enables and disables remote access for users with UID 0.falseN
forceProviderProcessesWhen this option is set to 'true', providers will run in one or more separate address spaces. For details see Running providers in separate address spaces.

This option is ignored when MLS support is activated. The out-of-process provider support uses then one address space per security label for full protection of classified documents and information.

httpPortThe port to listen for HTTP requests. It is recommended not to change this value.
Make sure that the configured httpPort can be used by the CIM server.
httpsPortThe port to listen for HTTPS requests. AT-TLS should be configured to use this port. It is not recommended to change this value. This value is only active if enableHttpsConnection is set to true.
Make sure that the configured httpsPort can be used by the CIM server.
idleConnectionTimeoutThe timeout value in seconds that the CIM server uses to wait for idle client connections to close.

A client connection is considered as idle when it is not in the process of sending a request and when the CIM server is not processing a request from that connection.

If the value is set to 0, no timeout is used.

logLevelThe detail level for logging. Possible values are INFORMATION, WARNING, SEVERE, FATAL, or TRACE (see also Logging).INFORMATIONY
maxFailedProviderModuleRestartsThe number of times a failed provider module with indications enabled is restarted automatically before it is moved to the state Degraded.

If this value is zero, the failed provider module is moved to the state Degraded immediately.

maxIndicationDelivery RetryAttemptsIf set to a positive integer, this value defines the number of times that the indication service will try to deliver an indication to a particular listener destination. This does not effect the original delivery attempt, thus if set to 0, the CIM server will only try to deliver the indication once.3Y
maxProviderProcessesThe maximum number of separate address spaces for running providers. Only in effect if forceProviderProcesses is set to TRUE. If the value is set to 0, the number is unlimited.0Y
messageDirThe message bundle directory. Do not change the default.msgN
minIndicationDelivery RetryIntervalIf set to a positive integer, this value defines the minimal time interval in seconds for the indication service to wait before retrying to deliver an indication to a listener destination that previously failed. The CIM server may take longer due to Quality of Service or other processing.30Y
providerDirThe name of the directory where the provider libraries reside. You can specify multiple directories here, separated by a colon (':'). Provide the full path for all directories when changing the default.

Since the CIM server has its own set of providers, its lib directory always needs to be present in the list of provider directories. When adding new provider directories, it is also recommended to update the LIBPATH environment variable according to the new values of providerDir. This is required, because a provider may need other supplemental dynamic load libraries, which the CIM server is not aware of and therefore would otherwise fail to load.

repositoryDirThe name of the directory for the repository.
The CIM server repository serves as the default provider for CIM instances when no dynamic provider has been registered for a CIM class. trueN
shutdownTimeoutThe timeout value in seconds that the CIM server uses to wait for the shutdown process to complete. This value includes terminating active providers.30Y
slpThe CIM server uses the SLP Protocol to announce itself over the network.falseN
socketWriteTimeoutThe timeout value in seconds that the CIM server uses to wait for a client to receive data from the socket. After the timeout the CIM server will close the socket.20Y
traceComponentsThis option specifies the component(s) that you want to trace. The value ALL enables tracing for all components.

For more information refer to section Tracing, which also lists the valid components.

traceFacilityThis option specifies the trace destination.
saves the tracing messages to the file specified in traceFilePath
saves the tracing messages to the logging facility, if logLevel is set to TRACE (see Logging). This alternative combines the tracing message stream with the log messages.
saves tracing messages in a wrap around memory buffer. This buffer is included in memory dumps.

Specify the size of the allocated memory with the traceMemoryBufferKbytes property.

traceFilePathThis property specifies the fully qualified file which saves the trace data.
traceLevelSwitches tracing on or off, and sets the trace level of detail. Choose one of the following trace levels:

Tracing is off
Severe errors
Warning level error messages
Inter-function logic flow, medium data detail
High data detail
High data detail, method enter and exit

This does not include tracing for the providers. See also Tracing.
traceMemoryBufferKbytesSpecifies the size of the memory area which is reserved for tracing messages in kB (1kB=1024B). The value must be at least 16.

This value only becomes valid when traceFacility=MEMORY.


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