Class WL.Analytics



The IBM® Worklight® Analytics API provides the ability to enable, disable, and log analytics data.

The default settings is enabled, meaning data passed to the WL.Analytics.log API call by both the framework code and your code are persisted. You can explicitly enable or disable persistent data capture by calling WL.Analytics.enable or WL.Analytics.disable.

Starting in IBM® Worklight® V6.2.0, the enabling of Analytics capture by declaring it in initOptions.js is deprecated. For backward compatibility, when Analytics is enabled using initOptions.js, the event WL/ANALYTICS/READY is triggered. It is no longer necessary to wait for this event in order to use the WL.Analytics API.

Starting with IBM® Worklight® V6.2.0, the WL.Analytics API is available for use with no extra configuration or feature enablement required. Persistent collection of WL.Analytics.log data is enabled by default, and sent to the IBM® Worklight® server by default on successful network init.

Note: the data collected via the WL.Analytics API, after sending it to the IBM Worklight server, is made available in the Operational Analytics engine console on the "Search" tab, and only the "Search" tab.

Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description

Turns off the capture of analytics data.


Turns on the capture of analytics data.

log(message, name)

Logs a message with additional contextual information.

Send any analytics data collected up to this point to the IBM Worklight server.

Get the current state of WL.Analytics.

Method Detail
{Promise} disable()

Turns off the capture of analytics data.

{Promise} Resolved with no parameters, rejected with an error object.

.then(function () {
  //Capture of analytics data is fully disabled.

.fail(function (errObj) {
  //errObj.src = function that failed
  //errObj.res = error message

{Promise} enable()

Turns on the capture of analytics data.

The Promise returned by enable must be resolved prior to any WL.Analytics API call.

Starting with IBM® Worklight® V6.2.0, WL.Analytics.enable no longer takes any parameter arguments and it is no longer necessary to wait for the returned Promise to be resolved to continue using the WL.Analytics API.

{Promise} Resolved with no parameters, rejected with an error object.

.then(function () {
  //Capture of analytics data is fully enabled.

.fail(function (errObj) {
  //errObj.src = function that failed
  //errObj.res = error message

{Promise} log(message, name)

Logs a message with additional contextual information.

Log messages are automatically added to a persistent queue. The accumulated data is automatically sent to IBM® Worklight® server on the next successful network init or explicit WL.Analytics.send function call.

{string or object} message Optional - The message to log.
{string} name Optional - The name of the message to log.
{Promise} Resolved with no parameters, rejected with an error object.
WL.Analytics.log('my record');
// or
WL.Analytics.log({data: [1,2,3]});
// or
WL.Analytics.log({data: [1,2,3]}, 'MyData');

{Promise} restart()
{Promise} Resolved with no parameters, rejected with an error object.
since version 6.2. WL.Analytics.restart is now a NOP.

.then(function () {

.fail(function (errObj) {
  //errObj.src = function that failed
  //errObj.res = error message

{Promise} send()
Send any analytics data collected up to this point to the IBM Worklight server.
{Promise} Resolved with success status, rejected with an error message.

{Promise} state()

Get the current state of WL.Analytics.

The state object is kept by WL.Analytics and contains the following key:

  • enabled (boolean) - Value is true if capture is enabled, false otherwise.

Changing the state object that is returned does not affect the state object that is kept internally.

WL.Analytics.state() .then(function (state) { // {enabled: true} }) .fail(function (errObj) { //errObj.src = function that failed //errObj.res = error message });
{Promise} Resolved with state object parameters, rejected with an error object.

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