Configuring the endpoint (Liberty profile)

For the Liberty profile, configure the endpoint of the application resources through the JNDI environment.

About this task

Follow this procedure when you must change the endpoint of MobileFirst Administration services. The appropriate entries in the server.xml file must be correctly defined.


  1. Ensure that the <feature> element in the server.xml file is correctly defined to be able to define JNDI entries.
  2. In the <server> section of the server.xml file, add an entry for each required property. Each such entry should have the following syntax:
    <jndiEntry jndiName="JNDI_property_name" value="property_value"/>
    • JNDI_property_name is the name of the property that you are adding.
    • property_value is the value of the property that you are adding.
    For a complete list of JNDI properties that you can set, see List of JNDI properties for MobileFirst Server administration.

Example of setting properties for configuring the endpoint

This example shows the settings of the properties in the server.xml file that are required for configuring the endpoint of the application resources.
<jndiEntry jndiName="worklightconsole/ibm.worklight.admin.endpoint"
    value="" />
<jndiEntry jndiName="worklightadmin/ibm.worklight.admin.proxy.protocol"
    value="https" />
<jndiEntry jndiName="worklightadmin/"
    value="" />
<jndiEntry jndiName="worklightadmin/ibm.worklight.admin.proxy.port"
    value="443" />

In this example, assume that the context root of MobileFirst Operations Console is worklightconsole and that the context root of the Administration Services is worklightadmin. You can prefix the JNDI properties with the context root of the corresponding web application. If multiple instances of MobileFirst Server are running in the same web application server, this technique is particularly useful. If you have only one instance of MobileFirst Server, you can omit the context root prefix; for example:

<jndiEntry jndiName="ibm.worklight.admin.endpoint"
    value="" />
<jndiEntry jndiName="ibm.worklight.admin.proxy.protocol"
    value="https" />
<jndiEntry jndiName=""
    value="" />
<jndiEntry jndiName="ibm.worklight.admin.proxy.port"

For ibm.worklight.admin.endpoint, you can use the asterisk (*) character as wildcard for specifying that the MobileFirst Administration services use the same value as MobileFirst Operations Console. For example, *://*:*/wladmin means use the same protocol, host, and port as MobileFirst Operations Console, but use wladmin as context root.