Defining the endpoint of the MobileFirst Administration services

If circumstances require the parameters of the endpoint definition to be changed, you must configure properties of the web application server appropriately.

MobileFirst Operations Console must be able to locate the MobileFirst Administration REST services and must be able to generate various URI for the entry points of web applications or for the download of audit log files.

By default, the URI protocol, host name, and port are the same as those defined in the web application server used to access MobileFirst Operations Console; the context root of the MobileFirst Administration REST services is worklightadmin. When the context root of the MobileFirst Administration REST services is changed or when the internal URI of the web application server is different from the external URI, and the external URI is used to access MobileFirst Operations Console, the externally accessible endpoint (protocol, host name, and port) must be defined by configuring the web application server. Reasons for separating internal and external URI could be, for example, a firewall or a secured reverse proxy that uses HTTP redirection.

The following figure shows a configuration with a secured reverse proxy that hides the internal address (192.168...) when MobileFirst Operations Console is accessed with the external address (

Figure 1. Configuration with secured reverse proxy
Schematic representation of how the browser accessing MobileFirst Operations Console accesses MobileFirst Administration services through secured reverse proxy
Table 1. The endpoint properties
Property name Purpose Example
ibm.worklight.admin.endpoint This property enables MobileFirst Operations Console to locate the MobileFirst Administration REST services. The value of this property must be specified as the external address and context root of the worklightadmin.war web application. You can use the asterisk (*) character as wildcard for specifying that the MobileFirst Administration services use the same value as MobileFirst Operations Console. For example: *://*:*/wladmin means use the same protocol, host, and port as MobileFirst Operations Console, but use wladmin as context root. This property must be specified for the MobileFirst Operations Console application.
ibm.worklight.admin.proxy.protocol If external access is required, this property specifies the protocol for external browsers to access the MobileFirst Administration services. This property must be specified for the MobileFirst Administration services application. https If external access is required, this property specifies the host name for external browsers to access the MobileFirst Administration services. This property must be specified for the MobileFirst Administration services application.
ibm.worklight.admin.proxy.port If external access is required, this property specifies the port for external browsers to access the MobileFirst Administration services. This property must be specified for the MobileFirst Administration services application. 443